
Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Go Cable Free with this Belkin Apple Charge Dock

Belkin Apple Charge Dock
If you own an Apple watch and an iPhone and suffer from the malady of too many wires all over the place then this Belkin Apple charge dock is the one for you. It’s right what the doctor ordered or in this case Belkin. This charge dock comes with a single wire that charges up your iPhone and Apple Watch simultaneously, allowing you to bid adieu to too many cables on the nightstand.

With the 21st century we have benefited from gadgets like the iPhone and the Apple Watch but add to that the cables that are needed to charge them with and you’ve got a full nightmare on your hands with cables streaming this way and that. But with this Belkin Apple charge dock, all that is a thing of the past. With charging becoming a lot more orderly. So, now you can enjoy the benefits from using those gadgets without worrying about messy charging cables at all.

Belkin Apple charge Dock is one sturdy Charging Dock: 

The Belkin Apple charge dock comes with a sturdy and not- so- easy- to- slip- off- base. This means that you can tap away while the iPhone is charging without worrying about the Dock and the phone going down.

Not only that, the fit of the iPhone and the Apple watch into the Belkin Apple charge dock is so secure, leaving no shift room, making the whole device feel sturdy and safe.

The lightning connector with some well thought of features makes it easier to use the Belkin Apple charge dock. The lightning tip moves backwards and forwards making it easy for you to slip your iPhone onto the charging dock easily and securely. There is even a dial on the back of the dock that allows you to choose just how much you’d like it to protrude from the base allowing the Belkin Apple charge dock to fit an iPhone with any case on it.

A Single cable to meet all your charging needs: 

The Belkin Apple charge dock comes with a single AC cable making charging not only simpler but which also means that you won’t have to use the charging cable that Apple provides with the Apple Watch. Making that cable a backup one that you can keep in the office.

The Belkin Apple charge dock is also a fast gadget when it comes to charging both the iPhone and the Apple Watch simultaneously.

Simplistic design all the way: 

The Belkin Apple charge dock isn’t something of modern art. It’s simple, innocuous design is perhaps its most defining feature. It does not feel that it is getting in your way and blends seamlessly with your work space or any space for that matter. Its space grey color adds to that unobstructive look that it has going on.

The design of the Belkin Apple charge dock is such that it has a space for the iPhone and another small space at the side for the Apple watch.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Samsung Foldable Smartphone Revealed to Developers

Samsung Foldable Smartphone

Samsung to Launch its First Folding Smartphone

Samsung recently unveiled news of its first folding smartphone but no one got up and personal with the device. From afar spectators got to see what probably is a first of its kind. Samsung plans on releasing their new folding smartphone somewhere next year. This event was a chance for developers to start with making apps that are folding- smartphone- compatible. This folding Smartphone could be Smasung’s saving grace as their profits have shown a drop in their mobile division.

It could also signal a start for Apple customers to move on from their products and switch on to Samsung.

Will the Foldable Smartphone be really worth it? 

With Foldable Smartphones you get the screen of a tablet in the size of a gadget that can fit into your pocket. But is the size of the Foldable screen really worth it given it enormous retail price?

The prototype showed off at the Samsung event measured 7.3inches diagonally or 18.5cms if you prefer.

Up close the foldable smartphone resembled an extremely thick phone but as mentioned earlier no one was allowed to touch it.

But will this be the only Foldable Gadget? 

Apparently several Android manufacturers are well on their way to making many foldable devices all set to release somewhere next year.

There were already talks that Samsung planned on releasing their new smartphone device next year but whether that will be the much awaited foldable smartphone is a big question mark.

Google at the Foldable smartphone Event: 

Also present at the foldable smartphone event was Google who also promised to bring more features compatible with the foldable Smartphone.

Samsung too is all set to start mass production of their latest foldable smartphone release in the coming months.

Developers to make Foldable Smartphone Compatible Apps in the coming months:

This event was a chance for app developers worldwide to start making apps that will be compatible with the new foldable smartphone. The fact that Google was present too suggests that this new foldable smartphone will be taken seriously at least in the app department.

Customers may be another matter…

Like any company, Samsung too wants their foldable smartphone to be a hit. But analysts are not so sure this will be possible.

According to analysts, shoppers may find the gadget a little too thick to like using it. The second negative factor is that the foldable smartphone ain’t going to come cheap. This factor coupled with the previous one will make the foldable smartphone a little less successful than initially anticipated.
Samsung has a big task on its hands:

Given all the negatives, Samsung will have to show people that the phone is not just a gimmick but will in fact increase their productivity. Although the foldable smartphone may have its charm in the shape of an increased phone screen size, the initial wow factor may slowly dwindle once people realize that the foldable smartphone is not really worth the price.

By the looks of it Samsung has invested a lot in its foldable smartphone by making a lot of investments by way of new manufacturing processes and machines.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Apple Music or Spotify? Here’s How to Decide

Apple Music
Apple Music and Spotify are both good streaming services. Many of you already know which one you’ll be using. They both have the same essential features, the same sound quality and not much to complain about. But what about those who keep shifting from subscription to subscription, not knowing which will give them the best deal?

Will it be Spotify or Apple Music? Ultimately it is your money and you’ll be looking for the best place to spend it. So this article is the one for you.

You Might want to give Apple Music a Try if you have your own songs: 

If you’re one of those types that prefer to listen to your own music or mixes over today’s music, then you’re better off using Apple Music. If you have your own bootlegs or personal mixes that are not possible to get on any streaming service then Apple Music is the one for you.

You may have some albums that have modified versions of songs that makes copyrighting them complex so many streaming services steer clear away from those songs. In these cases you’d be better downloading them form your CD onto iTunes which is pretty simple enough and then you can hear those songs on your phone as well. This is not to say you can’t do the same on Spotify as well but it’s just that it involves a whole lengthy process that is better avoided.

Using many Devices- use Spotify:

Apple Music may not have much wrong with it but when it comes to listening to music on multiple devices you may have to use Spotify. Apple Music is the same as it was years ago but on the other hand Spotify has much to offer and many new features added since those same years.

Spotify has an excellent desktop app that you can use to play music from and onto you Bluetooth speakers. With Spotify you can even play music from a web browser interface.

Apple Music works the same as well but just not as easily and smoothly as you might expect.

Looking for rare Songs get Apple Music: 

Spotify claims to have over 30 million songs and Apple music claims to have over 40 million which does not mean that Apple Music is the better bet. When you go on to look for music you may get all you’re looking for on both streaming services but it might be that one song that crops up every once in a while that you don’t find and this could happen on either streaming service. It’s not like they both keep offering the exact same songs. Some might be different.

Coming back to the point Apple Music gets early releases of songs much faster than what Spotify does, mainly because of artists signing up with Apple first.

Better Radio on Apple Music: 

Apple Music has a wide variety of radios- decade wise and genre wise, this means that you get all songs from a specific type in one place.

