
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

You can finally disable the iPhone's Default Apps

iPhone Apps

An Option for Disabling iPhone’s Default Apps

The latest versions of Apple iOS 9 enables users to delete over 30 stock apps built-in, on iPhone. It began with Stocks wherein Apple then added Maps, iBook, Watch, Health, Tips and much more. Presently there are 32 apps on the iPhone which the users are unable to erase.

Most of them seem to be necessary such as Settings, Phone and App Store while the others like Find Friends and Podcasts are seldom used by several users. For many years, user have been finding ways of deleting some of the default apps on the phone while others have accumulated them in a folder in the hope of ignoring them as much as they can.

However, there is now another option for disabling the iPhone’s default apps though it is only available to Apple developers and one may have to pay £79, together with a bit of technical confidence and a full reset of the phone. Being complicated, it recommends that Apple could eventually be ready to permit users in eliminating the default apps. Users who intend to have an easier option of removing the apps, could follow a method which enables them to do it by downloading any special software but the apps tends to return when the phone is turned off and on again,

How to Remove Default Apps

It has been revealed by Reddit user bfodder on how iPhone users who had downloaded the beta version of the new iOS 9.3 software by using a beta version of Apple’s Configurator program enabled businesses as well as school in managing the devices to get rid of stock apps. To remove the default apps one can:

  •  Sign up for the iOS beta programme to enable the download of iOS 9.3 public beta, though the full release is not yet out. A full guide is provided on signing for the beta programme including backing of the device. 
  •  Once done, then go to Settings > General > Software Update in order to download the iOS 9.3 beta 
  •  Then download Apple Configurator 2.2 beta which needs an Apple developer membership cost of £79 
  •  Users could then set up a configuration on selecting the option of `Do not allow some apps’ On entering the commands of these apps such as `’ for Stocks they can be detached from the iPhone.

System Removes Apps But Returns on Restart

This system which was introduced last year in iOS 9 tends to remove apps though they would return when the phone would restart. This is how it tends to work:

  •  Put the app you intend to delete in a folder 
  •  Press and hold on the apps till they begin jiggling as though you were to delete or move the app 
  •  Drag the app towards the edge of the folder in order to move, so that it moves the next page of the folder, but keep the app in place when the page has been moved 
  •  While holding the app, press the home button which should fly off the edge of the screen
Last year, Tim Cook, Chief executive of Apple had stated that the company had been looking for ways of allowing users to remove default apps, but some apps like Phone were linked to functions in iOS , which meant that deleting them could have resulted in problems or rendering the phone to be less capable. Though the latest iOS trick needs difficult work-around, it could be headway for the feature to be utilised more extensively

Monday, January 25, 2016

Future iPhones could feature Li-Fi, a technology 100 times faster than Wi-Fi


Li-Fi Transfer Information at Over 100 Gigabits

Due to the researchers at universities which include St. Andrew, Cambridge, Edinburgh and Strathclyde, Li-Fi has been in development for many years which uses light emitting diodes – LEDs in order to beam information through air and the same is received by a light sensor.

In 2011, Professor of the University of Edinburgh, Harald Haas had been credited with its creation, when he had demonstrated it with a flickering light from a single LED wherein he could transmit more data than a cellular tower. While the out-dated Wi-Fi has the capability of transmitting data around 7 gigabits per second –Gbps, Li-Fi test have portrayed that it can transfer information at over 100 Gbps, with theoretical productivity of 224 Gbps.

This means that high definition films can be downloaded on device through Li-fi connection within seconds. Fitting any type of light device comprising of a humble light-bulb with a microchip can transform the same into a wireless data transmission point according to Professor’s Hass in his TED talk. Presently Li-Fi is in highly progressive stage which means that it is very unlikely to feature in the iPhone 7 that is expected to be released in September.

New Li-Fi to Overtake Wi-Fi Connection

The new Li-Fi technology is being geared up to blow the prevailing Wi-Fi connection by providing speeds of up to 1 Gbps. It tends to work by transmitting information through light rather than radio waves which means that it needs light source, like an LED light bulb together with an internet connection.

The term had been introduced initially by Professor Harald Haas and is presently being tested in Europe and is expected to be available to consumers within four years. The possibility of the technology is that it is restricted in its present form as visible light is unable to travel through walls and a device is needed to be within direct sight of a receiver, within a radius of about three meters. It also means that it could only be utilised in rooms that are lit.

