Monday, August 28, 2017

How to Fix iPhone Home Button Not Working

iPhone Home Button: Ways to repair unresponsive button

The home button of your iPhone is no longer what it is supposed to be? Or does it work in the worst case scenario? Is at first glance looks like a hardware defect could have been superfluous after a simple calibration of the home button.

Unfortunately, it is synonymous with the expensive Apple iPhones despite high quality always times again to hardware problems. For example, it is a known problem that a broken on / off switch often makes anger on the iPhone. Thus, the button initially only shows its function and can only be used by pressing in the left area. After some time, the power button on the iPhone will not work. Many users also complain that the Home Button only works badly or not at all. However, all these problems can be handled with a simple trick.

Calibrate Home Button

Before we look at how a calibration of the Home Button works, we would like to point out that this instruction has not been officially confirmed by Apple. However, many iPhone users have reported in various Internet forums that this route has actually led to the desired success.

As a first step you open any pre-installed app on your iPhone, like the weather, share or calendar app. Keep this app open for the next step, making sure your iPhone does not lock automatically. Now press the power button until the power switch (do not turn off the iPhone). Now you keep the Home Button pressed down until the power off screen disappears and the app is closed.

You should now be back on your Homescreen and the home button of your iPhone should be calibrated again.

If the calibration does not work, you can do the above steps again if you think you have made a mistake.

Repair through AssistiveTouch

Apple offers on each iPhone the possibility to activate a virtual control button, called the Assist Touch. This way you get not only a virtual home button or a virtual on / off switch on your iPhone, but can also call other functions quickly via this button.

After activating the AssistiveTouch button in the settings under "Operating aids", you can now use the bypass switch by pressing the button, select "device" and then "screen lock". The home button can be selected and simulated directly using it.

The AssistiveTouch button is slightly transparent and is always visible in the foreground even when you are in an app. However, the button can be pushed back and forth at will, in some cases, the button is also intelligent and notices, if it is in the way and automatically shifts. If it is above the keyboard. Even multi touch gestures can be carried out via the AssistiveTouch button.

Adjust slipped home button with dock connector cable

A known problem with the Home Button of the iPhone is that it may move with the time minimally downwards - then one can hardly navigate through the menus with the smartphone. This defect can be fixed with a little fingertip feeling and with the dock connector cable of the iPhone. Connect the cable and push it gently upwards towards the screen so that the button is pushed back into the correct position. Experience shows that this is the most frequent way of repairing the home button.

Handle the home button with cleaning fluid or electric toothbrush

Contaminations can also be a problem for the home button - in this case you do not have to repair the button, cleaning can already be sufficient. For this purpose, there are several repair kits, which many iPhone owners swear by. It contains a special cleaning fluid that is applied to the button with a pipette, then the Home Button has to be pressed several times and pressed for a few minutes. Finally, you should leave the smartphone still 15 minutes to rest, as a rule, the stains are removed, and the Home Button works again.

An alternative is the handle to the electric toothbrush. Just press the Home Button and clean it with the brush, it also comes into the fine spaces. Important: Use an unused brush head so that no toothpaste residues penetrate the iPhone.

Lastly, replace the key

If a cleaning is not successful, the key must be replaced. The spare part is available online, you will find detailed instructions for installation also. However, the repair is only recommended if you have some fine mechanical skills and technique. Otherwise, its better give at Apple store for repair.


A slipped home button can often be adjusted with the Dock Connector cable

Care sets with special cleaning fluids can help in case of contamination

Cleaning with an electric toothbrush is also worth a try

The last possibility is the exchange of the home button - in self-government or through the Apple support

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