In the list, there are expected classics, like the three applications of iLife: iMovie (11.99 €), iPhoto (11.99 €) and GarageBand (11.99 €), and three applications iWork: Pages (15.99 €), Numbers (15.99 €) and Keynote (15.99 €). These applications have always been successful before the Mac App Store and it has further highlighted and has probably allowed many users to upgrade at a lower cost by purchasing only the software they used at Instead of buying a complete suite. GarageBand has perhaps the success of the iPad version (3.99 €).

Although priced at the floor of the App Store, FaceTime (0.79 €) has been so successful that the application has to rise to eighth place among the most profitable applications. FaceTime is still number one overall in the Mac App Store U.S., as in many other countries around the world. Conversely, Aperture (€ 62.99) has perhaps not been as successful as the number of downloads, but its higher price has undoubtedly helped Apple to earn large sums. If the price is at the top of the ladder on the Mac App Store, it is well below the prices before leaving on the application store dedicated to Mac OS X, which explains its success.
Among these nine applications, where the strangest is undoubtedly that of Apple's development environment, Xcode (3.99 €). For the first time, Apple has decided to sell its IDE, which had always been offered free until then and that was all the same installation DVD included with the Mac. If Xcode 3 is still available for free, provided to create a free developer account, Xcode is now paying 4, available to developers who pay the annual fee of 79 € indispensable to publish on the App Store, or those who want the purchase via the Mac App Store.

Fairly amazing, FDI is a box of Apple in the Mac App Store and it is today second in many countries. Why such success? IOS developers or those who chose the winning formula from Apple have no reason to buy again in Xcode the Mac App Store because they have free access through the development center. It is all developers "historic" that do not intend to change their means of distribution from a Mac App Store, which did not pay for Apple's developer program, but want to learn Xcode 4.
This is undeniably the world, but these downloads are also strong, perhaps, a sign of attraction to the public. Xcode allows you to disable the multitouch gestures on the iPad with IOS 4.3 (read: iOS 4.3: enable multitouch gestures for iPad), but there may also be curious, clumsy and maybe, who knows, the Developers who collect all versions of Xcode. Whatever the motivations, the fact is that proposing Xcode on the Mac App Store has been a great idea commercially. And according to the general trend of American reviews, Apple could have sold its software far more expensive ...

Mac App Store offers unparalleled visibility to thousands of developers. But given this performance, we also understand why Apple has created this store: The company sells its software as ever and this would justify the arrest of software sales in its physical Apple Store. By putting all of its software sold on the Mac App Store, Apple's strength so users of Mac OS X to try this new distribution channel and everything suggests that the company will go deeper into this process. After all, the beta of Mac OS X Leo was sent to developers via the Mac App Store: a system operating in the App Store, the idea would have laughed a few months ago, maybe it will be a reality this summer ...