
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Rumors swirl around Apple’s iPhone 6

iPhone 6
Rumours regarding Apple’s much awaited iPhone 6, is mounting up and though an official release date has not been given by Apple, it is reported that the features in its upcoming release of the iPhone continues to swirl with many coming up from different sources adding more credibility to the presences of the features in the updated versions of the favourite smartphone.

In the ultra-competitive market for smartphone, the release of the iPhone seems to be a critical one for Apple to maintain its market and several industry observers are looking forward to various significant new features in the new iPhone.

Apple has been facing stiff competition in the market of its smartphones with the Android operating system. In April, Android held 52.5% of the market when compared to Apple’s 41.4%, as per the updated research from analytics specialist comScore.

iPhone with Larger Screen/1GB RAM

It has been reported by Reuter, the Wall Street Journal and Forbes that the new iPhone would have a larger screen which would measure around four inches diagonally. Several other outlets have also reported about the new iPhone which will have the A5X chip, the same chip which is now found in the iPad.

Besides this, the new iPhone would also have RAM of 1GB up from the 512 MB of RAM which is normally found in the iPhone 4S which will enhance the performance with the combination of these two factors.It is assumed that the new iPhone would be running iOS 6 as the operating system and would probably be launched this month at Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference and iOS 6 would be the next release of Apple’s mobile operating system.

Moreover the new iPhone having access to 4G cellular signals, would also be able to connect to 4G LTE networks enabling users to upload as well as download data more quickly.

Sapphire Display – Enhancing Protection 

This feature has been provided since the iPhone 4S does not have it, though the new iPad offers this feature. It is also reported by analyst Brian White of Topeka Capital Markets who had the opportunity of touring the facilities of Apple suppliers, that the new version will be having a sleek look which may require a Unibody case which is an extruded aluminium case found presently on the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro.

The iPhone 6 is rumoured to be having everything from its screen size, release date and its camera technology. Apple is expected to use a sapphire display for the iPhone 6 which will cost Apple a bunch of money no doubt but will provide a device which would be impossible to break or scratch and the material would be enhancing the protection that is not currently found on any of the iPhones which Apple has been selling.

Apple remained unavailable for comments on the `when and what’, of the latest entry though based on observations and track records by industry analysts as well as observers, the added features looks to be reasonable bets for the latest iPhone and the same is expected to be released sometime later this year.

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