Saturday, December 5, 2015

Apple Could Remove Headphone Jack from iPhone 7

iPhone 7
Reports coming from a number of reliable sources had indicated that Apple will be removing the headphone jack completely in order to make next generation iPhone slimmer. This means users wouldn’t be able to plug their ear pods in iPhone though the Lightening port. Now users will have to rely on using the Bluetooth wireless headphones, which have become quite popular in the last few years.

Apple is known to make some drastic changes in the iPhone after each ‘S’ year cycle. This time Apple is looking forward making next generation iPhone 7 much slimmer than the earlier models. Apple had simply stayed away from making comments on these rumors.

iPhone has a history of fiddling with headphones jack

Apple has made a number of experimentation with frequently changing the headphone jacks. In 2007 iPhone possesses a recessed headphone jack which required an adapter in order to work with other headphones. After facing the ire of the consumer, Apple switched to the standard headphone port in 2008 with its iPhone 3G. As of now Apple is using the standard Lightening port since the launch of iPhone 5. Though it didn’t found much appreciation from the consumer but accessories were rather quick to adapt with this change.

Wireless headphones reason for ditching headphone jack

It should be noted that headphone jack happens to be widest external port on the iPhone. In order to make iPhone slimmer it has to go away and Apple will be able to make next iPhone about 1mm much thinner than iPhone 6s.

This doesn’t mean that iPhone users can use headphones with their iPhone. Apple is planning to sell Lightening compatible range of ear pod together with the iPhone along with allowing other accessories manufacturers to develop headphones. But there is a catch the headphone manufacture has to also provide the users with Lightening cables in order to make their headphones compatible with the iPhone.

Wireless headphone will become quite common 

Apple has show quite an interest towards the wireless headphones such as Lightening headphones manufacturers. It is also looking at the opportunity to start the Made-for-iPhone licensing program, which will allow headphone manufacturer to develop exclusive iPhone headphones. A prime Lightening connected headphone made its debut in the Consumer Electronics Show in the Las Vegas under the name Harm’s JBL Reflect Aware headphones.

More rumors surrounding iPhone 7

Lightening headphones offers a greatest advantage of drawing power directly from the iPhone without the need of possessing any internal battery. Other wireless headphones need to be charged for listening purposes but this simply uses the energy from the iPhone to render the sound. This move will certainly help in making slimmer and thinner iPhone and it might even result in other manufacturers to follow the suit. Another rumor has erupted regarding the iPhone 7, which states that Apple has patented a technology which will allow the phones to be used even with the glove and Apple has also got a patent to make its phone water resistant.

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