Tuesday, April 15, 2014

MakerBot's iOS-connected 5th generation of 3D

3D Animation for Mac and Windows PC

The technology behind 3D printing has been improving with market leaders like MakerBot making headway to expand its lineup of devices in enhancing its connectivity with Apple’s iOS ecosystem. MakerBot Industries had recently held an event in Boston at one of its new retail locations to show off it 5th generation of 3D printers and the company new Digitizer desktop 3D scanner offering a sneak peek at KeyShot5 which is the latest generation of the 3D animation and rendering application for Mac and Windows PCs.

It is one of the first 3D printer and scanner from MakerBot that can be controlled with software through the Mac while the new iOS specific applications are also in the pipeline from the company. MakerBot Mobile will also be providing for iPhone users the capabilities to monitor as well as control the new fifth generation printer while the MakerBot PrintShop on iPad will enable users to create and print 3D objects.

User-friendly 3D Printing Platform

The 5th generation MakerBot entry includes the new user friendly 3D printing platform which is app and cloud enabled while the USB and Ethernet connectivity will be joined by Wi-Fi support later. The hardware is inclusive of an onboard camera and diagnostics with assisted built plate leveling with a new Smart Extruder, motion controllers together with gantry designs.

 Moreover it has an 11 percent bigger build volume with quicker print times than its fourth generation predecessor. Its other fifth generation 3D printers are the Replicator Mini and the Replicator Z18 which are priced at $1,375 and $ 6,499 respectively.

In addition to its forthcoming full featured iOS application, MakerBot Industries is also offering its Thingiverse app which enables mobile users to browse 3D printer files that are available on the Thingiverse site and using the iPhone app, users can also browse, review as well as upload images of printed objects to MakerBots’ online community.

Ten minutes to Scan in Three Dimension Object

Regarding the new Digitizer, it takes around ten minutes to scan in a three dimension object for a maximum size of 8 x 8 inches to create a render for the company’s 3D printers. Moreover the system uses a turntable style platter to rotate the object while scanning by lasers making it easy for the person to scan in an object using a 3D printer without using advanced software.

In addition to its Digitizer and 3D printers, the company will also sell plastic filaments spools for printing new object with small trinkets for those of whom would be interested in spending more than thousand dollars on a printer or scanner and the items that are available at their Boston store includes a tiny recreation of Fenway Park, an iPhone dock that angles the handset’s speaker forward which can amplify it for listening to audio and a rendition of the park’s fabled left field `Green Monster’.

They would also be offering 3D printing services for users who would need a onetime replication and would not want to own a printer. The company will also be offering the fifth generation MakerBot Replicator 2 and MakerBot Replicator 2X Experimental for purchase at discounted prices to the users.

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