
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Top Strategies For Marketing Your New App

If you’ve spent countless hours developing your own unique app and perfecting it, it can be logically assumed that you want people to download and use it, right?

The problem is, simply designing an app and posting it to the app store doesn’t mean that people will download it. If no one knows it’s there, how can they download it?

This is where marketing comes in, and it’s tough to do because you’re competing with literally hundreds of thousands of other app developers.

So the question is, what strategies can you use to get your app to stand out amongst a crowded field?
Here are the top strategies for marketing your new app:

Achieve Organic Marketing Through A Durable Social Media Presence

A social media presence is 100% necessary in today’s world. Social media increases awareness about your brand, connects you with your audience, and is one of the most powerful communication tools to have ever existed.

On Facebook, for instance, you can gain followers, communicate with them in the comments, and join relevant app groups to spread your message.

Eventually, once you build strong enough of a presence, you can achieve what is called ‘organic marketing,’ or where you can promote yourself simply by having a presence on social media outlets such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter.

What’s important is that you actually connect with your audience. Don’t just be promotional. Engage with them in the comments section to answer questions and respond to comments. Don’t let your posts and updates feel automated. Rather, write them in your own voice.

Write A Killer Description

 The description is often where developers skip over when marketing their app. This is a major mistake, because most people on the fence will read your description before deciding whether to download your app or not.

Your app description needs to accomplish several things, including:
  • It must be of medium length (neither too long nor too short)
  • It must have short paragraphs
  • It must explain the benefits of your app to the user
  • It must be written in an easy-to-understand manner
  • The features of the app should be explained in the form of bullet points
  • It should contain popular keywords
An excellent description is just one thing you can do to optimize your app for the apps tore, which we will talk about next.

Optimize Your App For The App Store

App Store Optimization (ASO) refers to the steps you can take to make your app more visible on the app store. Since the app world is so oversaturated, this is not something you can overlook.

Examples of the steps you can take to optimize your app include:
  • Researching popular keywords and including them in your description
  • Having a unique app name
  • Including screenshots/video tutorial in your description
  • Accumulating many 4-star and 5-star reviews

Reward Your Users

Ultimately, is there no greater marketing technique than simply to develop a loyal fanbase?

Of course, accumulating a base of loyal fans is easier said than done to begin with, but one of the best strategies you can use to make your fans more loyal is simply to reward them.

Send push notifications to those who have already downloaded your app informing them of updates, benefits, contests, and so on.

You can also send people rewards (such as access to paid features on your app for free) on their birthdays or on holidays.

Make More Apps

Finally, you can also gain visibility on the app store by simply creating more apps. You can also direct people who download one app to another through push notifications, links in the app, and internal banners.

The main idea here is that you treat app development like a business. If people are interested in one of your products, and if they like it, then it’s only natural that they should be interested in another as well.
In short, the more apps you create (and the more successful you are at using each of your apps to market the others) the more visibility you will gain.

Marketing Your New App

Developing an app is one thing, but marketing it is a whole different ball game.

Each of the options that I have mentioned today can be put together to build a thorough marketing strategy for your mobile app that does not require large financial outlays. As with all marketing strategies, you will find that each tactic requires a continuous time investment and active monitoring for maximum benefits.

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