
Monday, January 25, 2016

Future iPhones could feature Li-Fi, a technology 100 times faster than Wi-Fi


Li-Fi Transfer Information at Over 100 Gigabits

Due to the researchers at universities which include St. Andrew, Cambridge, Edinburgh and Strathclyde, Li-Fi has been in development for many years which uses light emitting diodes – LEDs in order to beam information through air and the same is received by a light sensor.

In 2011, Professor of the University of Edinburgh, Harald Haas had been credited with its creation, when he had demonstrated it with a flickering light from a single LED wherein he could transmit more data than a cellular tower. While the out-dated Wi-Fi has the capability of transmitting data around 7 gigabits per second –Gbps, Li-Fi test have portrayed that it can transfer information at over 100 Gbps, with theoretical productivity of 224 Gbps.

This means that high definition films can be downloaded on device through Li-fi connection within seconds. Fitting any type of light device comprising of a humble light-bulb with a microchip can transform the same into a wireless data transmission point according to Professor’s Hass in his TED talk. Presently Li-Fi is in highly progressive stage which means that it is very unlikely to feature in the iPhone 7 that is expected to be released in September.

New Li-Fi to Overtake Wi-Fi Connection

The new Li-Fi technology is being geared up to blow the prevailing Wi-Fi connection by providing speeds of up to 1 Gbps. It tends to work by transmitting information through light rather than radio waves which means that it needs light source, like an LED light bulb together with an internet connection.

The term had been introduced initially by Professor Harald Haas and is presently being tested in Europe and is expected to be available to consumers within four years. The possibility of the technology is that it is restricted in its present form as visible light is unable to travel through walls and a device is needed to be within direct sight of a receiver, within a radius of about three meters. It also means that it could only be utilised in rooms that are lit.

According to Spectrum IEEE, devices in future would be capable of sidestepping this limit by using a tracking as well as location system which means that a user can place a laptop at a spot on a table and allow the system to locate it and create a link.

Pilot Project in Various Industries

Presently, Estonian company Velmenni is testingthe product and it has stated that it has been tested in an office as well as in an industrial space. Deepak Solanki, Chief executive had informed International Business Times that they were doing a few pilot projects in various industries wherein they could use the visible light communication – VLC technology.

Presently a smart lighting solution for industrial environment has been designed wherein the data communication is being done through light. A pilot project with a private client is also being done where setting up a Li-Fi network in order to access the internet in their office space. But the system seems unlikely to completely replace Wi-Fi and it could be utilised along with the prevailing technologies in order to provide more efficient systems.

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