Saturday, June 10, 2017

Apple iOS 11 Update Ends Support for iPhone 5 and 5C

 iOS 11
When Apple's iOS 11 mobile operating system will be launched later this year, it will not be made available for the iPhone 5 and 5C or the iPad 4. This just means that older devices will stop receiving software and security updates. Newer devices such as the iPhone 5S will receive the upgrade; however, apps that are older will stop working later.

This is the result of Apple’s verdict to terminate devices and apps that use 32-bit processors. iOS 11 will only work on a new iPhone and not on an old one as older phones use 34-bit processor whereas newer phones will have a 64-bit processor which permits the system to use a larger amount of memory. Since 2013, Apple’s devices have had 64-bit processors instead of 32-bit processors, when it was introduced with the iPhone 5S and the iPad Air.

This change will be challenging for app developers too. In the new version of the App store, apps that run only in 32-pit processors will fail to show up in the search results or be available from the tab under Purchase if they were previously downloaded. If the apps are updated to be 64-bit compatible, they will stop working on older phones which have 32-bit processors.

Warning Was Given Years Before

A 64-bit processor is faster in use as it can handle a large amount of data all at once, that is four billion times as much as compared to a 32-bit processor. This is why iOS 11 will work better with 64-bit processor. Ernest Doku, a telecoms expert at, said that Apple gave warning for years about this migration to the 64-bit processor hardware but still many customers will be left blindsided with this news.

Most of the apps belonging to the last four years’ time period or so maybe compatible, provided they have not been updated since the year 2015. Way before iOS 11, when iOS 10.1 was released by Apple in October 2016, users functioning with an updated device would be warned through a message that it may slow down their phone.

 The upgrade to iOS 10.3 also includes a tool that detects apps that are not compatible with a 64-bit processor. The apps which are affected will be found under Settings > General > About > Applications > App Compatibility. Last year, it was revealed on a trading website that the iPhone 5 was one of the most popular handsets from the number of listings that were created. This new change in its functioning is likely to further disappoint owners.

Phasing out the 32-bit

All the updates to the current apps and new apps have had to ability to support 64-bit since June 2015, so any app that has been updated in the span of these last two years will remain unaffected. However, a few popular games and educational apps have not been upgraded from the time the 64-bit requirement was introduced.

These include apps from Fisher Price and WeeWorld. The 32-bit support for Mac is also likely to be phased out by Apple. The company informed developers at WWDC that Mac OS High Sierra would be the last device to have 32-bit capability without any adjustments.

All the new apps given to the Mac app store and all the updates to existing apps will need to be 64-bit compatible from June 2018. This new iOS 11 update will be available in about September as a free update for any iPhone and iPad that is supported.

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