Spotify has radio stations but has songs that are limited to the same algorithms, which makes it hard to hear good songs that don’t fit into the bracket.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Apple Just Killed GrayKey iPhone Passcode Hack

GrayKey iPhone

How Apple’s iOS 12 may have just Blocked GrayKey from accessing your iPhone

Everyone believes Apple’s iPhones are one of the best smart phones in the market which maybe true of course! One of the main reasons why, is because of the tight security that Apple gadgets gives to a user. This is at least what many believe to be true but is it a fact? In Android while everything is open source where all are able to see and dissect- that is if you’re an expert in such stuff, Apple seems to be a closed book. That is until GrayKey.

Apple, this may come as a surprise to some, but it is still not indefensible.With GrayKey, users, that is mainly law enforcement, can access your data which is kept locked up in your phone. Of course this whole procedure has not come cheap to them.

What really is GrayKey? 

Grayshift, the makers behind GrayKey manufactured a device that can apparently unlock your iPhone and get to your data. This GrayKey is only sold to law enforcement but has now become useless after Apple’s release of iOS 12.

Grayshift keeps the coding to GrayKey a secret and sells it only to governments and law enforcement to decrypt encrypted devices such as the iPhone.

GrayKey sells for $15,000 a piece with that one piece being able to unlock only 300 devices and for the unlimited variety, the government would have to shell out another $15,000.

Apple’s first Strike to GrayKey: 

The unlimited license that GrayKey provided became less appealing over the summer as Apple launched USB restricted mode in iOS. This update basically ensures that iPhone data is secure after one hour of the phone being locked.

This defense was however short lived as many experts speculated that hackers could keep iPhones unlocked for longer until they got into secure files.

GrayKey one Apple zero!

Apple comes out the winner with GrayKey: 

With iOS 12 Apple seems to have turned the tables on GrayKey. How you say? Well we don’t really know. All we do know is that GrayKey will be able to work only on partial extraction mode now. Which means that all law enforcement officials will be able to get is a few unencrypted files, metadata, folders and not much else.

Keeping a secret with GrayKey:

Grayshift or the makers behind GrayKey have kept everything hush hush about their breakthrough gadget. So, it becomes difficult to speculate how exactly Apple has blocked GrayKey without really knowing how it works.

The bare minimum that we know, is that GrayKey would run propriety software onto the iPhone and open the passcode without the retry option coming on.

Apple may have used deep kernel changes as well as the previous USB restricted mode to block GrayKey besides other things.

But this is not the end for GrayKey. As the company has made a lot of money in the Apple iPhone hacking game it is not likely that they are going to quit anytime soon.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

New Mac Mini Packs a Huge Punch

New Mac Mini

A More Powerful New Mac Mini to get the Job Done!

The theme running with all the Apple gadgets released this time has been- more power and more work done. The new mac mini is no different too. Apple has boosted the performance of the new mac mini with quad and 6 core processors, 64GB of enhanced memory and a super- fast all flash storage. What’s more and this one is going to be greatly appreciated by all those concerned with protecting the environment- Apple has made the new mac mini from recycled materials.

So, now without wasting more time let’s look at the specs of the new mac mini: 

Sleek and recycled enclosure with the new Mac Mini:

Apple has made the enclosure of the mac mini in a cool space grey with recycled aluminum. This is the first time that an Apple gadget has been made from recyclable materials.

Don’t you go and think now, that it wouldn’t be as good as other Apple gadgets. Apple promises that you get the same quality finish with the new recycled material that all their other gadgets have.

Aluminum is not the only recycled material that has been used but Apple has also gone ahead with recycling post- consumer plastic in parts like the foot of the new mac mini. All in all, the carbon footprint in making the new mac mini is dropped to less than 50%.

A More Powerful Processor with the New Mac Mini: 

Apple has given the new mac mini a major upgrade in terms of a power boost with the quad- 6-core 8th generation Intel Core processor. This processor gives you turbo boost like never before with speeds reaching 4.6GHz.

Tasks that seemed taxing before are now made easy with the new mac mini such as photo and video editing and even software and app development.

The new mac mini gives you 64GB of 2,666MHz memory so that you can now load larger files in much lesser the time than before.

Apple T2 Security Chip inside the New Mac Mini: 

Apple has brought industry level security to the new mac mini with the T2 security chip. The T2 security chip features an SSD controller with data encryption which means that any and all of your data that passes through the chip is automatically encrypted.

The T2 security chip also comes with a Secure Enclave which ensures that all software that loads during the booting process has not been tampered with. The T2 chip also comes with features like HEVC video transcoding that enables you to work more quickly and with a higher resolution.

macOS Mojave on the New Mac Mini: 

All the latest or new macs come with Apple’s new macOS Mojave, featuring the new dark mode that puts the focus on user content and a whole bunch of new features.

The macOS Mojave is pegged as one of the best desktop OS to be released to date.

You can get the new mac mini starting at $799.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

How to Protect Your iCloud Account from Online Threats

iCloud account
Hackers are getting more notorious day by day by improving their hacking skills. That's why most of the people are worried about their online information. On top of these, the recent icloud security issues are making people more concerned than ever. Most people started searching for “how to protect your icloud accounts” topics just to stay safer.

If you don't know about the recent news, then I am talking about the “China infiltrated Apple” issue. There are some claims that China has infiltrated apple with hidden chips to the last year's threats “ Turkish crime family” regarding the stolen password issues.

Now, with this news people are wondering what their private and essential information which is stored in iCloud is not safe. So, most of the people are thinking to remove data from icloud, and some people are thinking about “how to protect your icloud account.”

If you are wondering how to protect your icloud account from those hackers? Then don't worry I have covered the best tips to stay away from those attacks.

Here’s how you can safeguard your data.

Back Up All the Vulnerable & Normal Data: 

First of all, you need to back up your entire icloud data. Although icloud is used to store our information, it is best to back up your data in your Mac or iPhone.

Now, if you don't know how to back your data means have a look at this process.
  • Plug in your device into your Mac.
  • Then go to iTunes and hover over to the top left-hand corner.
  • Now, Under the play controls, you will find the tiny icon of a phone.
  • Click on that, and it will take you to the device menu.
  • Now, click on the summary in the left-hand side.
  • Then you will see three checkboxes. In that choose select backups.
  • After that, choose to automatically or manually backup the device.
  • That's it with this you have successfully backed up your data.
The only bad thing about this process is it won’t back up your Apple Pay information and settings along with that it also won't backup purchased iTunes Content.

So, this is the minor glitch in backing up your icloud account. If you don't want to lose anything from your icloud account, then you can protect the icloud account by following these security tips.

Let’s get into the process of “ how to protect your icloud account.”

How to protect your icloud account: 

To protect your icloud account, you have to take some security measures. As Apple’s icloud works on end to end encryption, it has been harder for hackers to hack into the accounts. But nowadays there are finding some ways to get through. So, you have to make sure you are following some best practices to protect your icloud account.

