
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Apple Just Killed GrayKey iPhone Passcode Hack

GrayKey iPhone

How Apple’s iOS 12 may have just Blocked GrayKey from accessing your iPhone

Everyone believes Apple’s iPhones are one of the best smart phones in the market which maybe true of course! One of the main reasons why, is because of the tight security that Apple gadgets gives to a user. This is at least what many believe to be true but is it a fact? In Android while everything is open source where all are able to see and dissect- that is if you’re an expert in such stuff, Apple seems to be a closed book. That is until GrayKey.

Apple, this may come as a surprise to some, but it is still not indefensible.With GrayKey, users, that is mainly law enforcement, can access your data which is kept locked up in your phone. Of course this whole procedure has not come cheap to them.

What really is GrayKey? 

Grayshift, the makers behind GrayKey manufactured a device that can apparently unlock your iPhone and get to your data. This GrayKey is only sold to law enforcement but has now become useless after Apple’s release of iOS 12.

Grayshift keeps the coding to GrayKey a secret and sells it only to governments and law enforcement to decrypt encrypted devices such as the iPhone.

GrayKey sells for $15,000 a piece with that one piece being able to unlock only 300 devices and for the unlimited variety, the government would have to shell out another $15,000.

Apple’s first Strike to GrayKey: 

The unlimited license that GrayKey provided became less appealing over the summer as Apple launched USB restricted mode in iOS. This update basically ensures that iPhone data is secure after one hour of the phone being locked.

This defense was however short lived as many experts speculated that hackers could keep iPhones unlocked for longer until they got into secure files.

GrayKey one Apple zero!

Apple comes out the winner with GrayKey: 

With iOS 12 Apple seems to have turned the tables on GrayKey. How you say? Well we don’t really know. All we do know is that GrayKey will be able to work only on partial extraction mode now. Which means that all law enforcement officials will be able to get is a few unencrypted files, metadata, folders and not much else.

Keeping a secret with GrayKey:

Grayshift or the makers behind GrayKey have kept everything hush hush about their breakthrough gadget. So, it becomes difficult to speculate how exactly Apple has blocked GrayKey without really knowing how it works.

The bare minimum that we know, is that GrayKey would run propriety software onto the iPhone and open the passcode without the retry option coming on.

Apple may have used deep kernel changes as well as the previous USB restricted mode to block GrayKey besides other things.

But this is not the end for GrayKey. As the company has made a lot of money in the Apple iPhone hacking game it is not likely that they are going to quit anytime soon.

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