
Thursday, February 8, 2018

Why iPhone Night Shift Mode is Big Deal

Night Shift Mode

Night Shift Mode in iPhone and how it could improve Your sleep

We sometimes or maybe always use our phones before we sleep, although we have tried hard to kick the habit. This so called habit of ours leads to us getting very bad sleep. Our phone screens emit a light known as blue light that helps us see the screen in bright sunlight. This feature seems to work in the night also. Blue light has a way of affecting our melatonin production which causes us to get very bad sleep in the night. iPhone’s night shift mode hopes to change all that.

The blue light that phones emit in the night causes our brain to get mixed signals and that is when our melatonin production is affected. Melatonin is a hormone that gives our body sleep cues. Without it, we have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep leading to a host of health problems. With iOS 9.3’s night shift mode the blue light on the iPhone screen is toned down.

How Blue Light Affects the Brain and how night shift mode helps us? 

Blue light basically affects an individual’s melatonin production that makes it difficult to not only get sleep but also to stay asleep. But the blue light on our screens can harm us in other ways too. By not getting proper sleep your neurotoxin levels are affected and this in turn will make it even harder for a person to fall asleep.

Not getting a good night’s rest will affect your memory in the long run and make it harder to remember things too. The blue light in our phones, by affecting melatonin production, also takes a toll on our mental health. Besides being fatigued, low melatonin levels increase the chances of depression.

Causing disruption to melatonin levels will in fact affect other hormones too such as those that control hunger causing associated problems like obesity. The other problems that can result from the harmful blue light could be cataract, cancer and could also affect the retina in a person’s eye.

iPhone users that can’t use F.lux, a feature that allows you to tone down blue light levels when needed, don’t need toworry. With iOS 9.3, users get something that is known as night shift mode. With night shift mode a user can control the blue light setting on your iPhone. Night shift mode allows you to set a timing when your phone will start dimming the blue light emitting from the phone.

The screen becomes warmer as the blue light is dimmed by the night shift mode on the phone. Many users who updated to iOS 9.3 feel their eyes less stressed with the night shift mode. Although how much the night shift mode is going to help a person sleep when they have other sleep related problems is anyone’s guess.

Anxiety, stress related issues and other problems from using a phone at night all can affect an individual’s sleep pattern, this makes it difficult to see whether the night shift mode is effective or not.

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