1. Create a strong & Robust Password: 

This is the primary and best practice to protect your online accounts. In general, the password of iCloud is the same as the password of your Apple account. So, you have to be conscious in securing your password by keeping the unhackable password.

Usually, Apple has some requirements while creating a password.
  • It should be eight characters long.
  • You should use at least one special character.
  • Use upper and lowercase letters.
  • You should have at least one number.
With these requirements as users, we can create an unhackable password. But, it is not happening in real time. Most of the users are keeping their name and adding one special character and keeping 1234 as numbers.

This format can be easily solved by hackers these days. So, as a user, you should be smart in selecting the password. You should reseat the old apple id password and update the password and keep the strongest one.

Here to create a robust password you should be using around 13-15 characters password with the combination of numbers, special characters, uppercase, and lowercase letters, etc.

By using these, you can take a breath happily because hackers will have to work even harder to crack the code. So, you will be safe, and your information in the icloud will also be secure.

Now, if you are worried about reminding the password then don't worry make use of a password manager which stores all your passwords for you. These days password managers are vital because they act as today’s digital security programmes to protect accounts.

2. Carefully Setup your Security Questions: 

It's always a best practice to reset your security questions once in a while. If you haven’t changed your security questions since creating your Apple ID means now is the time to change your security questions.

These questions work just like other best security options for any online security portals. Here you can set a few questions you like about your life, and you answer those questions crazily or strangely as well, so that stranger couldn't guess your answer.

Usually, Apple will ask you these questions when you make significant changes in your Apple account. So, in those cases, these security questions will help yours from hackers.

To reset your security questions all you have to do is follow below steps: 

  • Log into the Apple account.
  • Look for the security section on the right-hand side of the page.
  • Then select the Edit button to expand the section merely.
  • With that, you can verify the security questions headings.
  • If you haven't used any security questions, apply now.
Some people may not see the security settings in their devices while they log in with Apple ID. In those cases, you can skip this step and go for the 2FA process.

3. Enable Two Factor Authentication: 

Previous versions of Apple, we used to find “ Two-step Verification,” but it has been upgraded to “two-factor authentication.” The two-factor Authentication” 2FA is the best way of making sure that you are accessing your account from your real device.

This is the most trusted authentication process which you have to set up in a device or phone number. So, whenever you log into your account from the unrecognized device, then you have to enter the verification code which is sent to your phone to activate and log in to the account in that unrecognized device.

If you already have 2FA means its good for you but if you do not have 2FA means it is better to set up two-factor authentication right now. The process of setting 2FA is pretty easy for that you have logged into your account and go to the security section and simply look out for 2FA.

Then go through the steps which apple suggest you do. Setup your 2FA and be secure from the unauthorized logins.

With the above practices also make sure you sign out of your device when you are not using the device. It is the best practice to stay away from Wi-Fi hackers and other. Along with this don’t ever give your Apple ID or password to anyone.

Monday, October 22, 2018

iPhone XR: New Colourful iPhone Opens for Pre-Order

iPhone XR: Why the cheapest iPhone Yet maybe Worth more the Wait

As you’ll must have heard, unless you’re living under a rock, Apple has recently released its new iPhone line up and while the iPhone XS and XS Max maybe be great phones all on their own, today we’ll be looking at the iPhone XR and why it maybe the one for you. If you’re in the house for an iPhone and have waited long and patiently for a new phone then the iPhone XS or the XS max could be the ones for you. But if you’re an old iPhone user or have used the iPhone X then these versions are just a small upgrade and you might want to wait for the better priced iPhone XR before you make a purchasing decision.

Looking at the Specs on the iPhone XR:

Apple has decided to put the same A12 bionic processor into all iPhone XR, XS(not for extra small) and XS max. This is the same as last year when Apple released its new lineup of phones that too had the same processor running on all of them.

The main difference is when it comes to Advance LTE which the iphone XR does not have, which is not really a big thing other than internet speeds will be a little lower than this year’s pricier models.

Let’s look at the camera on the iPhone XR: 

The camera is almost the same on the iPhone XR but has a few differences. There’s only one 12MP camera on the back of the iPhone much like what was on the iPhone 8. This means that you won’t get 2x the optical or digital zoom when you take a pic.

iPhone XR will have a different kind of portrait mode. In the normal portrait mode iPhones have dual
camera, one that blurs the background while the other sharpens the foreground. But with the advancements in Apple’s A12 bionic chip the iPhone XR will be able to take a picture in portrait mode with just one rear facing camera.

iPhone XR

Like this year’s Lineup: 

The Apple iPhone XR will have much of the same features that are present in the iPhone XS and XS Max, like dual sim and a glass backing. But unlike the iPhone XS and XS Max, the iPhone XR will be made from aluminum (I mean the non- glass parts) instead of steel.

The iPhone XR will not have 3D touch too. But don’t be too disappointed, the Apple iPhone XR will still have some haptic touch sensors, making it, not a total loss.

Battery Life on the Apple iPhone XR: 

The iPhone XR maybe worth it just for the battery if you know what I mean and if you don’t….Well the iPhone XR has 15 hours of internet usage and 16 hours of video playback which is the best we have seen in an iPhone to date.

Colors and price of the iPhone XR: 

You’ll get this iPhone with a lot more color options and this budget iPhone is supposed to retail for a starting price of $749.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

How to Use Wi-Fi in Airplane Mode on iPhone

Wi-Fi in Airplane Mode on iPhone
Most of the people always do like to access WI-FI on fights, but they often can't do that because they still keep their devices in Airplane mode. So, people always check " how to use Wi-Fi in Airplane mode" to get a solution.

If you are one of them, then don't worry we got you covered.

Here in this article, we'll look at how to use Wi-Fi in airplane mode on iPhone. We'll also include the step by step process to access Wi-Fi when you aboard the plan.

If you grab an iPhone or Android phone you will often see the airplane mode option in quick settings. Most of you might probably know about the airplane mode but if you don't know about that means don't worry we got you covered.

What is Airplane mode? 

Airplane mode is available on almost all smartphones, laptops and other similar smart devices. whenever you activate the airplane mode all your phone or device signal transmission will go offline.
After activating on your device you will often see the airplane icon in your phone's status bar and in laptops menu bar as well.

This feature is called as the Airplane mode, we are using this mode mainly in flights because some airlines prohibit wireless devices on their planes. They often say that phone signals could interface with radio equipment.

Now, let's see what does airplane mode will actually do.

What does Airplane mode do: 

Airplane mode will simply disable all your wireless connections and go offline. by activating airplane mode you cant do following aspects.
  • Call & Texts: You can't make calls or text messages in your phone.
  • Mobile data: You can't even access mobile data in the Airplane mode.
  • Wi-Fi: You phone will not be connected to any Wi-Fi-connections.
  • Bluetooth: Although Bluetooth is short range connection it also disables Bluetooth connection as well.
So these all things you can’t do in your mobile when you have activated airplane mode. now, as we are speaking about the iPhone, it is also having Airplane mode. It acts same as I have explained above.

