
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Apple’s Server Side Data Swipe

Apple has sent email informing all its registered developers that the company will be performing a server side data swipe onall CloudKit public as well as private data based stores on Monday, July 7th for iOS 8beta and OS X Yosemite.

This is inclusive of iCloud Photo Library, iCloud Drive and Mail Drop which are the three affected services. Apple has warned developers that this could happen with the release of the first iOS beta which is not uncommon for wipes to occur on several occasions during iOS and OS X beta cycles.

Files affected from Mail Drop and iCloud Drive will not get transferred across automatically at the time of release of the next beta seed while photos and videos will automatically be restored since they are not deleted from local storage which means that all videos and photos stored in the iCloud Photo Library will get wiped but they will remain on the iOS 8device from where they originated and will automatically upload again after the data resetting.

 iCloud Drive will then have to be capable to re-enable through the Setup Assistant after upgrading where all Mail Drop attachment will be deleted following the wipe and need to be sent again.

Wipe Ahead of iOS 8 Beta 3

The new seed of iOS 8and OS X Yosemite is likely to follow this data wipe as operating systems of these news seeds are already due. If this data wipe is not unusual, it does comes at an interesting point of time with suggestions that are not surprising and iOS 8 beta 3 as well as the third party OS X Yosemite Developer Preview could be somewhere round the corner.

The wipe has come a day ahead of the rumoured launch date of iOS 8 beta 3 and also the probable date of the third Yosemite Developer Preview. Apple normally seeds early version of its iOS beta operating system on two weeks intervals which tends to move on to three week intervals late for the testing period where OS X new versions have also followed on the similar update pattern during the past as well. iOS 8 as well as OS X Yosemite are expected to be released in the fall to the public after a long beta testing period.

Both Beta Updates to be Released Soon

Apple’s second betas of iOS 8and Yosemite came two weeks after the software was first provided to developers during the Worldwide Developers Conference and since the updates were seeded, it’s been three weeks.

Though it is not official, there is usually an interval of two week each for beta release. We are now approaching the 3 week mark with iOS 8 beta 3 and the second OS X Yosemite Preview being available since June 17 and probably the beta updates for both would be released soon.

The wipe would probably be a further proof that Apple plans to release iOS 8 beta 3 on July 8th a day following the reset of databases. Since Apple often releases new iOS betas once every few weeks hence a Tuesday release would be making sense and the iOS 8 together with the OS X Yosemite would be released to the public, probably pre-installed on the next generation new Macs and iPhone 6.

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