
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Apple’s Social Networking Solutions – Brand New Streaming Music Service

According to reports, Apple’s social networking solutions is said to be joined with a brand new streaming music service similar to Ping, the defunct iTunes features which enables artists in maintaining public pages for sharing music, photos, concert dates and much more.

This means that iTunes account holders on several platforms could comment on and `like’ the artist posts as well as pages though unlike Ping, the users would not have the ability in creating their own profile, thus making the network only slightly interactive.

While Spotify provides a watered down version of the upcoming social media test, enabling subscribers in following generated artist pages which automatically combines same band related information, Apple on the other hand is said to be looking to strike special deals and partnerships together with top music acts for its streaming music offers that could be directed to a more personal platform.

Recent reports indicate evidence which have been discovered in Apple’s most recent iOS 8.4 beta build that comprises of a Restrictions toggle setting for displaying `Artist Activity’ in the app for Music.

Rebranding of Beats Music

Though Apple is still to make an official announcement with regards to its streaming music ambition, the industry sources together with internal disclosures indicate a potential rebranding of Beats Music which could be launched in the near future.

There are reports also claiming that Apple is negotiating with record labels for additional attractive licensing deals though the talks have turned out to be unsuccessful. Apple though continues to negotiate with artists and record labels for its streaming music services. It has also been disclosed that Apple plans to name its streaming music service as Apple Music.

Apple had earlier planned to unveil the new feature with iOS 8.4 though it is recently indicated that a delay is foreseen. Apple seemed to have a tough time closing negotiations with the artists as well as record label in providing the music to be streamed. As a consequence according to some sources, it is indicated that there would not be enough content for a June launch while some other state that Apple has its focus in launching the service next month.

Apple to Offer Free Trial of One to Three Months to Subscribers 

It is believed that the Justice Department would look on Apple since the company has apparently asked record labels with whom they are in talks with, to compel Spotify in putting an end to its ad-supported free tier of service. It is said that around 75% of Spotify subscribers are non-paying consumers. Moreover it is also assumed that Apple has promised Universal Music that it would be reimbursing it for lost royalties if it stops offering YouTube with music.

Inspite of several attempts in stopping the competitors from providing free music, speculations are on that Apple would be offering potential subscribers with a free trial lasting from one to three months wherein after the trail period, it has been rumoured that Apple would be charging the subscribes around $8 per month which would be an undercut of $10 monthly which Spotify has been charging for its paid services.

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