Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Apple recalls power adapters for iOS and Mac products in several countries after shock risk

Apple Recall of Power Adapters – iOS/Mac

Apple, the tech giant, has delivered a recall of power adapters for Mac computers and some of the iOS devices which had been sold 12 years have been found to cause risk of electrical shock. The recall does not seems to touch UK power adapters though the two prong version that were sold in continental Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Brazil and Argentina were all subject to it together with the World Travel Adapter Kit of the company that had been sold in the UK.

It was observed by the tech company that in very rare cases, the adapter tend to break and create an electrical shock risk. The company stated that they were aware of 12 incidents where the same had occurred. Those which were not affected were the ones sold in Canada, China, Hong Kong, Japan, UK and US. To know if an adapter can be returned, one needs to check the back and read the series of characters on the interior slot.

Affected two prong plug adapter would tend to have four or five characters or no characters on the inner side of the slot where it attaches to the main Apple power adapter. According to Apple, if it is a four or five character number, it should be returned. However if it tends to bear regional letters like `EUR’ then it is considered ok.

Verify Serial Number – Part of Exchange Procedure

User would have to verify their Mac, iPod, iPhone or iPad serial number as a part of the exchange procedure and this can be obtained by syncing the device with iTunes. On the other hand users could use a Mac and get the serial number from `About This Mac menu’.

Users using an iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or iPod could get the number in Settings, General and About, on an iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, or iPod. The company has requested customers to stop utilising affected plug adapters and to visit the support site for information on how to exchange the adapters that were affected for new, redesigned ones.

The support page of Apple for the incident has stated that users could return their adapters for redesigned ones, by contacting customer support or at an Apple Store. Apple has mentioned that the `customer safety is Apple’s top priority and that they have voluntarily decided to exchange affected wall plug adapters with a new, redesigned adapter at no charge’.

Visit Apple Site for Replacement

Apple had offered to replace some of the adapters for their iPhone 3GS, 4 and 4S in Europe in 2014, after it was found to be overheated. Though the recall does not seem to directly affect the Indian consumers, several of the Indians could have purchased the products of Apple with affected adapters from the affected countries during 2003 and 2015.

As a means of precaution, it is advised to visit the Apple site in order to get a replacement. This could affect the company’s stock and its image and this year has not been very good for Apple with the slowdown in the sales and revenues of iPhone and a recall has been a little unwelcome

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