Friday, August 25, 2017

Open Wonder: Android Oreo Updates

Android Oreo
Android 8.0 Oreo is already official: here's the most amazing news about the new version

Android 8.0 Oreo is the official name that has finally unveiled Google for its new mobile operating system. It is the one we will see in the new smart phones of 2018, and the one that will face iOS 11 as an alternative in the 'Apple world'. It was an open secret and finally, it has been confirmed that as with Android 4.4 KitKat the Mountain View firm has reached an agreement.

Android 8.0 Oreo is already a reality and for that reason, we are going to make a review by all the novelties that incorporates with respect to the previous version and also to tell you when it will begin its landing in the different devices and which will be the first ones that will be able to enjoy it.

Just after the solar eclipse, which has been fully enjoyed in the United States, the Mountain View firm has made an extremely brief direct to unveil the figure that will decorate the entrance of its headquarters. It is the figure of the new version Android 8.0, and is an Oreo cookie with android arms. What it does mean is that the new version of its mobile operating system is called Android 8.0 Oreo.

What's New in Android 8.0 Oreo

With those words is how Google introduces Android 8.0 Oreo, and it is only because of the novelties of this mobile operating system. As explained in the website dedicated to Android Oreo, with this version the devices start up twice as fast - proven in Google Pixel -, and the management of multitasking is notably better because the system is responsible for limiting activity in the background. But that's not all, far from it.

They also tell us, in the summary of new features of Android 8.0 Oreo, that now certain tasks we will do much faster thanks to the Self-loading. It can be used in applications to make the login faster, without having to remember our passwords and usernames. Now, one of the most remarkable news and that also collect here, is that we have PiP -Picture in Picture, to be able to see two apps on the screen with one of them shifted to a corner and in smaller dimensions. For example, use a full-screen app and keep a reserved video call in one corner of the screen.

Notifications and icons changes

The truth is that the new version of the operating system includes many changes, including some that we had long expected. One of the points that have improved the most is almost everything related to the notification system, as it has awarded many improvements in this new version compared to the previous one.

But also with Android 8.0 Oreo has been introduced the system of advanced notifications: is that, in each app, is shown in the upper right corner a point with a numbering corresponding to pending notifications. And if we click it opens a small floating menu in which these notifications appear, and of course, we can access them more quickly. And speaking of applications, and speed, Instant Apps is one of the key points: to use applications without having to install them on the mobile, directly taking advantage of the Internet connection of the mobile.

In Android 8.0 we can discard notifications over a period of time and decide when we want to receive them again. In addition, we can categorize the notifications through channels and you will be much more visual, showing background colors and using a systematized iconography and typography.

Another change has to do with how they will be displayed in the notification bar since now notifications will not be displayed according to their order of arrival, but each will have its own space within it depending on the category to that they belong (calls, updates, reminders ...).

Another notable innovation comes with the icons because in Android Oreo these will be adaptive, being formed by two layers so that the developers can work on them and adapt them to the device so that they can change their design adapting better to the launcher.

Android Go and smart text selection

With this version of Android finally, comes a version for devices with few resources. This is Android Go, a reduced version of Android 8.0 Oreo thanks to which the low range, with fewer hardware resources, will not be unable to show off the latest version of the system.

Another important new feature in Android O is the intelligent selection of text, with which it will be able to deduce what it is that we want to do with respect to the text that we select. That is, if the selected words correspond to an address, Google will suggest that we open Google Maps.

Picture in picture mode, tones, and emoji

With this new version of Android comes the Picture in Picture mode that will allow us to split the screen in two to use two applications at once. In addition, we have another novelty that many will make happy: the possibility of adding our own ringtones and notifications sounds easily from the settings, without resorting to the computer or third party applications.

Of course, another news that has been most talked about and that has finally come true is the complete redesign of the emojis that stop being shaped like a drop to look a little more iOS emojis.

Google Play Protect is another aspect that has emphasized the signature because with this system the Google Play Store will be a safer place thanks to the analysis - with an own 'antivirus' - of the applications available there. And with this version have been introduced, in addition to security improvements, changes that affect autonomy. Without too much detail, Google ensures that with Android 8.0 Oreo will notice a better management of energy that, simply, translates into more hours of use with a single charge.

But ... what could not be missing? Undoubtedly, the emoji. From the hand of Android 8.0 Oreo comes a powerful update for the Google keyboard. In the same have been introduced all the new emoji that correspond to the last version of Unicode. That is, we can now enjoy new forms of expression that were recently approved and, similarly, will soon be available on devices from Apple and Microsoft.

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