Anyways, in modern days flights are having in-flight Wi-Fi option which won't have catastrophic effects on radio signals.

Some people always strive to save their battery life, so they often keep their phone in Airplane mode. Now, here comes some questions.

Most of the people often ask me

Does airplane mode save battery?

To be frank, this is a simple answer yes it can save battery. Airplane mode definitely helps your device, and it can save your battery life.

The power consumption actually depends upon the model of the phone. In general, the various radio signals in your cell phone take up a lot of power. Also, the app notifications over the Wi-Fi network will also slowly drain your battery. Communicating with cell towers and using Bluetooth is also the power consumption process. So, for this reasons, most of the people always keep their phone in Flight mode.

Generally disabling all these services will keep your phone alive for lots of hours. Because your phone will not have much action in airplane mode, it will save power.

Apart from that, the best part is it charges faster than standard devices.

As the questions are completed let's get into the topic “ how to use Wi-Fi in Airplane mode on iPhone”.

Let's get into the topic:
Wi-Fi in Airplane Mode on iPhone

How to use Wi-Fi in Airplane mode on iPhone: 

To use Wi-Fi in airplane mode on iPhone you have to follow the below-mentioned steps. With these steps, you can quickly turn access the Wi-Fi on Airplane mode.

Now if you need help in turning on the Airplane mode in iPhone means don't worry follow the steps.

How to turn on Airplane mode in iPhone: 

To quickly turn on Airplane mode in iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch you have to open control center.

Control Center

Process One:

  • Open the control center.
  • Then click on Airplane symbol.

Process two:

  • Go to the settings > click on Airplane Mode > turn it on.
If you are using Apple watch means you can use these settings.
  • You have to touch and hold the bottom of the Apple watch screen until you see the Control center.
  • Then swipe the control panel option up.
  • Finally, tap on Airplane mode option.
  • Or you can go to settings >> Airplane mode.

Now let's get into the final option how to use Wi-Fi in Airplane mode: 

To use Wi-Fi in airplane mode you have to follow these steps.

customize control center
  • Firstly, head over to the settings tab
  • Then activate the “Airplane mode”
  • Click on Wi-Fi and if it off then activate it by tapping on.
  • Then select your Wi-Fi network.
With these setting changes, you can quickly access Wi-Fi in Airplane mode as well. You can even use Bluetooth as well. Same like the above process you can use Bluetooth option.

In the new IOS 12 devices, it gives you a reminder that Airplane mode is activated and it is on use by graying out both the personal hotspot and cellular settings.


This is all about the “how to use Wi-Fi in Airplane mode on iPhone”. If you have any queries on this topic then you can let us know in the comments section below.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Apple MacOS Mojave Review -

MacOS Mojave Review
Do you feel like your tired and your eyes are stressed due to the heavy workload you are doing on your mac? Then the new update from MacOS will definitely fill joy in you as it has improved its performance and brought most potent features which can help you to do work for longer periods. The new update is Mojave, and in this post, we are all set to go for MacOS Mojave Review.

From Past few years, I have been watching out all the useful updates which are rolled out by iPhone and soon think that there may be another update rolled out for Mac users but I was proved wrong every time. And at some stage, I was wondering Why Apple is only focusing on iPhones Rather than Mac Users.

But, now the real-time upgrade has come to the MacOS as well. This new update of MacOS is called as Mojave. It has some powerful and cool features which are helpful for all Mac users. If you are, Mac users mean you will definitely love this update because it is having better features than older versions.

As we are focusing on MacOS Mojave Review, I’ll be covering all the topics, features and real pros and cons of this latest version of MacOS.

So, let's get into the MacOS Mojave Review.

MacOS Mojave Review: 

Mojave is the latest version of MacOS, and it's available for all Mac users. Now, most of you might be wondering whether to download this Mojave OS or not?

If you are one of them then don't worry after reading this MacOS Mojave Review you will have a clear picture of this OS and you will know the ins and outs of this OS as well.

Mojave Release Date and Overview: 

This latest MacOS Mojave is a free update which has arrived on September 24th. In this Mojave, OS apple is mainly highlighting two features one is the Dark Mode feature which will help you work effectively for long periods without affecting our eyes.

The second feature is its Dynamic Desktop features which let your desktop image to change according to the time of the day. Apart from these, you can also see the internal improvement which enhanced the performance of the system. The Galler view in the finder and flexible screenshots are the other important features which you can speak about.

So, lets straightly go into the Features and modes of MacOS Mojave Review.

MacOS Mojave Dark Mode: 

MacOS Mojave Dark Mode
When the Mojave OS has arrived the most exciting feature which users are awaited for is its Dark Mode. The new and exciting look of MacOS mutes the colors of the regular menus and its interface so that you can work all the day without any stress or strain to your eyes. This is one of the best features of the new MacOS Mojave and in fact, Apple has offered a true Dark mode on Mac for the first time.

Although there used to be an option of turning to the night shift in previous versions of Mac it would turn down to the blue light in the evening and later dock dark menu. But, Now with new Dark Mode, Mac users are able to darken every element on the system’s interface.

You can just do that with going to System Preferences > General > Dark. By this, you can go to dark mode. When you click on that the menu and other interfaces you will change their total appearance to dark color.

Whenever you click on the Dark option, the entire system workspace will turn into the dark interface, and it will even change the other elements appearance as well. Even safari turns into the dark mode, but web pages will not switch because website owners dictate their presence.

If you are feeling uncomfortable with the normal mode, then you can quickly switch to this impressive Dark mode which protects your eyes and lower your stress. With this feature, Apple has moved a step forward in safeguarding long computer users experience. In this Dark mode version even messages, notes, and backgrounds will become dark, but its text will be white so that you can read properly. So, it is one of the best and creative features in the MacOS Mojave

New Feature of MacOS Mojave “Desktop Stacks”: 

The new desktop stacks is another new additional feature in MacOS Mojave. Once you have completed using and enjoying the Dark Mode you can enjoy Desktop stacks feature as well. Over the past few version, Apple has tried different things to refine spotlight which allows us to tag documents. So that we can quickly preview the file before opening it along with that, it also has made smart folders so that certain types of files can be easily located.

Now, with the help of its previous versions, Apple has recognized that most of us are saving something on the desktop. So, in Sierra, it has added the ability to sync the desktop to the icloud and helped us to access it from any Mac or IOS devices very simply.

Apple has newly updated that version and brought new Desktop stacks feature to create smart folders on your desktop automatically. These created folders can automatically be sorted according to the Date Added, Date modified, File type, tags, Date last opened and more.

When this new feature is turned on means, you can quickly sort all the files on your desktop into a clear structure and folders. This will be very useful for all the people who save their work on their desktop for easy accessing of files.

