Showing posts with label Apple exchange server. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apple exchange server. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The server for all Mac OS X Server Lion Part.II

By default, the Server Admin application that allowed far more depth to configure the system is not even installed in Mac OS X Lion. One can nevertheless add, and with it the set of tools dedicated to the server configuration that will take place in / Applications / Server.

The Admin Server no longer supports Mac OS X Lion in that which is not managed by the application server. Only certain services, or some advanced options are accessed through its interface. Most users with only limited needs and will not even have to use Server Admin to be a must on the contrary, in more complex configurations.

Server-side preferences are indeed very small. Apple took a big household, leaving only the options that are strictly necessary in the context of use with a Mac Mini Server for a small business for example. The interface is simple, many explanations: the audience for this new application is very different from the Server Admin.

On average, Apple has simplified its system server, but some new features should also satisfy the most demanding users. One example among others, Open Directory (centralized directory service) can now be restricted based on client IP addresses. This is useful for large companies who must manage a large fleet of machines with a single shared directory.

This is one of the biggest new features of Mac OS X Server Lion: a profile manager for IOS devices and Mac OS X. This system allows you to configure mass of iPhone, iPod touch or iPad by simply passing through a web interface. The terminals can be configured as standard (password required, VPN, etc.), But also managed remotely (that is to say, deleted, locked or unlocked).

With Leo, the system is added to Apple computers, provided only that they run on Mac OS X Lion. A network administrator can configure and manage remote machines much easier than before.

The server for all Mac OS X Server Lion Part.I

With Leo, Apple Exchange Server is in depth the variation of its system. Until Leopard, Mac OS X Server cost € 500 for 10 users, or € 1000 without limit with version 10.6, Apple had already lowered its prices by removing the version limited to 10 users, and not selling more than the unlimited version to € 499.

Apple goes much further in its next system since the company removes just Mac OS X Server as a system and makes an application for Mac OS X Lion client. As of July, for € 39.99 only, any Mac running on Lion will become the server and perform all the functions previously reserved for Mac OS X Server. A major change that goes in the direction of a general simplification of server functions: Apple aims to create nothing less than "the server for all’.

For all, that is to say for every budget, but also all the machines. While Mac OS X Server was rather designed to run on the Xserve, Mac OS X Server version lion can run on any Mac, as shown it very well the Apple site. Prior warning before you install the Server configuration back to a Mac OS X Lion client is difficult. In the current version, Apple offers no simple way to go back, it is necessary to reinstall the system. However, Mac OS X Server configuration lion looks like two peas in Mac OS X Lion client (even this is Photo Booth ...) and it is quite possible to install the Server on a machine to be used for everyday use.

Mac OS X Server Lion, Apple offers an entirely new application configuration for the server. Server named simply, this application provides easy access to some of the options for Mac OS X Server and somehow replace the server preferences from previous versions. For this application, you can manage users and groups, the various services or get some useful information on the server.