Apple would test a synchronization feature Wi-Fi for its iPod for two years now, and consider the use of carbon fiber to improve transmission. Cult of Mac says that Jobs is pushing to integrate such functionality in portable music players, a way to revitalize technically. And probably also cling to the next line services that are ready to Apple. Fire Zune Microsoft already offers this type of wireless synchronization.
Apple would be difficulties in developing a system that can combine several criteria: reliability and signal strength, design of the player and autonomy. The source said that several of CoM materials and design have been tested, but with modest results. The use of contrast in the carbon fiber to the cabinet would have improved things significantly.
Prototypes have been made with the iPod Classic and the previous nano, but that is not the ideal or standard of what engineers want. However they do a lot of progress, "said the informant.
Apple has filed patents involving carbon fiber and in particular how the color (which would be fine in the context of a family of iPod) and last month it has secured the services of a specialist composite materials, which ran for 13 years a manufacturer of bicycle racing, a pioneer in the use of carbon fiber.