Now, if you want to open this feature means you have to follow these steps:

  • Go to the Finder Menu.
  • Click on View > Then click on Use Stacks.
  • When you turn on the “USE stacks.”
  • The desktop will be clean and divided into the folders.
  • In that, you can select types such as “Date Last Opened,” “Date Added,” “ Date Created,” “tags” etc. 
    While using this feature, we found that last opened is the best option to access the critical file we need quickly. And it will make more comfortable for you to access your used work. In this new MacOS you can click on the stack then all contents will appear on your desktop to make life easier for you. You can quickly select the file you want to access without any hassle. 

    Mark up and Finder: 

    When you are having a glance at new features in Mojave, then markup and finder is the other best option you have to watch out for in new OS. This new feature is nothing but the joining of two features in previous versions.

    Those two features are quick look and markup tools. Here Quick look is one of feature which helps you have a glance at the file without even option. It simply generates the preview but you have to press the space bar for that in older versions, and in markup tools, you can edit PDFs and Email attachments.

    Now, these tools have combinedly came into the new Mojave OS. In this new feature when you hover your mouse over the file, you can get to know about the file with preview and metadata associated to the file. Along with these, you can also quickly edit these documents and files in your desired way.

    Improved Screenshots and Videos Editing Options: 

    MacOS Mojave Screenshot option
    With the new feature in MacOS Mojave, taking screenshots and videos are much easier. With the help of the markup tool, you can quickly edit the screenshot you take. Usually, in Mojave, the screenshot you take are shrunk to a thumbnail in the bottom right you can quickly access those and edit those screenshots.

    Unlike previous OS you won't have to open the file and then open image editor to crop or do add changes for the screenshots you can edit or draw on the screenshot without any hassle.once you completed your editing you can simply hit save or share button on your MacOS.

    Similar to the screenshots the videos get process is also the same. Previously we used to record video at that time was necessary to fire up Quicktime and then record the screen. But in new Mojave, this feature is automatically included so you can record entire screen or you can record selected portion as well.

    New APP Improvements in Facetime Ground Video Chat Especially in MacOS Mojave: 

    The new MacOS Mojave has further improvements in APPs as well. The new Facetime group calling app is introduced in the facetime app. With this new feature, you can group video chat with up to 32 people. Although this feature is yet to roll for regular users, the beta tester can use this feature.

    Best Continuity feature to never stop the workflow: 

    Along with this, you can also see the new continuity feature has arrived in Mojave as well. The continuity feature will bring the iPad, iPhone, and other Mac devices together. Here the ability to bring together means the ability to receive messages or take phone calls and another handoff features from one device to another device. So, that you can simply continue your incomplete office works in your home mac without stopping your workflow.

    You can even use iPhone as the capture device. Just you have to right click on the area where you want to add the image, and you have to choose the options to take the photo that’s it. Apart from these, there are a lot more in this device.

    Enhanced News app: 

    While using the news app in MacOS Mojave, we found that this app will import all your existing settings from your iPhone so that you can view all your desired topics stories from Apple news on your Mac device. Along with that, the new news apps is also combating with the fake news similar to the google as well.

    Improved web Browser Safari 12: 

    Almost all Mac users know about the Safari browser in Mac right. In the new version of MacOS, there is are some significant changes rolled out such as anti-advertising features and prohibiting cookies features. With these, there are many other options in safari which we can have a glance at them later.

    Disappointed Home Option: 

    MacOS has a new Home option. This apps working mainly depend on how many home kit appliances are there in your house. Sadly, most of us won't have those home kit ready appliances so it won't work better for some of us. Although we have home kit appliances, also it won't work properly as we have tested it. So, this feature turned out to be a sad feature for us.

    Final Verdict of MacOS Mojave Review: 

    If you are working freak who always like to work? Or if you are gaming lover who always loves playing means, you should definitely use this MacOS Mojave because its Dark Mode helps you a lot in protecting your eyes and also it won't trouble you while working for long hours on the computer.

    As its free and there is enough scope to download and use this MacOS. If you really strive to try Dark mode, then you have to use this version. There are also some hidden features which have slightly improved than the previous version. This makes most of the people to stay with new MacOS. Also, be aware of some things like some of the old version apps will not work in Mojave.

    Monday, October 15, 2018

    8 Best Accessories for Your New iPhone

    Best Accessories for Your New iPhone
    iPhones are known for the very many features that they have. The iPhone can do this and that….., is just the beginning of what an iPhone can do and for all that functionality there is a heavy price to pay too. But if you are still not satisfied with what your iPhone can do then here’s a list of 8 Best Accessories for your new iPhone.

    Ranging from cases to portable chargers, we’ve got you covered on this list of 8 best accessories for your new iPhone. This list is created so as to satisfy even the most hard- to- please- person- ever.

    Starting off this list of 8 Best iPhone Accessories withRAVPower Alpha Series Fast Charge Wireless Charging Pad: 

    Beginning this list of 8 best iPhone accessories with a wireless charging pad. This wireless charging pad is fit for iPhone 8 and above. The charging can take anywhere up to 2 and half hours for a full charge and it even comes with sensors that show what the current battery status is. The pad also has anti- skid so that you can rest assured your brand new iPhone won’t slide off while charging.

    This best iPhone accessory will cost you $40.

    Don’t lose your keys with Tile on this list of 8 best iPhone accessories: 

    Tile is an iPhone accessory that you attach as a key ring to your keys or any other thing that can’t afford to lose. It has Bluetooth and an associated app on the iPhone that can help you locate your lost keys without getting delayed to go for that meeting.

    Tile plays a tune to help you locate your lost article and has a range of up to 200 feet. This best iPhone accessory will cost you around $25.

    For the Outdoors- Nomad Rugged Cable on the list of 8 best iPhone Accessories: 

    If you’re an out doorsykinda person then this cable is for you. It is durable and dirt resistant with sealed caps to keep the dust a bay and can be used with iPhone 5 through 8.

    This rugged gadget will cost you $25.

    Kenu Stance Tripod on the list of 8 Best iPhone Accessories: 

    This tripod allows you to prop your iPhone in either landscape or portrait view. This cool gadget makes it great for hands free video conferencing and reading.

    The company has even tweaked the design a bit to make the tripod as a bottle opener too. This amazing gadget will cost you $20.

    Another one for the Adventurer in you- Rokform Pro Series Bike Mount and case: 

    This one doubles up as a bike stand and case for your iPhone as well. If you like taking your bike to various places then this gadget is the one for you. You just have to place the mount on the bike and attach the iPhone with its case onto it. You can then use your phone for hands- free travel. This costs $99.

    Belkin Lighthening Audio+ Charge Rockstar: 

    This gadget is for those who want the ability of charging and listening to music at the same time from their iPhones. This one is capable of supporting iPhone 7 and 8 and will cost you around $40.

