
Monday, April 28, 2014

Apple’s minor update for mobile operating system

Apple Update
With regards to Apple technology, it has been reported that Apple has recently released iOS7.1.1, a month and a half later after releasing its first major updates of iOS7.1with minor update for its mobile operating system with a purpose to address a few bugs inclusive of issues that would affect keyboard responsiveness while at the same time be improving theperformance of the iPhone 5s Touch ID fingerprint sensor.

The latest entry follows March’s release of iOS 7.1 which is a significant upgrade that will be addressing a variety of issues which had remained pending since the debut of iOS7. It fixes various crash related issues where users of iPhone and iPad had envisaged at the time of using the multi-tasking view and browsing the web in Safari.

The iOS7.1.1, labelled as build 11D201, comes with additional improvement to the Apple’s Touch ID, fixing a bug which impacts the keyboard responses where fixing a bug would involve Bluetooth keyboards.Some users had experienced gradual worsening of the Touch ID sensor’s ability in recognizing existing fingerprints and hopefully this could help those who envisaged having this problem.

Bug Fix making iOS Keyboard Responsive

Moreover, iOS7.1 brought about much improvement for Siri and Touch ID while setting the stage for the launch of CarPlay in supported vehicles as well as aftermarket install kits, later that year. It had been reported that Apple had previously been preparing updated software to improve this problem.

According to software’s release notes, the bug fix should make the iOS keyboard more responsive as well as fix issues affecting the use of Bluetooth keyboards when Voiceover accessibility features would be enabled. Users could check out the Software Update submenu in `Setting’,application on the iPhone or iPad, or it could be plugged into the computer and iTunes, to update the device.

Documentation with the update states that it contains – improvements, bug fixes as well as security updates. From the security point of view, the update includes a number of fixes for issues which would enable an attacker to obtain website credential, capture date, change operations performed in SSL protected session or also install malware on vulnerable device.

For additional information, users could also check out Apple’s security notes for iOS7.1.1 and 1.2GB storages would be needed for update.

Introduction of Eight Generation Mobile Operating System

As Apple continues improvement for the next major update to iOS, it would be introducing its eight generation mobile operating system at the company’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference to be held in June this year and it is likely that the conference will kick off with a keynote presentation to formally unveil iOS8 as well as other products which the company may have in store.

The next generation OS would help to name the tune due to integration with Shazam as per Bloomberg and is already available to download on the Apple Store and if the deal with Apple come through, iOS users need not download a separate app but will be able to tap into the service’s technology.

Apple has stated that iPhone 5s users will also see more improvements to Touch ID fingerprint recognition after the installation of update, which the company has always seemed to be doing since the launch of the handset earlier this year. You could visit us at Macmyth for more updated technology news.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

NikeFuel Ecosystem in Partnership with Apple

With Nike’s focus on digital sport software, it was reported that Nike CEO, Mark Parker has plans for expansion of the NikeFuel ecosystem with partners like Apple. In a recent interview, the CEO had said that his company would not be giving up on its digital sport after the end of FuelBand.

Moreover he stressed the importance of its existing relationship with Apple and was looking forward to future relationship with its partner. It was also reported that Nike had laid off its Fuelband team and had stopped building new fitness tracker hardware which is a strategic way of opening up Nike software to other wearable platforms.

Moreover the source also implied that one of these upcoming iWatch or iBand would be from Apple. With the discontinuation of the Fuelband line as well as laying off most of the team, it seems like a failure for Nike, while Fuelband software also called NikeFuel would get a huge push from Apple customers with their sights set on the iWatch.

Focus on FuelBand software

Parker, it was reported saying that they were focusing more on the software of the Fuelband experience making it a part of wearable going forward which would be integrated into other products that were created and then they would be expanding their partnership in order to create more reach for the Nike Fuel and Fuel system that they had.

According to him the best way to do it was to get involved with good partnerships. He had also informed CNBC regarding Nike’s laying off of its Fuelband hardware team that the company was planning to expand the reach to Nikefuel by getting into partnership with other companies.

It was also reported that the move would be similar to the way most of the consumers were now accessing the Kindle store through a tablet and not a Kindle. With Nike and Fuelband software, it would be similar to Apple’s fitness ecosystem featured on the iWatch.

Strong Push on the Software

When Parker was asked if Nike had plans to exit the wearable hardware market, he stated that they were focusing more on the software part which according to him would be part of wearable that would be going forward.

Though the Nike chief refrained from confirming the Fuelband’s death he commented saying that there would be a strong push on the software of the company’s proprietary Nikefuel activity quantification as well as measurement system.

He had commented saying that they were just looking forward in continuing the relationship between them and personally they were very excited about what laid in store for them. Recent estimates from market research group NPD reported by MobiHealthNews informed that Nike’s fitness tracker accounted for only ten percent of $330 million in fitness tracker sales for the year 2013 and in a price tag of $150, Nike had sold last year around 220,000 Fuelbands.

Nike and Apple had collaborated on Nike + iPod projects, the most recent being Nike + app integration and Apple CEO had participated in Nike’s board for nine years which played a role in the brand’s ability to be on the cutting edge of fitness software which was incorporated in Apple products.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Apple’s Renewable Energy Sources for Data Farm

Apple Data Farm
NBC’s News `Today’, recently, revealed a segment covered by the network’s chief environmental correspondent, Anne Thompson, on Apple’s push for environmental friendliness, an all renewable energy sources for its data farm. The report, a two and a half minute long, showcased the solar energy and fuel cells which were used at the iPhone maker’s Maiden, North Carolina centre and seems to be the main resource for iCloud and Siri among various internet related services.

It highlighted on the special segment known as a new kind of Apple farm with focus on its data centre along with solar array. Apple’s NC data centre is entirely powered by reusable energy which includes the massive solar farm and on site biogas cells.

According to Thompson, she states that `all the cool convenience of smartphones and tablet will now come with a hidden price – power, where downloading apps and information in the cloud would no longer mean polluting the air’.

Apple Reducing Footprint

While walking the huge solar panel farm, Thompson interviewed Lisa Jackson, Apple Vice President of Environmental Initiatives, where the former EPA administrator informed that with clean energy such as the nation’s largest end user owned solar farm, Apple would now be capable of growing a variety of connected devices and simultaneously be reducing its carbon footprint thereby making its contribution on a cleaner environment.

Jackson has also been heard commenting that they should take this opportunity to help people to convert to a cleaner energy without even knowing they are doing it. She has also noted that Apple at times had been generating more solar power than needed enabling the excess power towards supplying energy to the city’s power grid.

Saving on Power Usage and Expenses

This facility creates additional power than needed and returns the excess back to the grid for use by other consumers, though usually by law, energy companies should be paying individuals and companies that return more power than their consumption but the money incurred would not be significant when compared to the initial cost.

