Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Apple Maps Upgrades

Apple Maps
Under the hood Upgrade for Apple Maps
While walking or driving and in doubt about any location, Maps could prove to be helpful in finding the way to any destination. Maps help to navigate your way around any location providing all the details to arrive at the desired destination. Apple Maps app has been providing quality experience giving users access to different modes of relevant interest with regards to tourism, traffic or weather, wherein individuals can switch on the modes related to the situation for a custom map of their choice. Apple has plans in upgrading and making major improvements to its Maps app in iOS 8 with its focus, less on interface improvement and more on enhancement to the application for reliability and accuracy.

Features displaying related Information
It responds to input directed to features in displaying information related to the feature and tapping or clicking on highways indicates the location of the service along the highway. Moreover, tapping two points on the map also provides available routes between them together with relevant data for each route which is computed and displayed to the user. Apple has developed a chip to improve its Maps app with the introduction of its new M7 motion co-processor in the iPhone 5s mentioning that `M7 knows when you’re walking running or driving’. The Map relates between driving to walking, turn by turn navigation and if one is in a vehicle or on foot it can easily tell Maps if driving at 100mph on a road. Besides, this, according to, it also helps a person to locate the car parked automatically, if the location is known and users can now expect enhanced data with clear labeling together with a range of new features from its forthcoming version of Apple Maps.

Interactive 3D views 
In addition to this, Apple has also added public transit capabilities to the app enabling users to locate directions while using train, bus or subway transit though initial public transit information would be available in major cities only but will make headway to other municipalities over a period of time. Maps provide directions, interactive 3D views with amazing flyover features, all in a vector based interface which can be scaled or zoomed with ease. Maps helps to navigate your way to the desired destination with turn by turn spoken indication and as one approaches a turn, it speaks direction enabling the driver especially at the time of driving to keep their eyes on the road turning the screen into a 3D perspective on the road ahead.

Provision for reroutes with ETA updates
If the user enters a turn, the viewing angle also changes providing them with the direction to proceed and should they miss a turn, Maps automatically provide reroutes with updates on ETA along with signs and arrows to guide them in the right direction. It also provides information on how long it may take to get there even when the screen is in locked mode. With the help of Map, one can get real time traffic information, with calculation of ETA, details on what could be causing a backup indicating major incidents or temporary slowdown with alternative routes to save time. Apple plans to make more progress on iOS’s version of Maps with more points of interest making navigation to the locations much easier to the users. Check at Macmyth for more information and updates related to technology.

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