BGR got their hands on what would be a prototype i Phone 4 running on the network operator T-Mobile U.S., AT & T and European carriers. T-Mobile uses a GSM / UMTS, but it is somewhat specific, and the current model of i Phone is not compatible.
We know the i Phone is compatible with five bands of 3G networks: 800, 850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz. Mean while T-Mobile, uses the 1700 MHz band that does not support the i Phone.
The prototype has obtained BGR has the model number N94 - the i Phone "normal" is number N90, while the i Phone "Verizon" has the N92 model. It uses an internal IOS build with specific applications to Apple (the application of bug-tracking radar in particular), and like all other white prototype i Phone that has been so far. It is particularly with the older version of the proximity sensor, which changed the final version of the i Phone white.
BGR has not always been reliable, but got very good information in recent months. While there is talk of an iPhone capable of running 5 on all networks (GSM / UMTS and CDMA), the development of an iPhone to the network of T-Mobile is rather logical.