Thursday, June 1, 2023

How to Uninstall Apps on Mac

How to Uninstall Apps on Mac

Are you feeling irritated due to cluttered screens & unused apps on your Mac? Deleting apps can't help you anymore to free up valuable storage space and streamline your system. But the new Mac users may be confused about the way to delete apps properly.

While it is simple to delete apps on Mac, you must do a few extra things to ensure that the deleted application doesn't leave behind unnecessary files. The leftover files may occupy space on the hard drive causing your device to bloat, mainly with large apps.

It is possible to delete apps and their associated files within seconds. You can do this in different ways. So, let's dive into the article to learn how to uninstall apps on Mac.

How to Uninstall Apps on Mac:

1. Using Finder:

Your first job is to look for the app you are willing to uninstall on your Desktop or in a Finder window. Suppose the app is on the Dock, but you cannot find this anywhere else. In that case, you need to tap on this in the Dock. Then, choose Options and Show in Finder. There will be two choices as soon as you find the app icon. One is that you can hit the icon & choose Move to Trash. Another choice is to click the app icon & drag it to the Trash app.

Sometimes, you may not see the app icon in your Finder or Desktop along with most of the data. If you see it in the Dock, tap on it. Then, you will get to see an error message, which will disappear thereafter.

If you are willing to delete all data, you should open Trash. After that, you need to tap on Empty in the top-right corner. When you wish to remove the application entirely, navigate to every folder individually. 

Then, you need to delete the following:

  • The location of Binary and dock icons are in /Applications/ 
  • The location of Application support files is in ~/Library/Application Support 
  • You can find Support Caches in /Library/Caches/ and ~/Library/Caches 
  • Location of Plugins are in ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ 
  • You can find Library in ~/Library/ 
  • App preferences are available in ~/Library/Preferences/ 
  • Crashes are available in ~/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/ 
  • App saved states are available in ~/Library/Saved Application State/

Several hidden files exist, a few of which the user can't access. The macOS/OS X prevents you from deleting some app files.

2. Using Launchpad:

If the app can be downloaded, it can also be uninstalled through the Launchpad.

  • First, your task is to open Launchpad. Then, scroll this to look for the application you want to uninstall. 
  • After that, you have to tap on the mouse & hold this on the application until all apps begin shaking. 
  • If you have downloaded the app from the App Store, it must come with an X icon in the top-right corner. Then, you should tap on X and then on Delete. 
  • Finally, the app icon and its data will disappear.

3. Uninstall apps with third-party apps:

You can use a third-party app or uninstaller module to delete many apps simultaneously. The procedure you should follow is as follows:

  • Your first job is downloading the app and opening this. 
  • Then, you need to navigate to Uninstaller. 
  • Select All Applications. 
  • After that, you have to choose boxes adjacent to the apps which you are willing to remove and tap on Uninstall.

4. Use the native uninstaller:

Several apps come with a design that allows people to clean up after themselves. These come with a default uninstaller, referred to as a self-destroying utility. These are mainly third-party apps that you can download from the internet.

You can find the original uninstallers in Finder > Applications. Sometimes, the application appears as a folder within the Applications folder. Usually, it contains a separate uninstaller, or the uninstaller will appear as a separate app. You will see the name as [Your app] Uninstaller or Uninstall [Your App].

After opening the folder, you need to find the launcher. Then, you should follow onscreen instructions. Once you remove apps, it is possible to enjoy additional storage space. After that, remember that you need to remove leftovers.

How to Delete Associate Files of Apps Manually:

Whether you are unwilling to delete app-related files from your Mac using a third-party app, you must undergo the manual process. Although it takes up your time when you select to do this, it will be still as effective as you use any third-party software.

  • Hence, you should navigate to Finder. Then, hold down the Option key. After that, tap on Go. 
  • Now, you need to tap on the Library. 
  • Put the deleted app's name in the search bar. 
  • Tap on the Library filter.

You may see the app's associated files left behind. Hence, your task is to go ahead & move these to the trash. Remember that you may experience a lot of errors while doing it manually. That's why it is essential to be conscious not to delete important files. If you don't know what to do, use a third-party tool.

The bottom line:

Deleting apps from Mac is very easy. There are no complex steps that you need to follow to remove them completely. Besides, it is not necessary to be a tech whiz. Go through the article properly to learn how to uninstall apps from Mac.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the best way to completely remove an app from a Mac?

You can use a third-party app & its Uninstaller module. While it helps to remove all remaining things, you can do this quickly also. You may run a native uninstaller, but it is not applicable to all apps.

Q. Why should you remove leftover files?

It is because you need to free up space to reduce the risks of Mac slowing down.

Q. Which one is better when deleting apps: using a third-party app or manual


If you use a dedicated third-party tool, you will be 100% sure it will remove all leftover files from the Mac. Therefore, you can say that it is significantly faster.

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