Saturday, April 5, 2014

Apple Leading the Way to Greener and Sustainable Internet

Apple being a tech company is reported to be leading the way towards a greener and a more sustainable internet according to a new report, The Telegraph. The first to use hundred percent renewable energy to power the iCloud was the California based company and to operate the largest private owned solar installation in the US at the North Carolina data center.

Greenpeace’s report, `Clicking Clean’, on How Companies are Creating the Green Internet, on viewing and evaluating the energy choices of 19 major tech internet companies and on surveying their electricity supply chains of over 300 data centers, ended up with the conclusion that Apple with all its data centers powered by energy from sustainable sources seemed to be more aggressive in reaching the goal of 100 percent renewable energy, declaring that the company had put in efforts in helping to set a new bar for the industry.

Greenpeace, founded in 1972, a not for profit and a nongovernmental environmental organization, has often campaigned against the worst climate offenders. Recently it has turned its focus in making the internet a greener place wherein the infrastructures can be powered by renewable energy sources. According to Gary Cook, senior IT analyst at Greenpeace, he states that Apple’s quick shift to clean energy has made it clear why it is one of the world’s most innovative and popular companies.

Apple Leading in Renewable Energy

According to a spokesperson for Apple, he states that `they believe in actions speaking louder than words, especially when it comes to issues as important as climate change, where Apple is proud to lead the industry by powering their data centers with hundred percent renewable energy for more than a year’.

He further adds that they have built the country’s largest private solar array and fuel cell installation at their site in North Carolina with innovative clean energy projects which are in the works for data centers in Nevada and Oregon. Greenpeace had earlier criticized Apple for using coal power for services like iCloud and the voice controlled `personal assistant’, Siri, more than their prevailing rivals.

Internet Energy Usage Growing Rapidly

Facebook as well as Google were commended for their energy efforts. It was reported that Facebook powered its Iowa based data center with wind energy with the energy company, MidAmerican Energy investing around $1.9 billion on one of the world’s biggest order of onshore turbines meant to meet the social network’s demand.

Google on the other hand used power purchase agreements for wind energy in providing electricity for its services like Gmail and YouTube. With Amazon Web Services, it was found that only fifteen percent of the energy was sourced with renewable energy. Company which hosted Netflix, Vine and Spotify and various others, sourced 28 percent of the demand from coal power, with nuclear energy providing 27 percent while gas provided 25 percent.

According to David Pomerantz, a collaborating author on the report states that with the internet energy usage growing rapidly, it is found that for the first time, a large number of technology leaders led by Apple, Google and Facebook are working to power the internet with hundred percent renewable energy which is a major shift.

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