
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Programme Language Introduced by Apple

The programme language introduced by Apple for developers, for iOS and OS X Swift has gained a lot of popularity over the past six months as per the developer focused analyst firm RedMonk. The latest programming language rankings of the company has indicated Swift rise from the 68th place to the 22nd since its last survey. Stephen O’Grady, RedMonk co-founder and principal analyst, had commented that `during the Q3 rankings marking its debut, Swift is a language that is going to be a lot more popular and very soon, even so, the growth that Swift experienced is essentially unprecedented in the history of these rankings’.

In early 2012, RedMonk had started on regular basis, ranking the popularity of programming languages though its first analysis was done in 2010 and the WWDC app which was launched in June last year was the first app written in the new language. It was intended to be more concise so that the same functions could be created in few lines of code and would be much safer than competing languages. Its assessment is based on the relative rankings of various computer languages which were noticed on two different programming sites namely GitHub and Stack Overflow.

Swift – Tendency to Combine Performance/Efficiency

Apple had introduced Swift at the same time with iOS 8 which was the biggest release since the App Store launch and OS X Yosemite. According to Apple, billed as a language which is much easier for developers to create incredible apps, Swift has the tendency to combine the performance and efficiency of compiled languages with the simplicity as well as the interactivity of popular scripting languages. RedMonk has described Swift as `the Apple anointed successor’ to Objective-C which is presently ranked 10th on the firm’s programming language list. O’Grady had stated that `being sanctioned officially everywhere as the future standard for iOS applications, it would lead to growth. It would also make Apple’s new language a clear outlier in an ecosystem of programming languages and is known for not changing much each year. Swift’s meteoric growth notwithstanding, the high level takeaway from these rankings is stability.

Large Leap in Ranking

RedMonk it is said creates a league table of programming language each year which is believed to become more popular in the future, by mentioning them on Stock Overflow with the number of lines of code posted to GitJub. The latest week’s list indicated that Apple’s Swift had made a large leap up in its ranking. RedMonk had stated that the results were not meant to be indicators of how much a language is utilised presently but is predictive of future use’ since it portrays that programmers are learning and interacting with the language. On the website of RedMonk, a blog post by Stephen O’Grady states that at the time of the last rankings, Swift had been listed as the language to watch, a choice given status as Apple’s anointed successor to the #10 language on the list, Objective – C.

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