Wednesday, April 1, 2020

How to Go Incognito on iPhone - Macmyth

How to Go Incognito on iPhone
In this digital world, most of the people leave digital footprints everywhere they go online such as browsing sites, log in to sites, and more. So, these traces were closely monitored by others to show advertisements, and in some cases, hackers may take advantage. If you are striving to check out how to go incognito on iPhone? Then you'll check how to go incognito on iPhone in this post.

Usually, it's hard to stay incognito on the web; any browsing session leaves lots of information behind. So, to prevent your browsing history, you have to use private Browsing. Now, let's check out how to go incognito on iPhone or how to use private Browsing on the iPhone.

But before that, let's find out what is the incognito mode and why use incognito mode.

What is the incognito mode and How to Go Incognito on iPhone:

Incognito mode is often referred to as private browsing mode. This is the setting within the browser you use. It prevents you from saving your internet browsing history, and it does not store any content, video and cookies of the website you visit.

What Incognito mode keeps private:

Incognito mode or the private browsing feature of the iPhone's Safari web browser, prevents the browser from leaving digital footprints and makes your Browsing safe. Generally deleting history doesn't offer complete privacy, so it's best to use Incognito mode.

Whenever you use this incognito mode, your iPhone will not store below things:

  • In this mode, it doesn't save any records of your browsing history.
  • It does not save passwords.
  • This does not allow auto complete or auto filling your passwords.
  • It does not retain search history.
  • Prevents websites from adding tracking cookies.

As you are striving to find out how to go incognito on iPhone, check this article you'll find out how to go incognito on iPhone.

What Private Browsing Doesn't Do:

The iPhone's Incognito mode or private browsing feature doesn't offer robust privacy or standout privacy. Besides that, it provides something. Let's explore what incognito mode doesn't block.

  • Bookmarks usually saved in a private browsing session are visible in normal browser mode.
  •  The IP address of the device and other related data are visible.
  •  A person who monitors traffic on the network can see what pages you visit. It happens mostly at the workplace or when using a work device.
  • Servers can see your device and behavior.
  • ISP providers see your device and behavior as well.
  • If the device has monitoring software, then its private Browsing cannot stop recording your activity.

Let’s check out how to go incognito on iPhone.

How to Turn on Incognito Mode on iPhone: 

To turn on incognito mode on iPhone or private browsing on iPhone or iPad you have to follow the below process. If you are striving to find out how to go incognito on iPhone? Then you should turn on private browsing on iPhone or iPad.

  • Click on the Safari to simply open it.
  • Then click on the "New Window" icon that is available in the lower right-hand corner. (This looks like two overlapping rectangles)
  • Then you have to click on the Private option.
  • After that tap on the "+" button to quickly open a new window.
  • Now, you are in incognito mode on the iPhone.
  • While you are in private mode, the top and the bottom of the site you generally visit in safari turn into the dark grey color.

This is how to go incognito on iPhone or how to turn on private browsing on iPhone and iPad. Let's now check out turn off private browsing or incognito mode.

How to turn off Incognito Mode or Private Browsing on iPhone: 

In the above step you have turned on incognito mode, now let's check out how to turn off private browsing on iPhone.

  • Click on the "New Window Icon"
  • Then click on Private.
  • Now, a private browsing window disappears.
  • Windows that were opened in safari before will reappear.

This way you can turn off the private browsing mode on iPhone or iPad.

Important information about iPhone incognito mode: 

People will use private browsing because they don't want other people to see what you are looking for, but if you are using "IOS 8" there is a glitch. If you turn on incognito mode and browse and then off the mode. Your browsing activity will be saved so if you are using iOS then have a look at the glitch and update your version.

Modern versions don't have this problem, so you are protected. This is all about private browsing on the iPhone. If you are striving to find out how to go incognito on iPhone? This article is helpful because it has all the information you need.


This is all about the incognito mode or private browsing mode on iPhone or iPad. If you are having any issues then do let us know in the comment section.

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