    For Extra Storage the HooToo Flash Drive: 

    For extra storage why pay a premium when you can get this flash drive with a lightening connector on one end and a USB 3.0 port on the other and what’s more is that it comes with 32 GB of storage. This costs $40.

    DJ Mavic Air a drone on the list of 8 Bets iPhone Accessories: 

    This drone is can be controlled form your iPhone and can shoot videos in 4K plus it has a range of 2.5 miles and costs $800.

    Wednesday, October 10, 2018

    AirPods Accessories Worth Your While!


    AirPods Accessories Worth Your While!

    Since its release the Apple AirPods have been a real success. They make a welcome addition to any line up let alone Apple’s. Their simple white Apple signature look coupled with their charging case make them a must have for anyone. But what more can you want when you already have these AirPods at your disposal. Not much you would think. That is until now…

    To make your audio experience even more worth your while, here’s a list of Apple AirPods accessories that will liven up your Apple AirPods experience.

    Apple AirPods Accessories Numero One- Elago Wrist Fit Apple AirPods Silicone Strap:

    With this handy device you can store and access your Apple Airpods easily enough. This AirPods accessory is like nothing you’ve seen before. You can easily strap on your AirPods onto the slots provided in the band for easy storage.

    You can even latch on the AirPods holder onto the band which is compatible with most Apple Watch bands.

    Get fancy storage Apple AirPods Accessories with ColorWare Limited Custom AirPods Retro:

    This Apple AirPods case will take you right back to the 80s with its rainbow themed button and 80s vibe.

    This AirPods accessory has taken its inspiration from Apple Ile. Apple AirPods Retro is a cool blend of the old and the new and comes complete with faux vents to give you that 80s feel.

    This One is for all Apple devices including the AirPods- Elago Charging Hub 3 in 1 dock:

    Unlike all the Apple AirPods accessories on this list this one is for all the Apple devices out there. This Apple AirPods accessory is just a compact charging dock for all your fav Apple products and just above the Apple watch charger you have your self an Apple AirPods charger in the dock.

    So, in order to beat rush hour traffic in the mornings all you have to do is remember to grab your Apple AirPods from the dock so as not to miss out on your fav tunes.

    An AirPods case to go on the List of Best Apple AirPods Accessories- Twelve South Leather AirPods Case:

    Here is something fancy on the list of best Apple AirPods Accessories to own. The Twelve South leather case is made from full grain leather and all you have to do is slide your ear buds into the case and there you go. You have your self a fancy looking bag for just ear buds.

    Chargable Apple AirPods Case at your Disposal- Did I mention this one too is made of Leather:

    So, sticking with the leather theme here’s another AirPods accessory that fits the bill. It is made of leather, looks cool and you can charge your AirPods using it as well. There is no real need to move your AirPods into a case for charging.

    Get your AirBuds Charged with this Wireless Charging Case on the List of best AirPods Accessories:
    Since wireless charging is all the rage now, why not include wireless charging on our list of best Apple AirPods Accessories? Complete with its own case and wireless charging using Qi tech, this one is must have if you’re looking out for an AirPods accessory.

    Monday, October 8, 2018

    Apple CarPlay vs Android Auto which is better?

    Apple CarPlay vs Android Auto
    Credit:Nissan Guam

    Apple Carplay vs Android Auto: No answer to user’s current dilemma

    There are a number of car owners and buyers for whom how their cars interact with their smartphone is a great concern though it might appear trivial to many. This new thinking and the need to keep phone in sync with the car have brought the two old tech competitors back to wrestle for the supremacy. Currently the automobile makers are offering to major offering to the users being the Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. This has resulted into the inevitable Apple Carplay vs Android Auto which is loved by all the respective fanboys globally.

    Apple CarPlay comes with limited capabilities of iOS

    A number of cars had started embracing the Apple CarPlay acts as the interface of the car's built-in infotainment system. It comes with quite a limited capability similar to the iPhone devices but it exclusively requires the smartphone in order to make use of it. A number of cars will need the wired connection in between the car and iPhone but many are expected to offer similar pairing over wireless connections in upcoming days.

    When it comes to features Apple CarPlay comes loaded with a number of exclusive and essential features like music, map, navigation and hands-free calling. Since it is Apple based so users will be utilizing varied Apple only applications like Apple Maps, Apple Music or iTunes and it even allows sending and receiving messages on the go.

    Apple CarPlay is supported by about 200 car models across the major automobile makers. In some of vehicle Apple CarPlay will also show the support for steering wheel controls. It will also boast of the support of Siri which can get most of job done by simple voice commands. However, the voice control powered by Siri isn't as great as it happens to be with iPhones.

    Android Auto brings better feature and familiar capabilities

    Android Auto isn't much different from Apple CarPlay but it happens to be a better alternative. Android being an open ecosystem benefits from it in every genre and here it isn’t a surprise anymore. It offers a slightly large array of functionality and capability which powers the car's in-built info system better. The display of infotainment system acts just like second screen of your Android device and touch navigation becomes a breeze with the presence of large buttons.

    When it comes Apple CarPlay vs Android Auto then the likely winner is no other than Android which with its support for the wider range of voice commands. It also supports a huge array of app like for Music users can choose from Pandora, Spotify to any other.

    For messaging there is Facebook's Messenger, for video calling there is Skype, for navigation Google apps is there but users can also use other apps like Waze. Google had claimed that Android Auto is supported for more than 400 car models spanning all the major automobile makers.

    The only downside here happens to be fact that Android Auto is only supported on the device running on Android Lollipop or later.

    Friday, October 5, 2018

    Fruitfly Mac Malware: How to Protect Yourself from Undetected Malware

    Fruitfly Mac Malware
    Do you know that from past 15 years there is an undetected malware hovering over your Mac systems? The Fruitfly mac malware is the one that has been undetected since a very long time.

    So, if you are not updated with that fruitfly story then here is the brief and latest news for you.

    Fruitfly Latest Update: 

    FBI has finally solved the 15 years undetected fruitfly mac malware mystery. The Mysterious mac malware was created by an Ohio man just to take control of the malware victims & Mac computers.

    The hacker has stoled flies, keyboard strokes, and also watched victims via their webcam secretly and had listened to their private conversations as well. According to the latest FBI report the man has created this fruitfly mac malware in 2003 itself when he was at the age of just 14 years. Since then he is using this malware until his arrest 2017.

    The crazy think about this malware is the mac upgraded versions of antivirus programs never detected this “Fruitfly” malware on any of the victim's computers. Even the experts couldn't figure out the working process of a fruit fly and how its creator has spread that virus around the Mac computers.

    According to the FBI, the accused used a port scanner to find the internet macs with weak passwords and he logged into these weak systems remotely via the open service ports and he installed and hid the “fruitfly on the user's computers without their notice.

    Now, if you are really new this term “fruitfly mac malware” means you will be banging your heads and thinking about what is fruitfly and whats the relation between mac and that fruitfly etc.