According to Spectrum IEEE, devices in future would be capable of sidestepping this limit by using a tracking as well as location system which means that a user can place a laptop at a spot on a table and allow the system to locate it and create a link.

Pilot Project in Various Industries

Presently, Estonian company Velmenni is testingthe product and it has stated that it has been tested in an office as well as in an industrial space. Deepak Solanki, Chief executive had informed International Business Times that they were doing a few pilot projects in various industries wherein they could use the visible light communication – VLC technology.

Presently a smart lighting solution for industrial environment has been designed wherein the data communication is being done through light. A pilot project with a private client is also being done where setting up a Li-Fi network in order to access the internet in their office space. But the system seems unlikely to completely replace Wi-Fi and it could be utilised along with the prevailing technologies in order to provide more efficient systems.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

How to Secure the Notes App on iOS 9.3


iOS Update – Features Like Night Shift

A preview of the upcoming iOS update had been announced by Apple recently. Included in the forthcoming iOS 9.3 update, Apple has been adding features like Night Shift which it states would help you to fall asleep easily in spite of staring at the screen after sunset.

Apple is attempting in helping users to get better rest at night with Night Shift which is a setting that tends to change the colours on the screen at night. Researchers are of the belief that the blue light produced by LED screens tends to stop the production of melatonin, the hormones which informs our brain to sleep. Changing from bright white and blue undertones to warmer colours is considered to be easier on the eyes enabling the body to fall asleep naturally.

Other features comprise of enabling multiple users accounts on an individual iPad, CarPlay improvements together with the ability to password protect personal musings in the Notes app can be located in the update. With the option to protect a note, probably comprising of details of bank account number, health information of perhaps a daily diary, it feels like it should have been in the Notes app from the beginning.

Secure Note in the Notes App

Though it is not so, Apple intends fixing the same. Users need to be aware that in order to lock a note they would have to be using the developer or public beta preview of iOS 9.3. One could learn more on the risks of running a beta version of an iOS on their device and where to sign if one intends to do so, by visiting the beta page of Apple. Those already on iOS 9.3 or planning to do so, the following needs to be done in order to secure a note in the Notes app:
  • At first, begin by selecting a note, if one would like to lock down using a password of Touch ID 
  • Tap on the share button towards the upper-right hand area 
  • Opt for Password Protect Note from the list of options

Presently available as Developer Preview

Should it be the first time of selecting this option, the password would be needed and a hint to the password. Observe the warning below the password unit.User would be unable to access any secured notes on non-iOS 9.3 or Mac OS S 10.11.4, also in beta devices. If one prefers to use Touch ID in addition to a password, the switch should be left in the `On’ position.

On the other hand, one could set up or change the Notes password by introducing the Setting app on the iOS device and go to Notes > Password Protection. Here you could also change the password for your Notes, if desired. Using the password set, the next time the Password Protect Note is selected from the share menu, the note would be placed behind your password and you will be able to identify which notes seem to be protected while viewing the list of notes in your account due to a lock icon seen below the title.

Presently the iOS 9.3 is made available as a developer preview which means that it is not fully completed. No information has been provided about its arrival on the iPhone or iPad, though Apple naturally releases a preview only a few months prior to the final version.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

iPhone 7 to Feature Wireless Charging and Waterproof Body


Apple’s Next iPhone – Wireless Charging

According to a report, the next iPhone of Apple would be the first to have wireless charging. A source has informed Fast Company that as support for the QI charging technology which tends to charge phones when they are placed on an inductive pad, would feature in the new model.The iPhone 7 would have a waterproof body due to the chemical coating and would do away with the headphone jack of the iPhone, as reported earlier.

If the wireless charging tends to be introduced, the iPhone 7 would be joining several Android models, inclusive of Samsung’s Galaxy S6 flagship that have the potential of charging by placing them on pads rather than being physically plugged into cables.

 It is said that the technology does not permit charging to be done over the air though it requires phone to be placed on distinct surface. The company’s first product with inbuilt inductive charging was the Apple Watch which utilises a magnetic connector that snaps onto the back of the device and recently had created a bigger magnetic charging dock based on the same design as its inductive charging puck.

