Friday, May 18, 2018

Apple Loop: New iPhone Details Leaked

New iPhone, The Latest with Apple

Recently the Cupertino Company has a lot going on for it with a new screen for a new iPhone coming out later this year, the bugs found in Face Time, a reminiscence of the iMac journey and why people find the iPhone X better than the 8 Plus. Apple has even a set of drones on their work agenda. While Apple has a lot on it’s plate right now and undoubtedly more in the future, we will take a further a look into Apple happenings in the last week or so.

A 2018 iPhone with a new screen?

Apple’s flagship iPhones all have an OLED screen, but Apple plans on bringing out an iPhone in the coming months with a LED screen. This phone will follow in the footsteps of the iPhone 8 Plus and is rumored to target the $700- $800 range, hence the cheaper LCD.

The design on this supposed new iPhone will be based on the iPhone X and will probably have a 6 inch or 6.1 inch screen as well as with the new LCD screen. This new form of LCD will have been developed by LG and there is proof to support this fact too- a supply chain report bearing such information gives credit to the idea that Apple has a new LCD screen iPhone in the pipeline.

This new iPhone with the look of the previous iPhone X model will have a near all bezel free- screen and a new screen with new tech. The tech behind the screen is this – while normal LCD screens have red, green and blue sub- pixels, the new form of LCD known as M+ has an extra sub- bezel which is white, this white sub- bezel gives off more brightness than the other sub- bezels.

Face Time issues with the iPhone:

While Apple plans on making a new iPhone, current iPhones running on iOS 11.3 and 11.3.1 are going through a rough patch, to be more specific a microphone related rough patch. In news recently Apple said that any user experiencing such an issue, may have to do with a grayed out speaker button while they take phone calls. This issue may also be while Face Timing too.

Apple has informed service providers to run audio diagnostics and iPhones having the problem will show up as “device could not detect dock” and then the service providers are asked to initiate a repair of the iPhone. While many of the previous iPhone issues were handled with a new iOS update the current issue requires manual repairs.

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