    If you are one of them then don’t worry here I am going to cover everything about the Fruitfly mac malware.

    What is Fruitfly Malware? 

    The fruitfly malware is a stealthy but very highly-invasive malware on Macs. As said above this particular malware has been around the Macs for almost 15 years. Even Mac Antivirus programmes and other anti-malware software hasn't found that virus.

    Fruitfly Mac malware Discover: 

    This highly-invasive malware was first discovered back in January 2017 with a normal blog post from the Malware bytes and it has highlighted its existence.

    In that post, the author has explained how fruitfly infects mac computers and he also stated that it has an ability to capture screenshots, view keystrokes and control webcams etc on the Mac. In that post, he also stated that the creator of the malware will have full access to all affected victims.

    At that point of discovery, they suspected that the malware has been around 2014 since the OS X Yosemite update but it recently it has been relieved that it was first created in 2003 itself by a 14 years old kid. You will know more about him below.

    In that blog post, they have said that this malware is targeting biomedical research centers. And they also said that the first version of this fruit fly is really unsophisticated and it is just using a hidden file and a launch agent to keep the mac infected.

    New updated Varients of Fruitfly Emerge: 

    After first discover of this fruitfly malware most of the experts tried to resolve this malware but they couldn't crack it. At some stage, all thought the new update from Apple has patched the issues.

    But the new variants of fruit fly have emerged and they have infected a large number of computers. The new version has also been undetected by all antivirus. That has made this malware spread even more.

    In the July of 2018, a former NSA hacker has done a in-depth analysis of the latest variant and told some interesting facts about the malware. He stated that despite the virus is relatively simple but the malware has full control over the system as there will be no speed in processing and other factors it has been undetected.

    In that wardly research somehow he could crack the malware and found the malware creator ip address, the name of the users and other necessary information. And he also found that there are more than 400 infected macs connected to the registered services as he was unable to view the IP addresses and users of those devices he didn't speak a word about them.

    He later tried to do further research but said that there’s no way to know how the malware infects computers. However, he said one information that this whole virus has been spread through a tedious and malicious email attachment.

    Who’s the mysterious man behind the Fruitfly? 

    At that point of time even though he collected all the information but he couldn't do anything because he skipped from his network. But, wardly has discovered that he is a single hacker rather than the team of a hacker. However, he recently got caught in the FBI investigation and he is behind bars.

    Although we can't share enough information about him as we only know some information we can say that person is from Ohio State and he has found that malware in 2003.

    Who is affected by fruitfly: 

    As said, in the above statement the fruitfly has affected more than 400 plus mac computers in a single server but to be frank the list could be increased as well. Although you don't have to worry about these because you can protect yourself from these kinds of attacks. In this article, I am going to disclose how you can protect from fruit fly and other types of malware.

    How to protect yourself from fruitfly: 

    Apple has released all the security patches for fruitfly earlier this year. But as the newer version comes into the place you have to be very careful in dealing with email attachments and spam emails.
    You should not open any kind of spam or unknown emails. Apart from that, you have to keep your password much stronger than ever because he has remotely accessed weak password-protected accounts. So, you have to take care of your password as well.

    As of now, the mystery has been relived so all the antivirus has updated their core algorithm according to it and you can quickly find these type of malware with Anti-malware or Antivirus programs.

    How that fruitfly malware looks like: 

    If you are a techie who is striving to see the malware code means you can see that in this posts. This code was first published in the “ malware bytes” Blog post only. We are just using this as a reference to show you how the fruitfly mac malware looks like.

    The malware was extremely simplistic on the surface, consisting of only two files:



    You can see full code in the malware bytes post. This is all about the fruitfly mac malware.


    As this fruitfly malware can be detected by some of the antimalware tools you can stay protected from it. Along with that keep, a secure and robust password will always keep you safe from most of the malicious programs.

    I hope I have covered every aspect of the fruitfly mac malware. Now it's up to you if you have any queries you can let us know in comments section below.

    Tuesday, October 2, 2018

    7 Reasons to Buy the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max?

    iPhone XS
    The most awaited Apple iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max are finally out in both the international and in Indian markets. Although these brand new models of iPhone have arrived silently without any parties or grand launches in India across the metropolitan cities.

    As the new batch of iPhone is released, people are rushing into the Apple stores and ordering the new devices. However, some brave people are carefully looking at the reviews and other factors to judge whether to buy the new iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max.

    Now, if you are one of them who want to know the reasons to buy the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. Then you in the perfect place, here I am going to show you all the best reasons to buy the iPhone XS and XS Max.

    Now, let’s look the best reasons to buy the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. Along with that, you can also have a glance at why to skip this new update of iPhone devices.

    Reasons to buy the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max? 

    These are the best reasons why you need to update your old device with new iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max.

    1. iPhone XS and Xs Max both run on the latest A12 Bionic Processor: 

    The most recent A12 Bionic Processor powers the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. This powerful processor is faster than all the other processors in real time. Apple dominates the routine phone tests conducted between Snapdragons 845, Kirin 970 chip and A12 Bionic Processor.

    After conducting the tests, Apple iconic A12 processor has been the fastest of the three processors tested. So, it has an even faster processor in the iPhone XS and Xs Max rather than other models of iPhone.

    In general, the A12 processor has two performance cores that are reportedly delivering 15% faster performance than other processors and also consuming 40% less power than the A11. Along with that, it is having four efficiency cores, which further saves the power consumptions.

    Now you will not have any sort of disturbances in the iPhone while playing games because it is having a 50% boost in speed it efficiently perform all the high Graphics interface games without any kind of problem.

    As said above A12 Bionic, the processor is the fastest processors, and it leaves the most rapid Snapdragon 845 in the dust. Therefore, this is the best reason “why you have to upgrade your iPhone to iPhone XS and XS Max.”

    iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max

    2. The New iPhone XS and Xs Max both come with the biggest ever display on an iPhone: 

    If your concern is about the display size, then you have to check out this new iPhone XS and XS Max. I am saying this because iPhone XS and XS Max are having the biggest ever display on the iPhone. These devices are coming with a 6.5-inch display.

    So, if you are watching out closely to buy a more prominent display iPhone means you should be buying iPhone XS because of its giant display. Along with that giant display, this also looks stunning in appearance.

    3. iPhone XSis having most significant battery performance ever on any iPhone: 

    The new iPhone XS claims that it is having the biggest ever battery life on any iPhone versions. As Apple promised to improve the battery performance, they had done that in the new version. Apple’s new XS phone lasted 10 hrs. 45 minutes on the battery test which we had conducted. Even after using, the phone continuously over LTE until it runs out of charge.

    Usually, the conventional iPhone devices will not last longer than the 9hrs clock, but the newer version almost has two hrs. Better battery time than the standard device. Therefore, this new iPhone XSwill last longer than other devices. If you are striving to get better battery performance, then you have to have a look at the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max at the Thanksgiving Day sales.

