
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Apple’s Latest Patent Ensures Your Screen Turns on to the Right Display Brightness

Apple Patent to reduce Display Brightness

Apple files many patents on a yearly basis or maybe even shorter, not that they work on all of these patents, but one of the patents that they have been constantly following up on has to do with a feature that will reduce display brightness. Recently Apple has been granted a patent that has to do with reducing display brightness or luminescence shock. This new patent, details how a device such as the iPhone would react in a dark environment or more specifically how the brightness of a screen would react in such an environment setting.

At present in any device when the lighting in a room changes or more selectively becomes darker, the phone’s screen takes a moment to adjust the brightness of the screen, according to the environment it is in. this temporarily causes something known as a “luminescence shock”.

How will Apple’s patent work to solve display Brightness? 

This temporary adjustment of the brightness of the screen to the environment that the phone is being used in can cause damage to the eye. Apple has now come up with a way by which that damage could be reduced or all together eliminated.

According to the patent that has been awarded to Apple, a phone or any other device’s display brightness will be selectively limited depending on the lighting in the environment.

What does the patent to limit display brightness detail? 

The tech in question would use the phone’s or device’s ambient light sensor to detect the level of brightness that is required from the display.

At present when you get a call or receive a message, the display takes a moment to adjust causing unwanted display brightness but in this case the phone’s ambient light sensor will detect the lighting in the environment and accordingly adjust the brightness emitting from the screen.

Another aspect of limiting display brightness is that a phone or device could work without an ambient light sensor too. The phone has to automatically reduce brightness whenever a call or message is received. There is no need of an ambient light sensor for this, the display brightness automatically shifts whenever a call or message is received. This too would be effective in reducing luminescence shock.

When was the patent to reduce luminescence shock filed? 

Apple has a tendency to file patents on various techs that it is working on and not really following up on them. What I mean by this is that the company takes to filing patents which do not really make their way on to a production line.

But in this case Apple seems to be serious with this patent to reduce display brightness. Apple filed this same patent in 2007 and since then it has followed through with it with the last one being filed in 2016 until the present one. This is something it seems that the company is serious on. Whether this tech will be advertised as a separate feature in up- coming Apple devices or simply just present in future devices is not known at present and another point in mind is that if this tech does find its way on to an Apple product, it could have the potential to reduce battery consumption as well.

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