New Wireless Headphones/New Handset

Inductive charging tends to work when electricity is transferred between two objects, the charging pad and the phone, for instance, through two coils such as a transmitter and a receiver. Alternating current is passed through the transmitter that tends to generate a magnetic field which in turn induces voltage in the receiver that can be utilised to power to charge a battery or a mobile device.

If Apple intends to incorporate the technology, owners of iPhone can benefit from Ikea’s wireless charging furniture range together with charging hubs in Starbucks as well as McDonalds all over the country. The option to remove the headphone jack for the purpose of creating a thinner body would ascertain to be a controversial one.

The company would probably include new wireless headphones together with new handset or a pair of headphones that tend to link to the phone through a lightning connector. The source has also mentioned that the company would incorporate noise-cancelling technology from Wolfson Microelectronics, a UK audio company that aims to eradicate background sound.

Technology Incorporated in Various Devices

Since June 2014, third parties were capable of creating lightning connector headphones, when Apple had extended its Made-for-iPhone licensing programme. The new iPhone was scheduled for release in September and signify an important moment in the history of Apple.

 It is said that the company had reportedly slashed production levels of the iPhone 6s as well as partner unit, 6s Plus by a third, due to fears of slowing demand for the `fallow year’s models, inspite of initial sales of over 13 million units in the three day of availability.

The iPhone 7 would have to have more innovative hardware changes in order to entice the legions of fan to purchase it since the developing markets tend to reach increasing levels of saturation as economy tends to shift from a purchase to an upgrade cycle.

Some of the smartphones as well as smartphone accessories have wireless charging abilities built in and this technology is being incorporated into various types of devices, appliances and much more.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Simple Code Gives Access to iPhone’s Secret Settings


iPhone’s Field Mode Concealed – Useful Tool/View Extra Information

The iPhone is one of the most impressive tool with several excellent features though there are many hidden features as well as tricks which one may have not realised that existed till now. Some of these features seem to be buried in the Settings menu while there are others that are hidden in plain sight.

The iPhone though being one of the bestselling handsets presently in the market; security researchers have condemnedthe handset due to its weak safety. A security error had been discovered in 2008 on the iPhone which enabled users to bypass the lock screen easily to access mail, bookmarks and contacts. The bug was later accepted by Apple who had issued updated software resolving the problem.

 However, access to hidden information on iPhone and enabling a user to make changes to its private setting can be done by using a simple code. Using the short code helps the user in accessing a huge amount of information on how good your signal tends to be while others could be utilised in changing hidden settings. The iPhone’s Field Mode is generally concealed though a useful tool which enables the user to view extra information on how the phone tends to get connected to the internet.

Valuable Feature – Detailed Signal Strength Indicator

Users can enable the tool on dialling *3001#12345#* followed by pressing the call button. The phone tends to switch away onto a grey screen and thereafter one will see the extra information. The most valuable features is a detailed signal strength indicator that must appear towards the top-left hand area and anything more than -80 is alike full bars on the normal scale. Anything below -110 could be one or no bars and one is unlikely to make a phone call easily.

The maximum strength to have ever achieved is about -40 and no reception is available around -120 but it could go all the way to -140. Should you need to keep that number in the corner, instead of the usual dots, then one needs to hold down the power button and the message to turn the phone off tends to appear after which you could press the home button. Thereafter the feature needs to be enabled.

Switch between Two Ways – Viewing Signal

You could switch between the two ways of looking at the signal by pressing on the display towards the top left hand area. A range of other codes tend to offer other information. By using *#33# one will get the status of the call barring setting and that tool could be turned on and off by using *33*pin# as well as #33&pin#, Swap PIN for Sim PIN. On using *#43# one will know if the call waiting is turned on or not. This feature enables user to queue up when someone tends to ring you enabling the phone to send alert if a caller has been trying to get in touch while the user is already on a call.

This could be turned on by using *43# and turned off again using #43#. Using *#06# will provide your IMEI identifier number which is very useful since it could be utilised in shutting down your phone remotely if ever it is stolen. However it could also be accessed from the Settings app or from the phone’s box.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Apple Filed a Patent for Waterproof iPhone Ports


Apple’s Patent – Methods for Shielding Electronic Components from Moisture

Apple’s patent titled `Methods for shielding electronic components from moisture’ hints at the possibility of a patent which may lead to future weather-proof Apple devices such as the iPhones, iPad, Apple Watches and much more. Though the company had filed its paperwork in June 2014, it was only revealed publicly recently. The paperwork focuses on `self-healing elastomer’ or rubber which could lose and regain its shape in order to protect the delicate inner-workings of a device.