In the long run, Apple would be able to save on power usage as well as expenses connected with environmental offsets and generate additional jobs in the maintenance and management of combination of solar arrays and biogas fuel cells

Expanded Global Recycling Program

The interview provided an insight into Apple’s data centre which consists of servers and telecommunication equipment which were responsible for iCloud, Siri as well as other online assets. Moreover a major part of the energy provided by the on-site solar farm and biogas generators was used in cooling the machines.

Thompson has stated that while other tech companies like Facebook, Yahoo and Google used clean energy at their own data centres, it was only Apple who were using hundred percent of renewable energy and who had been announcing it environmental initiatives with the launch of `Better’ campaign on an eco-friendly tear recently.

Apple has been promoting its environmental effort more forcefully as the ambitious project of its Maiden plant are on its way to success. Moreover it has also recently launched an expanded global recycling program putting pressure on suppliers to adhere to earth friendly practises, with their plans in making its retail stores that will be running on renewable power wherever possible.

Siri Voice Control Support For Apple TV

Siri Voice Control Support For Apple TV
Recent report states that Apple will be working on building its voice activated application Siri into its Apple TV to rival Amazon’s Fire TV.

Apple’s Siri, the virtual personal assistant which is presently available on the company’s mobile products will be making headway to the Apple TV set top box. Pierre Blazquez, the French software developer had found reference to Sirisupport for Apple TV in a section of iOS 7.1 code recently wherein the code refers to the device family `3’ that has been the number for Apple TV since the set top box began running iOS.

 It was reported that for some time Apple’s settop box would get Siri support and with this move many companies including Samsung and LG would be offering voice control for their television software.

Launch in Early June

This upcoming miniature set top box would be unveiled early this June with features like voice commands and games console and will become a serious Apple product in its own right. This hockey puck sized device which plugs at the back of the television set connecting to the internet with dedicated app will enable the streaming of content from other Apple products like Mac, iPads, or iPhones which till now has been considered as just interesting hobby of the company but will now be making a change for the better.

New Set Top Box with Fast Processor

Amazon too had earlier announced its launch for Fire TV set top box inclusive of remote control with a built-in microphone in order to enable users to speak the name of a move, TV show, actor and director, into the remote with Fire TV displaying the list of the results.

It could stream video and audio from services like Netflix and Pandora like the way other gadgets were functioning but unlike several of its rivals, the Fire TV has voice search as well as the capabilities to play video games.

It was also reported that Apple would be releasing a new set top box which would have a faster processor accompanied with an updated interface enabling users to navigate with ease between TV shows, movie together with other online content.

Siri Voice Assistant – Upgraded Version 

According to reports, it was stated that the new code found within Apple’s software indicates that the tech giant would be bringing its Siri voice assistant to an upgraded version of the Apple TV which would seem that Apple would be competing for consumers on high end of the video streaming market with the new Amazon Fire TV.

With regards to Fire TV, user can hold a button on the remote control to search content by taking the name of a movie, artist or a TV show where the device would display results to the user’s audio query. Moreover the Amazon streaming box also enables the user to play video game which can be downloaded from the app store of the company.

With their focus on being competitive with Amazon Fire TV, it is reported that Apple is considering in bringing about many features to its device which would be costing $99 meaning that Apple would be gearing up in improving its gadgets with more feature if it intends to remain competitive against its rival.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Apple Stores Now offer Free Recycling of Old Apple Products

E Waste
In continuation of its environment conscious announcement, Apple has revealed a new plan in accepting all used products of Apple for free, to cut down on pollution which is being caused by manufacture and use of the devices.

The iPhone and iPad manufacturer is striving to cultivate a greener Apple Inc. in an environmental section of the company’s site which was debuted recently wherein the site highlights the ways in which Cupertino, California Company will be increasing its support on alternative power sources with less electronic junk to landfills.

With regards to this, Apple has already started distributing gift cards with third party companies like PowerOn, in exchange for iPhone and iPods which are in good condition and can be resold, at some of its 420 global stores.

Apple will not be offering gift cards in exchange for old products with little or no reselling value, this free recycling is with a purpose to keep the electronics out of landfills according to reports received by The Associated Press. This initiative on the part of Apple is to make its company’s operation an environment friendly one, which would be beneficial both to mankind and the planet earth.

Most of the devices together with the products sold by Apple do contain toxins that remains in the ground if they are not properly recycled or disposed and Apple is striving hard to lend its support in environmental responsibility towards a cleaner business model in making use of all innovation with the help of expertise, making the planet more secure bringing about some improvements in the environment.

The firm states that besides, iPhone or iPad, any Mac or PC desktop or notebook can qualify for reuse or free recycling, keeping in mind that Apple had in the past seven years sold around one billion iPhone, iPad, iPods and Macs.

According to Greenpeace’s estimate the tech gadgets and online services had accounted for about two percent of the world’s emission in 2012 somewhat similar as the airline industry.

Customers can now avail this opportunity towards new iPhone or iPad irrespective of the devices they may trade with and can also combine iPad and iPhone credits for a limit on one device to apply for the purchase of a new device. With all Apple stores now accepting old devices which may not have any resale value due to their age, customers will not be receiving any money for these devices but the firm will be accepting them to recycle them for free.

 Apple has been offering this program to the customers in order to help them in disposing their old devices in a responsible manner. This endeavour is part of Apple’s Earth Day celebration which began with the company’s `Better environmental campaign’, highlighting Apple’s environmental contributions to its supply chain, data centres as well as in its new Apple Campus 2 project.

Moreover, Apple is also contemplating commemorating Earth Day at its retail stores with the placement of a green leaf on its traditionally white Apple logo together with a green t-shirt to all its retail employees.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Apple’s Refurbished iPad Mini with Retina Display

The wait for Apples refurbished models of its latest Retina display equipped iPad has now ended as the tablet’s Wi-Fi variants are being offered with double digit discounts from the off the shelf price.

 The online store of Apple, seemed to have sold out the 16 gigabyte Retina iPad mini variants with the exception of the 32 gigabyte and the 64 gigabyte models which are available for purchase to the consumers. The refurbished products according to Apple’s usual practice, offers the tablet with a full year warranty with extended coverage with AppleCare.

Moreover, the company adds that the consumers will receive a device with `a brand new battery and outer shell,’ which means buyers would not experience any sort of difference in performance between their refurbished iPad with that of a similar new model.

Wi-Fi Only Models

At the time of the report, Wi-Fi only models seemed to be made available from the refurbished outlet and it is not known why Wi-Fi and cellular models were being excluded or when they would make an appearance. Apple had launched the first ever iPad mini with Retina display last November and though the company could cope up with the demands it did have a difficult task as consumers made demands to purchase the device during the holiday period.

