
Monday, December 12, 2016

iCar Release Date Rumours

We have so long heard rumors about Apple working on developing a self driving iCar but none has been supported or disapproved by the Apple. However a recent move by Apple suggests that it is actually working on developing its own self-driving car which might be dubbed as iCar to give some competition to others. Apple has forwarded a letter to the US transport regulars urging them to come up with set of rules and guidelines for the self-driving cars.

Earlier it has been believed that Apple has finally shied away from the iCar initiative but the recent letter to regulator was penned by none other than Apple’s director of product integrity. Apple has also once said that it is excited about the potential of the automated system which can be seen in many areas that included the transportation sector. None of it confirms that Apple is developing a self-driving car on its own.

Apple confirms sending out letter to US regulators

A confirmation has made by Apple that it has sent out a letter to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration or NFTSA. Apple has stated that the reason for sending message is attributed to its heavy funding and investment in the machine learning as well as th autonomous systems. Apple wishes to get list of best practices to be followed in transportation when it comes to self-driving vehicles in order to formulate or develop its self-driving technological capabilities within set boundaries. Apple has also urged regulators not to interfere with testing of the self-driving cars by unleashing a barrage of rules and terms rather focus on the usage and implementation n of the technology. This will ensure that the self driving testing and development remains for all without any unwanted challenge or restrictions.

Furthermore Apple also wants competitors and researchers to share information on the crashes and near-misses in order help each other over similar challenges in a neutral fashion. Such data will allow developers to make significant changes on the technology as per the need of the hour without going through similar testing which will eventually amounts to the loss of effort and resources.

Why suddenly move focus towards iCar? 

This year of Apple has not been as great as the last one since the iPhone 7 failed to garner enough support from the critics or fans alike. A majority of Apple revenue is still generated from the iPhone sales which has seen tremendous rise last year. During quarter four financial results Apple’s CEO Tim Cook has to face a number of questions on a variety of products which also included Apple Car. Quite smartly Cook did away with this question by neither confirming nor denying its existence. He mentioned that Apple is looking at some smart and innovative steps towards improving the customers experience on a wide range of products. On car front he even stated that there are already a number of technological evolutions are in progress which might end up revolutionizing the car segment.

In literal sense Apple was winking at other competitors that a revolutionary technology is indeed in development at Apple which possess the ability to rise above the competition.

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