Thursday, April 7, 2016

Another iOS 9.3 Bug Causes Apps to Freeze your iPhone

iOS 9.3

Apple’s Mobile Operating System - Freeze

As per reports on the Support Forums of Apple and tweets to the company’s Support team, the mobile operating system which Apple had launched recently has been going through a rough patch causing iOS based devices comprising of iPhone and iPad to freeze. Last week, a forum post from one iPhone owner stated that while trying to click a link to Google GOOG-0.6% from Apple’s AAPL 1.03% built-in browser Safari or email app Mail, `the apps just freeze’.

 The person also added that nothing fixed the problem inclusive of starting the phone. Soon thereafter, many other Apple users also reported of the same problem. One poster wrote `I’m having the same issue in every app that has a link to open Safari, I was in the beta and this never happened, it was more stable then (sic) the public release’.

A video had also been published showcasing the problem in action. At this point of time, it is not known what precisely is causing the issue. An earlier report in TechCrunch that had learnt the growing Apple Support thread had pointed to some complains which the issue could have been related with an iOS 9 feature known as `Universal Links’.

Issued Fixed by Disabling JavaScript

The feature permits app developers to compel links to open directly within their programs rather than an Apple’s Safari browser. However, some of the users in the forum stated that when they disabled JavaScript, a computer language utilised by Apple’s app, it seemed to fix the issue. Whatever maybe the situation, it is just the latest fault affecting the latest operating system launch of Apple.

Apple had recently announced that it would be launching iOS 9.3 to its iPhone and iPad users. The version earlier had been in beta for months recommending that Apple had been working with developers in getting the issued resolved. But soon thereafter, users began complaining regarding the latest version of Apple’s operating system.

Some users, for instance with older devices could not update to iOS 9.3 if they did not remember their passwords and unless they tried a workaround comprising of changing their passwords through Apple’s, their device would be considered as useless.

Software Update for Future iOS Devices

Apple on its part accepted the problem stating that it was attempting to fix the activation error. Recently, the company had patched the issue on the iPad 2 though it said that it would launch a software update to the other iOS devices in the future.

The problem also seemed to be a kind of a black mark on the notable upgrade which included support for new Night Shift feature that automatically adjusts the brightness of the screen, making it easier on the eyes during night.

The app also included enhancements to Notes, News together with other features. Users, still seem to be unhappy with the operating system which had been in testing for quite some time and are expecting Apple to resolve this issue which for some have stopped links from functioning.

Apple had refrained from responding immediately on the malfunction but a forum poster claimed to have spoken to Apple Support that stated that it was aware of the problem and that their engineers have been working on an update.

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