Presently the refurbished versions of tablet are made available in Apple’s online store and for the first time consumers can purchase the iPad mini with the Retina display at a comparatively less than full price which is a great advantage for consumers interested in the purchase of the same.

Refurbished Products, Certified and Tested

The refurbished iPad mini with Retina display model come at a starting price of $339 for the 16 GB Wi-Fi only model which is around $60 off while the 32GB model is available at $419 which again is a $80 off and consumers can invest in the model of 64G fir $509 off on the original price. All the models are being offered at 15 percent off.

Though presently there is no refurbished version of the Wi-Fi and Cellular iPad mini with retina display, there is a possibility that Apple may soon have them on their online store sometime later. Apple, certify and test their refurbished products with a provision of one year warranty and the refurbished iPad model are provided with brand new battery together with an outer shell and AppleCare can be added to any certified refurbished products.

Difference in Display size

For those keen on a 7.9 inch Apple tablet and are unable to obtain it due to the cost could consider on a refurbished model which is practically the same as a brand new one and chances are that one would not even be aware of the difference between a refurbished models from the brand new one.

The iPad mini with the retina display is provided with the same hardware as it earlier version inclusive of the A7 processor with the M7 motion coprocessor with high resolutions 2,048-by-1,536 pixel resolution screen, the difference of the full size being, the display size in iPad Airs and Retina iPad minis.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Apple Incorporating System for Anti Theft Technology

anti theft technology
A section of Smartphone industry segment which includes Apple, Samsung, Google and Microsoft have signed a voluntary program spearheaded by the U.S. wireless industry which seems to incorporate a system for anti theft technology into handsets probably by July 2015 and all major US cellular providers would require all Smartphone manufacturers to come with specific anti theft features which is one of the latest options to curb down theft of Smartphone that are on the rise.

To overcome phone theft, many lawmakers had put pressure on manufacturers as well as wireless carriers to install smarter anti theft technology on Smartphone resulting in a group of tech and phone companies coming up with this anti theft initiative.

Being dubbed as `the Smartphone Anti Theft Voluntary Commitment’, this initiative was reported by the CTIA Wireless Association, recently as a plan to stalk the incidents of Smartphone thefts in the U.S; and this program is being supported by the top five U.S. wireless carriers while the makers of Smartphone and OS, Apple, Google, Huawei, HTC, Microsoft, Nokia, Motorola together with Samsung are all in agreement to participate, as reported by Re/code. Moreover the companies which have signed on to this commitment also agree to make a `baseline anti theft’, available to their consumers who would be purchasing devices manufactured after July 2015.

Software to Lock down the Phone when Stolen/Missing

As per the documents, the tool would enable consumers to wipe data remotely from a stolen or lost Smartphone, rendering the said device, non-functional to an unauthorized user, besides emergency calls as mandated by the FCC and prevention of reactivation without the consent of the user and then reverse the operations when the device has been located.

The software would enable the user to lock down the phone when the device is reported to be missing or stolen and reactivate it only on receiving the same with the correct password or personal identification number.

The President of CTIA and CEO, Steve Largent has also commented saying that ` they appreciate the commitment made by companies to protect wireless user in the event of their Smartphone being lost or stolen and at the same time it’s important different technologies are made available as a trap door which could not be exploited by hackers and criminals.

With the cooperation of policymakers, law enforcement and the consumers, they would be able to deter theft and protect user’s personal information available on Smartphone.’ Details of the Smartphone Anti Theft Voluntary commitment’, could be checked at the official site of CTIA.

Find my iPhone/Activation Lock

Though Apple has already many of the agreement’s features installed in the iOS and iCloud with the option of `Find my iPhone and iOS 7’s Activation Lock, the `find my iPhone’, helps users to locate, lock as well as wipe lost or stolen devices. The `activation lock’, would need the entry of an associated Apple ID together with the password before turning off Find my iPhone, for erasing data or re-activating the device after remotely erasing. Presently, this program is voluntary though legislators had earlier tried to impose these requirements by law.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Apple’s New CarPlay Infotainment

Users are looking forward for some option in taking advantage on Apple’s new CarPlay infotainment which is being offered without the purchase of a new vehicle. It was reported that the aftermarket manufacture Alpine would be proposing a CarPlay compatible receiver and the same would be released later this year.

The device can be connected to an iPhone 5 or later with the use of wires wherein drivers would be able to view maps on its 7 inches screen, use voice commands to access messages, play music and make calls. Moreover the system would also be capable to read messages and directions aloud as well as enable drivers to conveniently access other iPhone functions. It was also reported that the company would be shipping the units in the US as well as Europe for a price of $500 to $700 which was first reported by a Japanese financial news service Nikket Asian Review without the installation fees.

It is presumed that the new stereo besides sporting a seven inch diagonal touch screen would also support the CarPlay’s Siri powered voice commands. Moreover this move is being implemented soon, in order to obtain advantage along with some financial gains, aiming to boost business further by bringing the first stand alone console which can use CarPlay to the consumers

The First Aftermarket Option

After the introduction of CarPlay made by Apple earlier this year, it seems that its entry in the aftermarket were slim and while a Kenwood representative informed that the system would most probably not appear in any of the products during 2014, a Pioneer spokesperson denied the report indicating that they would be offering something of their own.

This aftermarket option would most likely be a relief to the users as well as boost CarPlay adoption and though this system is presently available in upcoming vehicles coming from famous luxury brands like Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari, Volvo, other compatible models are also expected like the BMW, Ford, Honda, General Motors, Hyundai Motor Company, Jaguar, Kia, Land Rover, Mitsubishi, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Nissan, Subaru, Suzuki and Toyota to name a few.

The device would also be the first aftermarket option to add CarPlay support to the car while some new cars from famous brands of automakers would be expected to come from the factory with CarPlay support.

Capable to launch app with content

CarPlay enables the user to plug in the iPhone into the car to see content from its screen on the screen of the car and the app from the Smartphone and the screen can be visible on the Alpine unit’s screen. The user would also be capable of launch app with other content using gestures on the screen of the console.

While some of the car manufacturers will now be offering standard vehicle provided with CarPlay with the system, the Japanese company’s device is supposed to be the first aftermarket CarPlay product compatible with the system which will first be available in the U.S. and Europe. Thereafter the unit would then go on sale in Alpine’s native Japan as 2015 approaches.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Apple’s Plan for Clean Energy

Apple is planning an expansion on its use of clean energy in order to power its iCloud data centers by using the facility of its company’s Prineville, Oregon which has now been connected by a small hydroelectric project acquired by the makers of iPhone.