The patent clarifies that the rubber seal on the external jacks such as the ones for headphones or a power cord, tends to open up when a plug seems to be inserted. When it is removed, the covering then reshapes and goes back in protecting the opening of the device.

Some types of the elastomer can shield from debris, dust, gas and water, besides other things and soon we might be able to take a sick dust storm selfie without routing the iPhone. There are other companies who have already been using waterproof ports for their devices.

For instance, Sony’s Z5 and Samsung Galaxy S6 Active have both been using waterproof headphone and power ports which do not need special covers. Though the patent does not mean that users would get a fully water-resistant device, since Apple already holds a patent for a waterproof logic board, there is a spongy black material surrounding the circuitry for protection.

Phones Built with Logic Boards

The iPhone 6S and the iPhone 6S Plus are built with those logic boards, however, the devices are not completely waterproof though they are more resistant to water than the earlier iPhone.As per the patent filed by Apple on March 31 2014 and published on March 5, 2015, it states that `several electronic devices are susceptible to water damage since they are fully sealed and include various openings for charging, connecting peripherals, inputting and outputting audio’.

To overcome the risk of water, the patent explains that a hydrophobic or water-repelling coating having a thickness of one to ten microns, would be thin enough to preventthe intrusion with the operational opening in an electronic device. The hydrophobic coating can be applied to the printed circuit board of the device – PCB with plasma supported vapour deposition – PACVD process that charges the surface of the substrate in order to bond the coating to the charged surface.

Plasma Settles on & Adheres to Component

According to the patent, that addresses other approaches to waterproofing electronic devices, `the plasma settles on and adheres to the component, providing a robust, water-resistant, corrosion-resistant protective seal for the component’.

Apple CEO Tim Cook had mentioned last month that the Apple Watch could be worn in the shower, meaning that it is water resistant though not essentially waterproof. Though there are various cases of waterproof for iPhone 6, the patents records that if water tends to find its way through a protective case, it is game over for the phone.

Samsung had taken the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge with the water resistant Galaxy S5 as an opportunity to mock the lack of water resistance of iPhone, but had left the water resistance from the list of features for Galaxy S6 as well as the Galaxy S6 Edge phones.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Slow iPhone - This Hidden Trick Can Speed Up Your Handset


Tricks to Boost Speed on Slow iPhone

Older iPhones could tend to get clogged up with app updates which could slow down the performance and stop things from running efficiently. For those putting up with slow performance with their iPhone especially on the latest versions of the software, now have the option of an immediate speed boost by clearing up memory in the phone’s App Store.

Zachary Dryer, San Francisco developer has shared a hidden trick on Twitter, illuminating that on pressing a series of buttons in the iOS App Store could get rid of accumulation of stuck app updates. Users could go to the App Store and press ten times; on any one of the five buttons, towards the bottom of the app, in a row in order to clear the cached memory which is the data that is meant to be temporary though could take up valuable storage owing to the error of the software.

While the same button is pushed in succession, the screen should go white for a few seconds and return to the homepage of App Store and clear any of the app update backlogs. This seems to be a beneficial trick if one’s App Stores tends to get stuck which would mean that the app updates are not coming through but would also provide an improvement in speed. This trick could also work on the iPad.

Each year as the iPhone tends to get older and the apps claim additional processing power, the once lightning fast model could slow down extremely. The following options could help in boosting your old handset though several of them are likely to provide a limited speed boost:

Clearing browsing history

The browsing history of Safari does not only keep track of where the user has been and when but also stores cached pages as well as cookies from browsing. The caching pages enable the user to load up certain pages much quickly and plaguing up enough data could reduce the speed of the iPhone. Clearing the cached pages often could provide a small boost which can be done by going to Setting > Safari > Clear History and Website Data.

Turning off Background App Refresh

Several of the apps tend to run in the background when not in use, checking on data like the location or refreshing the content on them, for instance, a push notification seems to be ready to read when one is loaded. Best of the apps are created to limit the effect on battery life as well as performance by only refreshing at certain times such as when the iPhone seems to be idle or plugged in. But it is not often correctly implemented.

