Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Why Apple's red iPhones are not 'Red' in China

Tech lovers, who are enthusiastic of using iPhone, perhaps always wait for the release of new handsets of Apple. So, when Apple has recently launched Red version of iPhone 7, everyone becomes excited to have an experience of using the stylish model. Apple has started a campaign with the name- Product Red, and it has comprised all its red colored accessories, including iPods and headphones. The company has planned to sell Red iphone 7 with its red color in order to back up RED- an AIDS or HIV charitable trust.

This campaign of Apple will surely increase awareness of people internationally and produce more funds because each of the deals is to be counted as donation to the stated organization. A specific part of every red colored gadget, sold in the market, will help in funding a group that is working hard for struggling against the serious disease, mainly in Africa. This affiliation has recently led to the contribution of one hundred thirty million dollar. CEO of Apple has said that Apple is now the major corporate supporter to their fund.

No relevance of charity RED in iPhone models for Chinese citizens-

The latest edition of Apple Red iPhone is intended to be made available in more than forty nations of this world. However, the most interesting fact is that the handset is not presented in China as red edition by promoting the charity. It is known to all that China has a high possibility to make large number of sales. But, still, the Red iPhone edition has not been promoted there. The perceptive online users have made out that the marketing strategy, used by Apple for the new version, in China and Taiwan is not same. If you look at Apple’s website, intended for Chinese citizens, you may see that iPhone 7 has no mentioning of the charity RED. Rather, it reveals some other information, such as, time and date for launching the model.

Possible reasons for which Apple has not promoted the campaign in China-

You should not think it to be a mistake of Apple. AIDS and HIV are one of the complicated issues in the country of China. Some agencies have also raised a warning about the threatening AIDS problem of China.

Though a significant amount of advancement has been seen among young generation, government strategies have not been able to prevent the increase of this grave syndrome among homosexual guys in the country. So, it has been guessed that Apple has considered AIDS to be a very sensitive subject to Chinese iPhone users.

There is another presumption behind of avoidance of Red branding in the nation of China. A media has claimed that the iPhone manufacturer has understated its relation with RED, after posting Dalai Lama’s image on a social networking site. China thinks this personality to be a separatist. Though there is no proof to confirm such reason, many Chinese people have criticized Apple’s campaign due to their step for wishing birth anniversary to Dalai Lama.

1 comment:

  1. This was an interesting read..initially I thought it was something to do with Chinese dragon but after reading the entire post, I figured the reason why Chinese are criticising Apple's 'Awareness' campaign..It's sick that they have problems with Apple wishing the most spiritual man alive on this planet! If only all Good brands could ban their products in China..