This report had been revealed by The Oregonian and its initial proposals for the project showed that it would generate between three and five megawatts, sufficient to power around 2,000 to 3,500 homes though Apple will need only a small amount of the power to run the facility. The project which is 45 mile long is located near Haystack Reservoir in a Jefferson County irrigation canal around 20 miles from Prineville and the price paid by Apple for the project is not known though the earlier owner, EBD Hydro, it was reported had secured around $8.5 million in federal loans as well as grants in helping to finance it.

The company had planned to begin work late 2011 though it was not clear if the facility was operative and Apple had declined to comment while EBD remained unresponsive to inquiries to the deal. The Oregon data center of Apple has already been using wind energy as its California center and Apple relied on the largest privately owned solar farm in the country of its Maiden N.C. activity while its upcoming center at Nevada will be using solar and geothermal energy.

Power Data Center with Renewable Energy

Apple plans to power its data center entirely with renewable energy like its other leading data center operations stating that it buys its local renewable wind energy from Prineville facility and the company is exploring the possibility to acquire land for a huge solar array.

Apple had started construction of the Prineville facility in October 2012, flattening and clearing the site, where the two 338,000 square foot construction would eventually stand and the land preparation with the construction have cost Apple around $68 million inclusive of server hardware, construction cost together with labor costs.

 The facility is presumed to cost hundreds of millions of dollars or could be also billions. Additional plans were also on; to take the 45 mile project offline when the irrigation canal would be shut in the month of winter and hence Apple’s hydro deal would be providing a small portion of the company’s electricity consumption.

Plans to Double the size of Oregon Data Center

Most of the big internet companies operate data centers in Oregon; include Facebook, Google and Amazon who are drawn in part by the low power prices of the region and to a greater extent by tax exemption on their expensive computers and a big data center would cost $1 billion or even more to equip.

It was also revealed that last September, Apple was on the look out to double the size of its Oregon data center and that the company was planning to purchase additional land at a nearby site which would house a second structure of similar size.

It was also reported that Apple would be paying around $10,000 every year to the government of Prineville and Crook County for a 15 year property tax exemption.

MakerBot's iOS-connected 5th generation of 3D

3D Animation for Mac and Windows PC

The technology behind 3D printing has been improving with market leaders like MakerBot making headway to expand its lineup of devices in enhancing its connectivity with Apple’s iOS ecosystem. MakerBot Industries had recently held an event in Boston at one of its new retail locations to show off it 5th generation of 3D printers and the company new Digitizer desktop 3D scanner offering a sneak peek at KeyShot5 which is the latest generation of the 3D animation and rendering application for Mac and Windows PCs.

It is one of the first 3D printer and scanner from MakerBot that can be controlled with software through the Mac while the new iOS specific applications are also in the pipeline from the company. MakerBot Mobile will also be providing for iPhone users the capabilities to monitor as well as control the new fifth generation printer while the MakerBot PrintShop on iPad will enable users to create and print 3D objects.

User-friendly 3D Printing Platform

The 5th generation MakerBot entry includes the new user friendly 3D printing platform which is app and cloud enabled while the USB and Ethernet connectivity will be joined by Wi-Fi support later. The hardware is inclusive of an onboard camera and diagnostics with assisted built plate leveling with a new Smart Extruder, motion controllers together with gantry designs.

 Moreover it has an 11 percent bigger build volume with quicker print times than its fourth generation predecessor. Its other fifth generation 3D printers are the Replicator Mini and the Replicator Z18 which are priced at $1,375 and $ 6,499 respectively.

In addition to its forthcoming full featured iOS application, MakerBot Industries is also offering its Thingiverse app which enables mobile users to browse 3D printer files that are available on the Thingiverse site and using the iPhone app, users can also browse, review as well as upload images of printed objects to MakerBots’ online community.

Ten minutes to Scan in Three Dimension Object

Regarding the new Digitizer, it takes around ten minutes to scan in a three dimension object for a maximum size of 8 x 8 inches to create a render for the company’s 3D printers. Moreover the system uses a turntable style platter to rotate the object while scanning by lasers making it easy for the person to scan in an object using a 3D printer without using advanced software.

In addition to its Digitizer and 3D printers, the company will also sell plastic filaments spools for printing new object with small trinkets for those of whom would be interested in spending more than thousand dollars on a printer or scanner and the items that are available at their Boston store includes a tiny recreation of Fenway Park, an iPhone dock that angles the handset’s speaker forward which can amplify it for listening to audio and a rendition of the park’s fabled left field `Green Monster’.

They would also be offering 3D printing services for users who would need a onetime replication and would not want to own a printer. The company will also be offering the fifth generation MakerBot Replicator 2 and MakerBot Replicator 2X Experimental for purchase at discounted prices to the users.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Apple offer hi-res 24-bit tracks on iTunes

Apple’s Major Overhaul of iTunes

Following a report, Apple is considering a major overhaul of iTunes and the company is making plans to enter into the high definition music industry with 24-bit track. It was reported that Apple will be launching hi-res audio sales in two months to coincide with the release of the three Led Zeppelin remasters and would probably charge an additional dollar for high resolution tracks and the new features would be offered in line with the usual iTunes track with the option of album purchase.

Presently Apple needs publishers providing 24-bit ALAC tracks along with high sampling price to improve sound quality for transcoding to lossy AAC format which is currently available on iTunes. AAC cuts a good amount of data from the original mastered version like the MP3 codec, trading subtle nuances in dynamic range, detail, fidelity with other sound quality metrics for small sized files.

Supporting the rumor is Apple’s Mastered for iTunes initiative providing studios along with specialized software, especially AU Lab, helping in checking how AAC conversion could affect the uncompressed masters. The studios could then pass the original 24-bit masters to iTunes at a varying sampling rate, creating files without loss and encoding them into 16-bit AAC tracks. This would mean Apple would have a huge repository of lossless music.

Music in a 24-Bit Format

Apple had been working on providing music in a 24-bit format for some time and a report of 2011 stated that the company was in talks to increase the quality of iTunes Music. Presently Apple has been selling audio files on iTunes in a 16-bit lossy AAC format encoded at 256 kbs to a minimum file and high definition 24-bit downloads would offer better details with greater depth with deeper bass response when compared to traditional 16-bit music downloads and the file sizes would be much larger.

Apple has been offering16-bit audio files presently but the company is encouraging artist to submit music in a 24-bit 96 kHz resolution which can be used to create more accurate encodes. Since Apple has accepted 24-bit files for years, it has a large catalog of high quality audio files which could be offered for sales at a premium of $1 over the traditional iTunes tracks.