Disabling the capability of refreshing apps in the background would mean some of the app could be slower or spring to life when loaded back up though would recover the performance. You can go to Settings > General > Background App Refresh to change this. One could turn off all background refreshes or the one that are not needed. Skype and Facebook seems to be the ones which have been reported to be active in the background.

Using Apple’s Apps

The official apps of Apple – Mail, Camera, Maps, Safari and much more, tend to have special permission, which regularly enables them to run quicker and efficiently than third party apps. However, several of the users tend to prefer alternatives like Google Maps, Chrome or Outlook and if these tend to slow down, it is worth switching it.

Clearing up some of the space
Clearing of the files could be an easy option to speed up the computer and get rid of some of the apps and the related data which may take up space on the phone could streamline it, probably may improve battery life. To check which apps have been utilising the space, you could go to Settings > General > Storage & iCloud Usage > Manage Storage, which will indicate what apps have been taking up most of the data, In some of the cases, as with apps such as Twitter and Spotify, deleting and reinstalling them could free up most of the cached data. Another option of clearing space is to delete the old photos after they are backed up

Reduce Motion
Animations when flicked between apps tend to look good but they seem to be another process wherein the iPhone has to go through as one tends to use it. This could be turned off by going to Settings> General> Accessibility> Reduce Motion.

Resetting Settings
A little risky step enabling in keeping you apps as well as photos would be in resetting the iPhone setting like the Touch ID, app permissions, display settings and much more wherein several users have reported better performance with the reset. This is also another technique of spring cleaning the phone. But this would remove plenty of stored data like Wi-Fi networks, alarms as well as Siri and is only suggested if the need arises. You could go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Setting to go through the process. However user needs to be cautioned that this would delete everything on the phone and is only used as a last resort. It basically tends to rebuild the phone from scratch, just the way when it had been first taken out of the box, though a few years of usage would mean that it still will not function as well as, when it was first received. Backing up the phone in advance is worth it, though some of the speed advantage of a full reset are annulled by putting everything back on. This can be done by going to Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings

One Thing to be avoided
It is a common misconception that on closing apps in the background, one could save the battery life or even speed up the iPhone. Closing of the apps would mean that a lot of power is being utilised in opening them up again while leaving them inactive in the background tend to have little effect.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hunter debuts first HomeKit-connected ceiling fans


Hunter’s Ceiling Fan Models with Smartphone Connectivity Support

With the CES announcement on the success of Apple’s product ecosystem, which includes Apple’s internet of things HomeKit procedure, Hunter Fan Company revealed two Wi-Fi enabled ceiling fans with smartphone connectivity support. Hunter intends to introduce two fan models in the Symphony and Signal which would be featuring Wi-Fi technology together with HomeKit support for smart home mechanizations as well as voice control through Apple’s Siri virtual assistant.

Besides the app based remote control abilities, the connected fans could be activated by utilising the geolocation functions of HomeKit or included as part of a larger scene macro. For instance, users could set a geolocation trigger to turn off fan light, lock the doors and draw the blinds when they intend leaving their house.

Moreover, the fans assimilate with the prevailing smart phone products such as connected thermostats as well as the other HomeKit enabled devices in providing complete automation features. The fan’s dimmable LED light, for instance could be triggered to illuminate when a HomeKit smoke detector tends to go off. The Symphony and the Signal presently are the only ceiling fans which tend to support Apple’s HomeKit home automation platform and they are also the first connected home products of Hunter Fan Company.

Symphony & Signal – Scenes & Triggers

The Symphony and Signal ceiling fans besides being connected to a home’s Wi-Fi network are controlled with Siri voice commands with the capabilities to interface with other HomeKit products such as light and thermostats for a full connected home experience with the use of Scenes and Triggers.

For instance, with a Scene, a home owner having several HomeKit products can at the same time lock door, turn on the lights as well as turn the fan off. With a Trigger, the fan could be set to come on in certain situations like when a HomeKit connected fire alarm tends to detect smoke. John Alexander, Hunter Fan CEO has commented that `their ceaseless innovation is why Hunter Fan is the industry leader and these new Wi-Fi enabled fans together with the support for Apple HomeKit are a testament to the heritage of progress and originality.

