
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The iPhone May Soon be Able to Map Your Face for 3 D Selfies

Well, science and technology has moulded our lives and given a new shape in this digital world. Innovation and discovery going hand in have led to the most astonishing products and made our dreams come true. Without technology, we are like nowhere. There is always a healthy competition between the top companies to ace the market. Well, ever since Steve Jobs led Apple has come into the market, they had reached a new height and now the legacy is continued by Tim Cook. Each year apple comes with iPhones especially in the end of September. There has always been curiosity and some speculations about the features of the upcoming about how it will change the market and put an impact in the tech market.


Well, the latest report about the upcoming iPhones is that there would be a 3-D selfie camera. To be more specific, it would be able to amp your face. It will involve both the process of authentication and augmented reality which the new iPhone will be having. The camera would also come handy when you want to check the distance of any object which is quite far away from the lens. If this feature comes into market, then it would only another feather into the cap.


It already uses the technology to organise the photos based on the subjects that gets recognised in the images. To compete with the other stalwart companies like the Microsoft and Samsung which uses facial recognition to unlock the phone, Apple is also trying to bring something new. Well, apple promises to clear the bug or the faults that the users had in facial recognition with HP or other companies. The report states that the Apple has planned to use a depth sensing camera to remove the technical issues as well as other problems.


The report says that the readings would be more accurate and the users won’t be having any sort of problem using this technology. Day in and day out, we are trying our best to match up to the latest technology and this will increase the desire to experience more. With the help of visual sensors, the make up or any sort of trick can be identified in the upcoming Apple iPhone. It can recognise the dark skin tones as well. The major concern would be the privacy. The technology would map your face but the major concern lies how the identification data would be used. People are still unaware of how Apple would solve this problem and it is a big curiosity among the multitude also.


The matter which would raise the eyebrows of the people is whether the privacy would be maintained by the company or not. And also whether the recognition can be disabled by the user or not. So for the confirmation, we just need to sit back and wait till the actuals beans are spilled. But one thing is pretty sure, that the people will enjoy a new experience from this.

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