Better Digital Music

Moreover Hi-res audio has been getting popular with the present generation and music sites like HDtracks are gaining deals with multiple major record labels. Popular artist like Credence Clearwater Revival, Neil Young and many others are putting out high resolution audio with an audio platform called Orastream pointing that the artist are working with technologies making the digital music sound better.

If Apple choose to start selling 24-bit audio tracks it would dominate the competing sites based on its existing user base and boost its digital downloads by appealing to audiophiles presently unhappy with the quality of iTunes tracks. Apple is asking sound engineers for 96 kHz, 24-bit WAV files with the possibility to process its very own `mastered for iTunes’, versions and also to start selling music in `better than CD quality’ resolution and format. Do check out for more refreshing technology information at Macmyth

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Apple Unlikely To Utilize Custom iPhone Baseband Chip

Baseband Chip
Apple’s in-house Baseband Processor Design & Production

It was revealed to investors from reports received by Appleinsider about the silicon firm Broadcom’s recent struggle in producing an LTE modem of its own against the uphill battle that awaits Apple. Broadcom is one of those companies that Apple had hired away a number of baseband hardware and software engineers recently and Apple all together had assembled around 30 mid and senior level baseband software as well as hardware engineers from the silicon firm together with the current iPhone baseband vendor Qualcomm in the last few years.

Moreover, Apple is also advertising over 50 more additional openings with regards to RF chip design which is still in process, an indication that the build-up is not yet complete. This move would probably fit in with Apple’s recent push to exert more control over the components which powers their most important products. If Apple decides to bring baseband processor design as well as production in-house as it has been indicated, analyst believe that the chips would not be likely to debut in new iPhone models before 2015 which could be the result faced by them due to the notorious difficult nature of their development.

Baseband Processor – Complex Process

The baseband chip is the brain of a handset’s wireless modem working in coordination with a transceiver that controls the receiving and sending of wireless signals via the antenna and the baseband processor enables a device to communicate through cellular networks. Building the baseband components is a complex process which is difficult and since Intel’s introduction of XMM 7160, only Qualcomm’s MDM9615M that is inside Apple’s iPhone and iPad had created a baseband processor which integrated support of 3G, LTE and EDGE networks within a single package.

Apple’s decision and choice of producing its own wireless modems could probably be motivated in part by a desire in improving power efficiency and according to Appleinsider, JP Morgan analyst Rod Hall, who believes that Apple’s current logic board designs uses a baseband chip which is separate from the A-series application processor of the company and that it may be looking out for ways to integrate the two chips into a single package.

Current Vendor – Qualcomm

Apple’s current baseband vendor, Qualcomm had done the same with Snapdragon processors and according to Rod Hall, he believes that the company would be opening a licensing arrangement which would enable Apple to integrate Qualcomm baseband IP on A-series cores wherein with this type of an arrangement it would be beneficial to Qualcomm.

This is due to Apple having accounted for approximately one quarter of Qualcomm’s 2012 revenues and losing business would mean significant financial losses. Inspite of the challenges faced, Hall is of the opinion that Apple does have the ability as well as internal knowledge on how to attract the talents that are necessary for successful developments of its own modem technology, from its successor of the A-series processors. Apple seems to be way ahead of Qualcomm from its desktop class A7 chip which powers the iPhone 5s, iPad Mini and iPad Air along with Retina display.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Apple’s New Generation Headphone

Apple’s New Generation Headphone
Apple has applied for patent for new pair of headphones with enhanced technology inside and is once again looking to advance the design of its bundled iPhone EarPods by implanting accelerometer in the ear bud area loaded with on-board sensors with two microphones which could recognize voice activity as well as activate and tune beamforming microphone arrays.

As per patent application by the US Patent and Trademark Office, Apple has been investigating to enhance headphone device which can recognize the user’s voice along with multiple on board microphones, turning on noise suppression systems besides directing beam forming mics towards a user’s head. These new generation headphones will come with microphones to automatically record voice output when the user starts talking which will also come with noise cancellation feature by default to subdue the background noise due to the second microphone on the headphones.

Headphone featuring built-in Accelerometer

It will also have microphones on the wires just as a standard handset and the earphones can automatically judge when the user begins talking due to the beamforming microphones. Besides this, the headphone featuring the built-in accelerometer will also judge when the user begins talking with the vibration created through the vocal chords which means that the microphone will be active to pick up voice from the user at any point of time.

Moreover the user will also get access to the device with the help of the Siri features which could be very helpful while driving or performing other activities. Presently most of the users depend on headphones for voice calls as well as music and Apple has brought about a change with its enhanced pair of headphones.

Sensor, Voice Activity Detector

Its system of working begins with the accelerometer and in some embodiment; the sensor is utilized as a voice activity detector – VAD to detect vibration generated by the user. The voice speech both generated by the user’s vocal chords as well as the unvoiced speech generated without the vocal chords are detected by the accelerometer through vibration of the tissue and bone.

The detected accelerometer vibration data is then joined by signals from the front and rare facing microphones which are embedded on one or both of the ear buds. The accelerometer in some embodiments is tuned to detect lower frequency vibration known as VADa system and alternatively, from the two microphones signals output could be used in determining voiced speech or a VADm arrangement.

Effective Beamforming Algorithm

The VAD system functions by scanning both voiced –VADv as well as unvoiced –VADu signals which are combined with the other signals for noise suppression circuit. Depending on the information gathered, noise from the area around the user could be estimated with an effective beamforming algorithm which can be applied to the system’s various microphone arrays.

Mics located in the headphones in some embodiments and along the unit’s wire were set to a general beamform focused at the user’s face. Besides this a more active beamformer is described which can be adaptively steered based on VAD output while alternatively a noise suppression system could also be made effective by steering microphones towards the ambient noise which may not be associated with voiced or unvoiced speech that is removed from the signal.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Apple’s iBeacon technology at forthcoming Coachella Music & Art Festival

From the latest app updates, it is reported that at the forthcoming Coachella Valley Music and Art Festival, the audience will have on-site iBeacons which will push notification with other information to users as they walk the grounds at the Empire Polo Club in Indio, California.

The 2014 Coachella iOS app includes support for Apple’s iBeacon; Bluetooth enabled micro location technology capable of delivering proximity aware notification, information and navigation to the users. Beacons are a low cost hardware which is small enough to be attached to a wall or countertop which is battery operated, low energy Bluetooth connections to transmit messages directly to a Smartphone or tablet and can be used to transform how retailers, event organizers, educational institutions, transit system etc communicate with people indoors.