 They are beautiful, affordable, high quality pieces of décor which tends to bring state-of-the-art Wi-Fi technology where it may not be expected – the ceiling fan. As we celebrate 130 years, we have several exciting developments to share with the customers and are proud to kick off 2016 at CES with Symphony and Signal’.

Dimmable Integrated Lighting/WhisperWind Functions

The fans tend to measure around 54 inches and are provided with dimmable integrated lighting together with WhisperWind functions for the purpose of powerful air movement with quiet operation. While the Symphony fan has a modern design with white blades, the Signal has wood finished blades with satin nickel housing.

Symphony will be priced at $329 and Signal will be offered at $379. The HomeKit connected fans of Hunter Fan Company would be made available for purchase towards the beginning of spring of 2016 from the company’s website as well as from Amazon, Lowe, HomeDepot and many others.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Apple Warns Snoopers' Charter Will Spark Serious International Conflicts


Consumers at Risk by Snooper’s Charter

According to Apple, millions of consumers would be at risk by the Snooper’s Charter while the hackers and the terrorist would tend to continue in the operation unrestricted. Scrutinizing the Investigatory Powers Bill that had been submitted recently to MP, the Californian giant informed that the proposed laws would be sparking serious international conflicts by imposing non-UK companies to break data encryption, violate international laws and hack their customers in their home countries.

As per the bill, data encryption can only be broken under a warrant received from the intelligence agencies, however Apple cautions that a `key left under the doormat could not just be there for the good guys, but the bad guys would also find it’.

Tim Cook, the company’s chief executive had stated in an exclusive interview with the Daily Telegraph last month that `we do not think people would want us to read their messages. We don’t feel we have the right to read their emails and were of the belief very strongly in end to end encryption with no back doors’.Most of Apple features in fact such as iMessage and FaceTime have already had end-to-end encryption, which means that it is impossible for Apple to comply with the law in its prevailing form.

Committee to Accumulate Evidence/Suggest Changes till Mid-February

To conform to a warrant presently, the company will have to build a completely new service which could be greatly impractical. Apple is also apprehensive that the law reaches beyond UK borders, needing any overseas company with British consumers to fulfil even if their home countries tend to have conflicting laws like the one United States does.

This could give rise in paralyzing most of the multinational corporations, especially the ones in the tech sector who would have to contend with dozens of opposing country specific laws. Apple has informed that `for the consumers for instance Germany, it could represent hacking of their data by an Irish business on behalf of the UK state under a bulk warrant activity, which the provider is not even allowed to confirm or deny.

Maintaining trust in these circumstances would be very difficult’. Till mid-February, the committee has time to accumulate evidence and suggest changes to the proposed law.

Sparking Serious Global Conflicts

Numerous major technology firms including Microsoft, Google and Apple all tend to operate on a global scale that has left many apprehensive about having various laws applicable to different regions which could immobilize substantial sectors of the tech segment, sparking serious global conflicts and paralyze multinational corporations’.

 It was also pointed out by Apple that submitting to regulations issued by one overseas country would give rise to other countries, for instance Russian Federation or China, a cause to demand the same treatment. The technology giant boss has already cautioned against providing spies with a `back door’ to read people’s emails since weakening data security could help the criminals.

Though the company could harbour some insignificant flaws, it is unlikely to have a substantial impact on results and everyone prefers to crack down on terrorist. Cook had also mentioned that he was optimistic, that pressure from the public as well as the press would lead Theresa May and the government to rethink the proposed plans on encryption.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

LG Display, Samsung Display to supply OLED screens for iPhones


Apple’s iPhone OLED – Samsung/LG

Taking into consideration the increasing number of rumours claiming that iPhones would soon be integrating OLED display technology, a report from South Korea states that Apple will be soon finalizing a supply agreement which will see Samsung as well as LG Display with the necessary panels in the upcoming handsets.

Quoting unnamed industry sources, the Electronic Times the local Korea times recently reported that Apple would be reaching a decisive supply agreement with the display arms of Samsung and LG and both of them will have experience in creating flexible OLED panels. OLED products for Apple Watch have already been supplied by LG and it is rumoured to be the exclusive supplier for the next gen wearable for Apple.

