Saturday, October 17, 2015

CAF – Delivering Technological Inventions

Chelsea App Factory – CAF, was established in 2010 when the release of iPad came up and is positioned to offer solutions enabling consumers to succeed in the mobile world. Established in London, CAF has created a niche for themselves as a leading UK mobile app expansion company and is the largest specialist mobile consultancy in the nation for consumers as well as enterprise apps.

This is due to their creation of cutting edge environments delivering tangible and impressive returns.Chelsea Apps Factory one of the fastest growing tech firm has been ranked 16th of the topmost 100 quickest growing private tech companies and is linked with well-known group of UK firms which tends to deliver technological inventions.

Companies tend to be ranked based on their compound annual growth rate – CAFR with regards to sales over a period of three years. Since its establishment in 2010, this seemed to the first opportunity that the business mobility experts Chelsea Apps Factory were entitled to enter along with the Tech Track 100 needing four years of account, to be considered to be included. Their Innovation Labs are `always on’ powerhouses which efficiently tends to drive business resolutions together with productivity and profit.

Delivering Industry Leading Mobile Solutions/Services 

CAF’s widespread and recognized armoury of Strategy, Consultancy as well as delivery besides the Innovation Lab makes sure that the businesses stay on. Created to manage planned urgencies of CEO’s worldwide in 2015 inventions, their labs have been offering perceptible ROI by aiming on customer involvement and achievement.

Since its launch, the company has been making great progress year after year, developing reputation in delivering industry leading mobile solutions together with services to Ladbrokes, KPMG and Waitrose and last year the company had gained profits which has doubled its turnover with the employment of additional 80 staff at its London and Edinburg App Factories and a third Factory opened at Belfast in 2015.

They have embarked on transformational programmes of work with a share of great confidence in supporting enterprises at various stages all through their mobile journey with them. They have built up relationships with renowned consumers across retail, professional services, pharmaceutical, telecoms and legal sectors.

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