Monday, March 20, 2017

Hacking of Phones through Sound wave is Possible

Sound wave Hacking
In the contemporary world, where the science and technology have seen a massive growth, which helps the society to have some of the most important articles and services to make the life more easier. The electronic devices are nowadays the most important parts of our daily life and people are quite obsessive about this equipment and their well-beings.

These days, there are some issues; so far the technology is concerned, which need to be addressed with special care and attention to get the best feedback from the same. Nowadays, we can find that there are rampant uses of such devices or equipment, such as; laptop, smartphones, fitness machines etc., which are all having some security provisions to deter the harmful intruders. In these cases, special measures are being taken to get the best possible safety coverage and the respective manufacturers proudly claim the benefits of these measures.

Very recently, researchers have proved that this security base of some of the “secured” devices can be broken by using a remote device and through sending some commands, which is considered as a great threat for these kinds of equipment. An amazing security loophole has been located, through that someone can add some of the most horrifying steps to any Fitbit monitor. Although it can be sighted as a very small and negligible issue; but according to researchers, it is the sign that broader risks will be there, if this issue has not been addressed with extreme care and sincerity.

Some Notable Revelations

Most of us have seen a television ad, where an opera singer broke the glass with her pitched sound wave, which reminds us the splitting power of the sound. A group of researchers, involved in the security of the computer, from the University of Michigan, have demonstrated the vulnerability, which allows them to control or surreptitiously influence some of the devices through a small accelerometer; a standard element in any computer, smartphone or fitness monitor and most importantly in the automobile.

In this case, the sound wave sent from the remote device can spell out specific words and can intrude into the targeted device; not only being able to shut down it but by entering commands, which can be described as a musical virus or such kind of a thing. The researchers have tested almost 20 different kinds of chips, prepared by 5 different chip manufacturers and found that this security challenge is more vulnerable in nature for any digital appliances, available in the society.


There are lots of companies, who are involved in the manufacturing of trucks and cars of self-driving nature and unaware of the vulnerabilities, unknowingly allowing an attacker, which is capable of attacking the vehicles by remotely controlled means, with unnerving possibilities. At the same time, it can be noted that the problem is not so grave like "sky is falling", at this moment, rather it can be considered as an eye opener or revealing window for the cyber security concepts and applications, which challenges the complex security systems, having possibility of interactions of digital and analog components.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the new information. It is a cause of concern!