It is said that the two Korean companies would be injecting around 15 trillion won, around $12.8 billion, by way of capital expenditures for the next two to three years in order to build out production facilities with the potential of churning out OLED panels in adequate numbers to meet the traditionally robust iPhone demand. Apple would be supporting with the equipment costs, though the report did not offer any specifics.

From LCDs to OLEDs

LG intending to repurpose the prevailing LCD production lineto reduce cost, is apparently focusing on moving from a present 4.5G manufacturing process to a sixth generation method though the production yields are in query since the technology is yet untried. Samsung also presumed to be supplying Apple Watch OLEDs, figures in the equation and is expected to net 30% less orders than LG.

Negotiations had been drawn out in part, according to sources, since Apple drove a hard bargain to drive Samsung in accepting the low single digit margins on its sale of OLEDs. For a long time it was rumoured that Apple intended to switch away from LCDs to OLED modules for its flagship smartphones and the speculation grew more urgent when competitor Samsung had adopted the display tech.

The iPhone makers as usual took a stand of wait and see approach and this year introduced the first OLED product in its Apple Watch. A rumour in June, mentioned that Apple had been looking in adopting flexible OLED displays in 2018, a timeframe which tends to fit in appropriately with today’s report.

OLED Screens – Thinner/Improved Image Quality

Last month, Japan’s Nikkei newspaper had reported that Apple plans to begin utilising OLED screens for its iPhone beginning in 2018.OLED screens seem to be thinner and provide improved image quality than the mainstay liquid crystal display screens.

Both the companies are close to a final agreement with Apple for the screens but have declined to comment on the same. According to the paper, Samsung Display that is currently supplying OLED smartphone panels to it parent Samsung Electronics and Chinese vendors is possibly getting a larger volume from Apple than LG Display.

 Apply could also be working on new screen technology at a secret laboratoryin Taiwan, indicating that it may switch to an improved LCD panel before introducing the OLED in the future or it could be a backup if the OLED deal may not materialise.

Friday, January 1, 2016

How to Free Up Space in iCloud

Deletion of backups – Helpful in Conserving Valuable Storage in Apple’s iCloud

Deletion of numerous backups could be helpful in conserving valuable storage in Apple’s iCloud which is Apple’s cloud based content storage system for its Mac and iOS products. iCloud storage service of Apple can be utilised to stack photos, videos, device backups and much more in the cloud. Free space of 5GB is offered by the company to the users but since it is 5GB of space as per Apple ID and not per device, one may find themselves running short of space faster.

Though extra storage could be purchased from Apple, there are options of making up free space in the iCloud account prior to purchase of additional storage. In order to check how much space is being utilised, one could enter Setting on the iPhone or iPad and opt for `iCloud’ then click `Storage’ followed by `Manage Storage’.

There could be a possibility that the backups could be utilising most of the space and if the user has backups from the old device either from an iPhone 4 or iPad 2, which is no longer in possession, they could go ahead and delete the same, by clicking on the backup scroll which is towards the bottom, tap the `Delete Backup’.

Unwanted Items - Deleted

There could also be chances of backing up items which may not be needed and have it saved in the cloud. You could go to Setting and click on iCloud from where you could choose items which you would like to be saved to iCloud and delete whatever is not needed. This will ensure that it is not backed up when you perform a backup the next time.

A stress-free option to free up space in iCloud is to delete photos from backups and instead of having photos stored in iCloud, you could use one of the several third party cloud service which tend to provide more free space than Apple. Google Photos tends to offer unlimited storage for free. Besides this there is also Yahoo’s Flickr app, DropBox, Microsoft One Drive as well as Amazon Cloud Drive.

User could install these apps which automatically back up your photos and have the app start backing up the photos to a separate pool of storage. User would have a backup copy of the photos stored online and get to keep all of it in the iCloud storage whenever needed.

Disable Camera Roll Backups

Users may also disable Camera Roll backups wherein the photos are backed up to a different service. iCloud’s Manage Storage screen enables the user to manage `Document and Data where these are documents, settings, save games besides other bits of data which iCloud syncs between the various devices.

They depend on iCloud storage and files which are not of much importance can be deleted. One could tap an app under `Document & Data’ on the Manage Storage screen to see the files occupying space. User could swipe a file to the left and tap `Delete’ in order to erase it from the iCloud storage.

The user needs to be careful while deleting files since there could be a possibility of deleting important documents together with other files which could be of great importance.