Monday, January 16, 2012

IPhone: Free Mobile deal with competitive offerings - V

International calls

The basic package includes Free calls to fixed and mobile in France, the United States, Canada, Alaska and Hawaii.

The program also calls to landlines in these countries: Azores, Germany, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Hungary, Canary Islands, Ireland, Italy, Latvia , Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Martinique, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Reunion, Romania, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Sweden and Switzerland.

IPhone: Free Mobile deal with competitive offerings - IV


It is now rare to have a mobile phone but no fixed Internet. All operators offer ADSL offerings combining fixed and mobile television and telephone.

Free does not offer independent, but the company offers its subscribers Freebox € 4 per month on wireless service plan. A total of 24 months with the purchase of a 16 GB iPhone 4S, you'll get € 2015 in Free. We compared the equivalent offerings from its competitors by not taking into account the additional costs that may apply if, for example, you are not in unbundled areas.

IPhone: Free Mobile deal with competitive offerings - III

With a fixed 3 hours

If the comparison is final with unlimited plans, rarely used many hours of use per month, especially as the DSL box all offer unlimited and free. We compared the offers Free to cheaper packages that contain 3 hours of voice and options tailored to the iPhone.

24 months

The difference with the offer of Free mobile is less important, but it is always present with these packages on one condition: Sosh. The operator does not propose to offer three hours, but the special edition package comes close 2 hours. Inexpensive (€ 22.90 per month with no commitment), it does not support the phone, but the bill is light total: € 1148 after 24 months, less than € 51 Free. The package is however very different.

IPhone: Free Mobile deal with competitive offerings - II

With a flat rate

Incumbent operators offer packages more expensive monthly, but that fund at the same time the phone partner. According to Xavier Niel, the offer of Free remains largely cheaper anyway.

We compared the offers of the three incumbents on the total price of a 16 GB iPhone 4S and paid a fee for two years. Two profiles were selected package for this comparison:

- A package as close as possible to that of Free, with unlimited calls, unlimited SMS and unlimited internet, but restrained

IPhone: Free Mobile deal with competitive offerings - I

Free mobile packages were presented this morning (read: The second revolution Free). The operator announced that the iPhone at launch, it will actually wait until January 27 next.

Prices in Free iPhone

At that time, you can buy an iPhone as expected 4S € 1, provided the fund then. Several funding opportunities are offered by Free, 24 or 36 months. This table summarizes the final price of each model and the difference from the rate naked on the Apple Store.