Thursday, June 16, 2016

8 Reasons you are finally Going to Wear Your Apple Watch


The Next Software Update of Apple Watch 

Apple had made an announcement at its yearly developer conference on Monday and renamed OS X to MacOS showing off new features on TVOS. The succeeding software update for Apple Watch - Watch OS 3 drew a lot of attention and tends to look exceptional. The following are the eight features which seem to make the Apple Watch a lot better:

1. No staring blankly at the wrist

The Apple Watch from the first day, has been overwhelmed with slow loading time for apps and presently the process goes thus - one can raise their wrist and tap on an app icon, the circular, spinning dots start up and with the wrist raised, on can walk the dog, take out the trash, or take a nap and then the app tends to eventually load. According to Apple, with WatchOS 3, the mostly used apps seem to load seven times faster. The onstage demo of app launching seemed to be inspiring and if it tends to work the same after the WWDC stage, loading the app faster would be making the watch very helpful.

2. Apple Watch gets an app dock

Now with the loading of app being much faster, it could be reasonable to have a quicker access to these apps. Apple presently has included an app dock which is similar to MacOS or iOS and you could set some apps to reside in the dock and open the dock quickly on pressing the side button of the watch. On scrolling through the previews of the apps, you could tap on the respective card in launching the app which is much better than using the side button as a shortcut for digital touch.

3. In fitness, compete with friends 

Tracking of activities on the Apple Watch has been remote since the same cannot be shared or the stats sent to family members or friend and to motivate them for improvement. Apple seems to bring friends on the Activity app wherein one can cheer on or trash talks with those on your list of friends based on their regular activity status.

4. Scribble

Apple has the potential of writing on the watch utilising the finger when at times, one is unable to dictate a message to the watch. Apple has a feature known as Scribble and when it is activated, you can write the message one letter at a time on the screen of the watch. The watch will then identify the handwriting, translating it into text which is ready to be sent as a message.

5. More Apple Pay 

With the launch of WatOS 3 this fall, one will not only have the option of using Apple Pay on tapping your wrist on compatible terminal for payment but also complete purchases directly on your wrist with the help of the app.

6. Improved switching between watch faces

The procedure of switching between watch faces has been enhanced which needs a simple swipe to the right or left across the prevailing watch face. Besides this, the Apple Watch app on the iPhone would now display the complication an app tends to have which would be helpful in making a purchase decision, on being aware precisely what an app seems capable of doing on the wrist.

7. Just Breathe

A health app known as Breathe will alert you to take a moment and breathe and the thinking here is that you take some minutes daily to clear your mind and be more conscious of your breathing to relax and reduce stress levels.

8. Accessibility 

Apple has created a wheelchair mode for the Apple Watch and when activated, user would get credit for activity as they move around in a wheelchair. Instead of getting hourly alert to stand up, wheelchair user would be informed that `it’s time to roll’.

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