    4. iPhone XSand Xs Max is the most durable than another device: 

    If you are looking the best durable device in iPhone, then you should be looking at the new batch of iPhone devices XS and XS Max. Usually, the iPhone X sported an IP67 Rating for the dust and water resistant, but when it comes to the iPhone XS and XS Max, it has IP68, so it is litter tougher than the iPhone X. Which means, you can drop the phone in up to the 6 feet of water and you do not have to worry about anything? The Xs is a better option in other ways too; it is having the reformulated glass, which can save your phone when the drop has happened.

    iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max

    5. Better Face ID, Dual SIM, and Speakers: 

    If you are eagerly waiting for the Apple new version, then your wait and patience levels will pay off because the Xs is having a bunch of upgrades than its last model iPhone X. This new version is having an improved Face ID, which means your phone will unlock faster than the other device.

    Its screen offers greater and broader screen experience along with its prolific processor A12. Apple has stated that the new phone offers a wide range of stereo sounds and if you are the lover of music, then you will love this new device. Along with that, you will appreciate the dual SIM cards support in the new iPhone models.

    6. iPhone XShas more Expansive Storage Options: 

    The Apple’s new phones are having more extensive storage options than other Apple iPhone. Usually, the base model of the iPhone XS offers 64GB, which is more generous than the 32GB. As it is normal storage space, you can now, go for bigger options. Both the new iPhone devices can be top out at 512GB of the storage. Which is another impressive feature of the iPhone XS and Xs Max? The 512 GB version costs $350 more than the standard models.

    7. The Brand New iPhone is the most beautiful devices in the market: 

    In general, iPhones are always known for its looks and appeal. Now if you are one of them who always gives preference to the look of the phone, then you should be buying the new iPhone XS.

    The brand new iPhone models are one of the most beautiful devices presently available in the market. New devices are having the new gold color option, which is strikingly good-looking, and it is one of the gorgeous devices I have seen in today’s market.

    Until now, we have seen the reasons to buy the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. Now if you really want the reason why not to buy the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. Then don’t worry I will cover them in the next post.


    This is all about the reason of why to buy iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. What do you think about these iPhone reasons to buy? Do you have any other better reason to say? Please let us know in the comments section.

    Monday, September 24, 2018

    Macmyth Apple Watch Series 4 Review

    Apple Watch Series 4

    Is Apple’s watch Series 4 for You?

    Apple recently released its all new Apple watch series 4. Just by looking at it you wouldn’t straight off see any major changes but once you power it up you’ll realise that Apple has come a long way with its watch series. The same shape, same design and same bands, on the looks side, Apple watch series 4 is your same Apple watch. However as soon as you turn it on you just know that the Apple watch series 4 is not like its predecessors in some ways.

    What’s New in the Apple Watch Series 4?

    Due to its curved display and no bezels, the Apple watch series 4 seems to have a 30% larger screen which you notice as soon as you power up the thing.

    But that’s not all that is new with the new Apple watch series 4. The new Apple watch series 4 comes with a crown that provides haptic feedback as you scroll through the screen, a much louder speaker (don’t know when anybody is going to need that), a much faster processor and an all and new wireless chip all snuggled up into one sleek body.

    If this still does not impress you then let me tell you the Apple watch series 4 also comes with a heart rate monitor and an ECG scan. The heart rate monitor thing may not be super interesting as all sport watches come with anyway but having an ECG in the watch is a start.

    Having all these things in the Apple watch series 4 is not going to come cheap for anyone. You can get the basic model with GPS for $399 and the cellular model with a 40mm case or a 44mm case for $499. But this shouldn’t be surprising as Apple is hardly known as an affordable brand.

    A combo of hardware and software in the new Apple Watch Series 4: 

    What’s makes this Apple watch series 4 all the more special is the combination of updated software and hardware. The new health features added to the watch also makes it a winner in anyone’s eyes.

    The Apple watch series 4 comes with new sensors that monitor not only your heart in the ECG readings but also notifies 911 when the user takes a tumble and does not get up for a minute. To know more- Apple has updated the gyroscope and accelerometer to identify when a person has fallen and needs emergency services to be phoned up.

    Heart Screening not yet there….

    The Apple watch series 4’s heart screening features are at present are a no show and will come later this year along with an update.

    The heart screening tech keeps track of your heart rate throughout the day and the Apple watch series 4 also has electrodes in the crown and crystal back to record an ECG.

    If the Apple watch series 4 gets an atrial fibrillation in its reading it will confirm it four more times and then send the user an alert.

    Sunday, September 16, 2018

    Apple Event: Go Big or Go Home!

    Go big or go home seems to be Apple’s new motto when it came to the Apple event that it held this Wednesday. As Apple released its new iPhones, the overriding theme seemed to be that if you didn’t go big you had to go home as the starting price of these new unveilings are at $750, $1000 and $1,100, when last year it was at $700, $800 and $1,000.

    As iPhone markets saturate around the world, Apple plans on getting as much out of the market before it dwindles altogether by getting better performing phones and another alternative is to make a phone do more so that people wouldn’t have to look elsewhere for gaming and such.

    Introductions at the Apple Event: 

    The new round of iPhones are supposedly bigger, better and faster than their last year’s counterparts. The biggest ever iPhone to be released at an Apple event was this time around. The new ever largest iPhone ever to be released by Apple is 6.5 inches and is called the iPhone XS max not extra small mind you but ten S.

    This mammoth of an iPhone, as mentioned at the Apple event will retail for $1,100, if that does not make your eyes pop then I don’t know what will.

    Another mention at the Apple event was a larger Apple watch that comes with a heart trend monitoring system or ECG apparently approved by the FDA or Food and Drug Administration.

    Bigger, Faster iPhones at the Apple Event: 

    The recent Apple event saw an iPhone XS which is a premium model that has a 5.8 inch screen and a 6.5 inch screen iPhone XS max model, which is its biggest ever selling smart phone.

    But if you’re looking for a more basic one then Apple also unveiled a 6.1 inch entry level iPhone XR model.

    What’s the Difference in these models discussed at the Apple Event: 

    The XS iPhone models will be the better, faster and bigger iPhones that was mentioned with better processing speeds and a super retina OLED display that has a wider color gamut.

    The iPhone XR model on the other hand will be made of aluminum instead of the higher end stainless steel and is made of LCD tech rather than the high-fi super retina OLED display.

    Although, the XR model is as fast as the XS models as said at the Apple event.

    Here comes Apple watch Series 4 inaugurated at the Apple event:

    Apple also released its watch series 4 at the Apple event which is much sleeker than what they released previously back in 2015. This time around, the watch series 4 as released at the Apple event has no bezel to go with it, making it seem as if it has a larger screen.

    This new watch as Apple said at the Apple event has better motion sensors to detect when a person has fallen down and has got major injury as well as a faster processor.