Coachella’s website states, ‘Use Bluetooth to interact with beacons placed around the grounds’, though it is unknown how the festival plans are likely to implement this technology. Recent deployments include the NFL’s Super Bowl installation at major events and an interactive scavenger hunt at CES. Apple launched iBeacon enabling it in their stores using Bluetooth and has been making great progress in implementing great products.

iBeacon for in-store help

Customers will find iBeacon a lot helpful while going around shopping and if a store has the system in place, finding in-store help and receiving information related to products, according to the location would be much easier and quicker since iBeacon has the potential of being an inherent part of a shopping activity.

After introducing iBeacon as a part of iOS 7 in the year 2013, third party implementation of the location aware tech are gradually moving out with Major League Baseball announcing plans in February to deploy beacons in over 20 ballparks by opening day.

The Apple Store App uses Bluetooth to gather location based information from iPhone users and while the technology has received mixed reviews, it seems to be a cool concept especially for retailers while others find privacy an issue. Retailers are getting in on the act like Macy’s stores and pilot programs at various grocery stores.

Download App for free at the Festival

Apple takes credit for the largest rollout so far after its installation of beacons last December in US Apple Store and customers using iBeacon have found it helpful with regards to in-store help, avail location aware product information and purchase items quickly with EasyPay.

Recently, the Dutch micro location firm, LabWek, launched mApp an iBeacon based platform which was designed for interactive museum exhibits. Those who will be attending Coachella which is likely to be held from April 11th to 18th can take the opportunity of downloading the app for free from the iOS App store.

Coachella organizer Goldenvoice together with the updated app has also released set time and added new acts to the latest list of performers. The organizers of the popular music and art festival Coachella are all out for iBeacon and the latest update is that the technology is likely to be used during this great event.

The official festival website also states that using the mobile app, attendees can also use Bluetooth to interact with beacons which may be placed all around the ground.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Adobe’s Mobile Version for its suite of Photography for iPad

Adobe Lightroom
Adobe will be introducing a mobile version of its Lightroom Raw editing program for iPad, touch friendly accompaniment for its suite of photography software bringing about powerful new tools to Apple’s iOS. Photographers had been asking Adobe for a mobile version of Lightroom for some time.

Adobe had demonstrated an early beta version of the application at a sneek peek session last year at the Photoshop World show in Las Vegas and it seems that Lightroom Mobile is now almost ready for its official launch. Adobe will make the iPad a more viable solution for the mobile version that would largely lineup with desktop version with regards to features.

 The app which is available at iOS Apple store offers users who have invested in Adobe’s ecosystem, a new way to organize and sync images within the prevailing Adobe mobile content creation leasing a version of Lightroom photo editing which is optimized for tablets. Its tagline for the product is `Take Lightroom anywhere’, and the representative indicated ecosystem with an impressive app of built-in RAW image editing functions.

Lightroom enables Tablets to edit remotely 

Adobe with its Lightroom Mobile for iPad has enabled tablets to edit remotely, large RAW image files, adding new dimension to photographer’s workflows but without any limitations from desktops and laptops. Lightroom 5 on Mac or PC with Adobe’s Smart previews technology can generate a DNG image from RAW image data and sync the file with Lightroom mobile. Moreover users can also edit this smaller file on the iPad with Lightroom’s RAW toolset and then sync the changes if any, back to the original RAW image on completion.

Users need to have Lightroom 5 running on the desktop or laptop, Lightroom’s mobile service and lightroom mobile for iPad in order to function which means that owners of non Creative Cloud Photoshop of Lightroom will need to subscribe in order to qualify for Adobe Creative Cloud product.

Various Amazing Features

Adobe had announced that the iPhone version is in the pipeline but has not disclosed the estimated release date. Some of the features include editing and organizing images from anywhere at any time, seamless sync between desktop, web and mobile, access and view photos on lightroom.

Edit everything from Smartphone photos to raw images from DSLRs with Smart Previews since Adobe Lightroom Mobile is capable of handling virtually any image format, Smart Preview creates smaller stand in files for efficient and quicker work, import images from iPhone or iPad camera roll direct into the Lightroom catalog and enhance them using familiar and powerful Lightroom tools while sharing them online easily and quickly.

Advanced Healing brush in removing unwanted flaws or objects, radial gradient tools enables to create off center vignette effects, Creating HD video slide shows with images, video clips and music, showcase images, present photos with built in slideshow and much more.

iPad 2 with running iOS 7

Lightroom Mobile for iPad from App Store is a free 41.6MB download but needs an iPad 2 running iOS 7 or later with also updated Lightroom 5.4 for Mac and a Creative Cloud Subscription.

Besides this, Adobe is also offering a 30 day free trial together with Photoshop Photography Program special which includes Photoshop CC, lightroom desktop, web and mobile, a 20GB cloud storage accompanied by Behance ProSite for $9.99 a month.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Transparent Texting Technology - Walking Friendly Phone

Transparent Texting Technology
Apple has plans to develop a walking friendly phone through transparent texting technology which will enable the user to watch before leaping and save the danger of texting while walking especially if the user is outdoors. Apple, the giant tech has filed a patent for new transparency technology designed to enable iPhone users to text messages safely while walking, in creating smarter phones to help people to see where they are heading.

Their technology would be modifying the app’s background of the text and project live video images from the rear camera on the screen on whatever is in front of the user, thereby reducing the chances of tripping or bumping into obstacles while engaged in texting messages. The user would then see of what lies ahead as they walk and avoid a collision.

The US patent first filed in 2012 refers the technology as `an user who is walking while participating in a text messaging session may inadvertently collide with or stumble over objects in his path because his attention was focused on his device’s display instead of the path that the was traversing’. In the patent design, the familiar white background to iMessage chat is substituted by video with the text bubbles either in opaque or semi opaque and the transparent texting technology can be turned on or off as per the user’s choice.

App Button Adapted for Web Browsing …..

This system can be activated with the help of the in app button which could be adapted to use for web browsing as well as iBooks with text over live background and the system would need the user to point the Smartphone directly in front of them as more phone use would provide a megapixel view of the pavement. The patent stated that the development would prevent users from `colliding with or stumbling over objects’, and was filed in September 2012, with the US Patent and Trademark Office was disclosed recently by technology journalist in America.

Credits go to Stephen Ward as the inventor of the application and he states that `the background within the text messaging session can continuously be a live and current video image of the view seen by the camera at any given moment’. Device users are now less likely to stumble over objects while texting messages while walking. The application titled transparent texting adds that `with the visual nature of text messaging session, the user would often find it difficult to divide his attention between the device’s display and the environment surroundings.

