Saturday, March 22, 2014

Apple Expansion to Educational Content

Apple Expansion to Educational Content
Learning made more Interesting and Impressive

Recent report states that Apple has announced iBooks Textbooks and iTunes U Course Manager which will now be expanding into new markets across Europe, Latin America, Asia and other countries across the world. These iBooks Textbooks would bring Multi Touch textbooks which would be current, interactive and dynamic content to teachers and students as well, in around 51 countries including Japan, Brazil and Italy. The iTunes U Course Manager which is available in 70 countries including Russia, Thailand, India and Malaysia enables tutors in creating and distributing courses for their classrooms or even share them publicly through the iTunes U app. This amazing tools and contents made available for iPad will be providing the teachers with an improved method to customize learning which will now help teachers to create their new lesson plans with interactive textbooks together with apps accompanied with rich digital content which would make learning more enjoyable.

iBooks TextBooks – Full Screen Textbook

The idea of the iBooks Textbooks is to offer iPad users with a full screen textbook which is gorgeous, with interactive animations, with rotating 3D diagrams, flick through photo galleries and tap to play videos. Besides, the iBooks Textbooks can be updated according to events, does not weigh down a backpack or need to be returned. iBooks Textbooks now covers 100 percent high school core curriculum and the General Certificate of Secondary Education- GCSE core curriculum in the UK with around 25,000 educational titles which were created by teachers, independent publishers, leading education services companies also include new educational content from Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press together with Hodder Education.

Enriching the Language Learning Experience

According to Peter Marshall, Managing Director, ELT Division at Oxford University Press states that Oxford University Press would be using iBooks Author for Headway, Oxford’s all time best selling English language series in order to create iBooks Textbooks for iPad. He further states that in releasing thirteen new iBooks Textbooks inclusive of Headway Pre Intermediate, the best selling levels in the series would be enriching the language learning experience for students across the globe. According to Miguel Dominguez, Marketing Director of Imaxina Nova Tecnoloxias, in Spain, who is an independent educational content developer as well as publisher of iBooks Textbooks inclusive of `The Senses’, which would incorporate interactive elements like video and animated images of human ear and eye to display how the body works and believes that iBooks Textbooks would represent monumental shift in learning since they engage multiple potential of each individual student.

Share Easily Knowledge and Resources with Class and Global Audience

With iTunes U Course Manager teachers will have the opportunity to share easily their knowledge and resources directly with their class or a global audience on iTunes U. Moreover the free iOS app will also give millions of learners, the opportunity to access the world’s largest online catalog of free education content from renowned schools prominent institutions and leading universities. Besides this, iTunes U Course Manager would also enable the teachers with the ability to integrate their own documents for their course curriculum together with content from the internet with wide selections of books on the iBook Store and over 75,000 materials from prevailing iTunes U collections. More updates on technologies waits at Macmyth.
Check it out for more insight and knowledge related to Apple News.

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