
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Home Office Solutions

Have you just landed your dream job working from home? Whether you’ve been given the green light to work remote in your current position or have landed a new gig altogether, working from home can be very alluring. Follow these recommendations from the professionals to ensure your remote position is a success. The thought of forgoing the morning commute and working in your sweatpants is no doubt very appealing. Keep these points in mind before taking the plunge.

Working from home requires a huge amount of self-discipline. Can you work to your maximum productivity levels without supervision? One of the best ways to set yourself up for success is to create a work environment that is as free of distractions as possible and maintain a consistent work schedule. These are the two key elements of successfully working from home.

Designate an area in your home for your home office. Take advantage of the awesome deals offered by Groupon coupons and select one of the many desks available at Pier 1 that are appropriate for residential use. If you’re fortunate enough to have a spare bedroom to set up as a home office, you’ve won half the battle. The advantages of a separate room for a home office are many. It will have fewer distractions and you’ll be able to close the door at the end of the work day and make an easier transition to your private life. Otherwise, designate another area in your home for the home office. Avoid the temptation to comingle home finance papers, children’s school work and family activity planning from your professional work space.

Finally, commit to starting your work day at the same time each day and wrapping up at a consistent time. You will be more productive if you cease work at the end of the day and engage in work life balance. Stay in contact with your office coworkers by visiting the office or staying in touch via email or conference calls. Best of luck to you on your new work from home career.

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