Capabilities to Alter Background Projecting Live Video images

As per report on The New Zealand Herald, the transparent texting technology will have the capabilities to alter the background of the phone’s application to project live video images with the rear camera on the device’s screen helping users to see any obstructions that may be in their way while texting and walking. It is still unknown when the device would be available to iPhone users and Apple is yet to confirm if the system will be incorporated into its next iOS system. Apple’s iOS 8 is scheduled to be released in September and will furnish updates of both iPhone as well as iPad devices technologies.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Apple Acquires UK Based Novauris Technologies

With further improvements in the technology behind Siri, Apple has confirmed to TechCrunch, that it has purchased UK based Novauris Technologies, automatic speech recognition (ASR) Technology Company. This company grew out of Dragon System R&D U.K. Ltd; is the British research subsidiary of Dragon Systems and a well known voice dictation pioneer.

The company founded in 2002, is managed by CEO, Yoon Kim, Co-founders, Melvyn Hunt and John Bridle with background work at Dragon, Nortel, SRI, Marconi and Aurix. Apple along with its confirmation to TechCrunch had remarked that `they buy smaller technology companies from time to time and that they generally do not discuss their purpose or plans’.

Financial terms of the deal had not been disclosed.Novauris began operation in March 2002 after reassembling most of the former U.K. R&D team of Dragon Systems. While founder Jim Baker funded the initial development work and originally owned the company, it was Bridle and Hunt who bought him out along with some help from other private investors in September 2004.

Thereafter they brought in Kim who headed TTS Company, NeoSpeech as CEO. Though the acquisition had taken place last year, the same had not been reported. The team, now at Apple is working on improving Siri, the speech based virtual assistant technology which come pre-installed on Apple’s mobile devices. Apple it is also rumored to be working on some significant changes to Siri with iOS 8, and probably expanding its ability to interface with third party apps.

Huge Vocabulary Automatic Speech Recognition Technology

Novauris’ technology had been used by companies such as Panasonic, Verizon Wireless, Samsung, Alpine, BMW and others and also powered much different voice in activated mapping systems. Novauris may not have been a popular name but the founders were internationally recognized speech researchers and key members at Dragon Systems, a company which was known for products like `DragonDictate’ and `Dragon NaturallySpeaking.’.

Moreover the company had been developing its own huge vocabulary, automatic speech recognition technology for access to information, locally stored on mobile devices or remote servers which had been patented in the US as well as abroad and licensed to major corporations all across the world.

Embedded as well as Server Space

The biggest difference about Novauris with regards to the competitive landscape was that they operated in the embedded as well as the server space and also owned the core engine. This has made them a very valuable asset to Apple, that they had made efforts to acquire Nuance, the technology which powered Apple’s Siri and a partnership which was not disclosed but officially confirmed only last year. Nuance Company who merged with ScanSoft in 2005 had acquired the rights to the Dragon product and offered further connection between these companies.

Novauris’ products have been supporting iOS and iPhone through its Embedded ASR – NovaSearch Compact and Server ASR – NovaSearch Server technologies. Moreover, the company’s voice recognition products also support a wide range of languages namely U.S., U.K. German, Canadian French, Singapore English, French, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Mexican Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese etc; and its applications and services have the capabilities of searching on device content such as apps, contacts, FAQs, translation, music as well as assistance with navigation or search contents on device’s App store.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Apple Leading the Way to Greener and Sustainable Internet

Apple being a tech company is reported to be leading the way towards a greener and a more sustainable internet according to a new report, The Telegraph. The first to use hundred percent renewable energy to power the iCloud was the California based company and to operate the largest private owned solar installation in the US at the North Carolina data center.

Greenpeace’s report, `Clicking Clean’, on How Companies are Creating the Green Internet, on viewing and evaluating the energy choices of 19 major tech internet companies and on surveying their electricity supply chains of over 300 data centers, ended up with the conclusion that Apple with all its data centers powered by energy from sustainable sources seemed to be more aggressive in reaching the goal of 100 percent renewable energy, declaring that the company had put in efforts in helping to set a new bar for the industry.

Greenpeace, founded in 1972, a not for profit and a nongovernmental environmental organization, has often campaigned against the worst climate offenders. Recently it has turned its focus in making the internet a greener place wherein the infrastructures can be powered by renewable energy sources. According to Gary Cook, senior IT analyst at Greenpeace, he states that Apple’s quick shift to clean energy has made it clear why it is one of the world’s most innovative and popular companies.

Apple Leading in Renewable Energy

According to a spokesperson for Apple, he states that `they believe in actions speaking louder than words, especially when it comes to issues as important as climate change, where Apple is proud to lead the industry by powering their data centers with hundred percent renewable energy for more than a year’.

He further adds that they have built the country’s largest private solar array and fuel cell installation at their site in North Carolina with innovative clean energy projects which are in the works for data centers in Nevada and Oregon. Greenpeace had earlier criticized Apple for using coal power for services like iCloud and the voice controlled `personal assistant’, Siri, more than their prevailing rivals.

Internet Energy Usage Growing Rapidly

Facebook as well as Google were commended for their energy efforts. It was reported that Facebook powered its Iowa based data center with wind energy with the energy company, MidAmerican Energy investing around $1.9 billion on one of the world’s biggest order of onshore turbines meant to meet the social network’s demand.

Google on the other hand used power purchase agreements for wind energy in providing electricity for its services like Gmail and YouTube. With Amazon Web Services, it was found that only fifteen percent of the energy was sourced with renewable energy. Company which hosted Netflix, Vine and Spotify and various others, sourced 28 percent of the demand from coal power, with nuclear energy providing 27 percent while gas provided 25 percent.

According to David Pomerantz, a collaborating author on the report states that with the internet energy usage growing rapidly, it is found that for the first time, a large number of technology leaders led by Apple, Google and Facebook are working to power the internet with hundred percent renewable energy which is a major shift.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Apple’s Deal with Chip Designer Renesas

Apple, it is reported by Japan’s largest business daily, is likely to buy the unit of a Japan based chipmaker that makes display related chip for Smartphone and is looking into acquiring controlling interest and eyeing the unit of Renesas Electronics that would help to improve image sharpness and battery life. Renesas SP Drivers is a joint venture between Renesas, Sharp and Taiwan’s Powerchip and Apple would acquire Renesas’s entire 55 percent stake for 50 billion yen ($479 million).

If the deal gets struck with Renesas, Sharp Corp would be selling all its shares in Renesas SP Drivers to Apple if the US company requests for such a transaction after a deal with Renesas, it was reported.

Sharp owns about 25 percent of the venture with Powerchip handling the manufacturing, holds the remaining 20 percent. According to Nikkei, Renesas SP Drivers being a leading supplier of driver and controller chips for small and midsize LCDs has a share of around one third of the global market. Display driver and controller chips both play a key role in the display’s quality, power efficiency and performance.

Improvement on Future iPhones

Apple’s discussion with Renesas comes as an improvement on future iPhone with larger displays for users familiar with it. As mobile screens grow larger and sharper, handset makers are heading in finding ways to make phone displays more energy efficient making them thinner.

According to Sanford C. Bernstein analyst Mark Newman, he states that `for iPhone to maintain its premium image, it has to keep pushing its technology forward especially in displays’, which is very true since user are always seeking to get more updated versions on their products.

Chip Expertise In-house

With the share of the Smartphone market falling, Apple it seems to be bringing in more chip expertise in-house heading in being a chip giant. Apple has already bought in a host of chip related companies which include PA Semi that designed and sold semi conductors and Intrinsity, a designer of ARM processor cores.

Both these chip companies have enabled Apple to move processor design expertise in-house, the result of which can be seen in cutting edge silicon like the 64 bit A7 which powers the iPhone 5S, iPad Mini Retina as well as iPad Air. According to business daily, it was reported that Apple expects to complete the stake purchase by summer and most of the unit’s 240 or more, employees in Japan are likely to stay on after the transfer that Apple is keen on completing in summer.

As Apple has relied on multiple suppliers for components, to gets all its iPhone liquid crystal display chips from Renesas SP and with image quality being a crucial thing for Smartphone, Apple probably would want to meld the design of core display components into an overall product development.

Apple acquired Israel based flash memory startup Anobit in 2012 and recently purchased PrimeSense, the 3D sensor company behind the Microsoft’s Kinect sensor. Apple’s share fell to 15.2% last year on global Smartphone shipments, with less than half of archrival Samsung with China’s Huawei along with other low cost competitors hot on its tail.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Microsoft Brings Office Suite to Apple’s iPad" For Free

Microsoft Office Suite
Office Suite Version in Word/Excel/PowerPoint

It is reported that Microsoft will be bringing its Office Suite of products to the iPads driving the point home of its long rumored version of Microsoft Office for iPads which trailed the iPhone and Android versions of software by nine months with the software going live in the iOS App Store, very soon. The Office Suite version comes with Word, Excel and PowerPoint and is available only for iPads running and can create and edit files created in other versions of the software.

They also feature the same OneDrive integration as the Windows as well as mobile version; the tablet application seems to be more capable than the mobile versions. Microsoft states that the app will preserve the formatting and visual fidelity of documents which are created on other platforms. This application would be available at no cost, though it comes with some strings attached.

Users can download the application from the App Store without an Office 365 subscription wherein they can only view and read data files but not edit them. If the need to create, improve or edit documents, an Office 365 subscription would be needed which would cost around $100 a year, as related by Business Insider.

Empowering to be Productive Across all Devices

Office seems to be the most important product for Microsoft. Microsoft is taking the risk of making Office irrelevant and though it is a bit late, its decision could be right in deciding to bring Office to the iPad. Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, states that Microsoft is willing to take risk and this move seemed important since it indicates a mindset change at Microsoft.

According to Microsoft, Office for the iPad does not seem to be an altered version of the Windows suite but made brand new for the iPad which appears to blend in smoothly on the iPad and according to Business Insider, Microsoft had invested in making the transition seamless. Microsoft has also stated that bringing Office to iPad was a way to empower people enabling them to be productive and work more across all devices.

Value Added Features

The Office for iPad in general retains some of the value added features which could be associated with Office inclusive of the ability in tracking changes and co-author documents. While tracking changes on its part does take up bulk of the Review menu in Word for iPad, it does seems to be well implemented and co-authoring support enables users to work on a document simultaneously.

Apple on its part is very much excited that the software is coming to its ecosystem. Apple spokesperson, Trudy Muller informed CNET in an email stating that they were excited that Office is coming to iPad mentioning that it was a new addition to its many existing productivity app already available for the tablet like iWork, Evernote and Paper by FiftyThree.

A Quiet update to Office Mobile for iPhone has also been issued by Microsoft and the version 1.1 of the software updates the application for iOS 7 eliminating the requirement of Office subscription. Moreover the viewing and editing of documents stored in OneDrive would be free to the user with Microsoft account irrespective of their subscription status.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My Passport Pro – Thunderbolt Powered Dual Drive Solution

My Passport Pro
Western Digital (NASDAQ:WDC) Company and world leader in storage solution recently introduced My Passport Pro, one of the first portable Thunderbolt powered dual drive solution, enabling creative professionals as well as enthusiasts, high performance and capacity in mobile solution. With user selectable RAID functionality, for MAC system, it delivers the needed performance for the most demanding application without the power adapter or extra cable and is available in the capacities of 2 TB and 4 TB. The drive is suitable for graphics professional on the lookout for high performance or consumers in need of reliable mirroring.

Western Digital’s slim line Passport drive is a good option for portable back-ups and is fairly a conventional hard drives with capabilities of high speed storage. My Passport Pro includes a Thunderbolt interface with twin hard disk which by default come configured as RAID 0 (striping) for maximum performance. WD’s Drive Utilities software can also be used to change configuration to RAID 1 (mirroring) for extra data processing, plain old JBOD for disks and will be available on OS X desktop.

Reliable for Creative Work

My Passport Pro is quite reliable to get the creative work from the field back to the studio which is powered by integrated Thunderbolt cable for true portability with speed as high as 233 MB/s for most of the demanding applications. There is no USB 3.0/2.0 port as the USB would not provide sufficient power for two internal disks and it cannot be used with older pre Thunderbolt Macs. Executive Vice President of branded products and worldwide sales, WD, Jim Welsh, states that `the only Thunderbolt dual drive solution that’s bus powered, WD’s My Passport Pro enhances the workflow of mobile creative professionals by providing fast transfers and data protection for the large amounts of digital content generated outside the studio.

He further stated that `from photographers, videographers and musicians to graphic designers and architects, people depending on portable storage for their livelihood would find My Passport Pro defining a new level of performance, reliability, especially portability’.

My Passport Pro Enables Video Manipulation 

According to Jason Ziller, Intel’s Director of Thunderbolt Marketing, he states that by combining dual storage drives on a portable, bus powered device, the My Passport Pro from WD is a powerful storage solution with high capacity for prevailing demanding users’. Powered directly through the integrated Thunderbolt cable, a design unique to WD, besides providing super fast transfer, also has edit and backup capabilities.

Superior to both FireWire 800 and USB 3.0, the Thunderbolt integrated technology of My Passport Pro enables video manipulation which is quick and easy with the ability to copy a 22 GB high definition video file in half the time that is required by a USB 3.0 drive working in RAID 0 formats. My Passport Pro, consisting of two 2.5 inch hard drives is housed in a sleek aluminum enclosure and is thoroughly shock tested for extra durability for reliable performance when working on the go. It will be available immediately by Apple and other major consumer electronics retailers as well as etailers and the pricing for the 2TB My Passport Pro will be $299.99 while the 4TB will be $429.99 USD.