
Monday, January 27, 2014

DoAT, the iOS app help you to post Google+

You have an iPhone, you read something really interesting on your phone and want to share it on Google+. But, alas, you do not have a way to do it. Fret not, there is something interesting out there and it is called DoAT. Pronounced Do@, this wonderful application allows you to share and post on Google+ on your iPhone.

The latest application from the iPhone stable, supports sharing of content from within this app to Google+. Now you may ponder as how this is possible, as sharing from within one app to Google+ has always been impossible. DoAT uses the mobile version of Google+ for enabling this sharing. This is how you go about it.
When you are browsing on your iPhone using the app and find any page which you feel is very interesting and would want to share it on Google+, all you need to do is hit the G+ icon and a new web browser will open within the DoAT application. What happens next is the surprising part. The name of the page you are planning to share along with a link will automatically be inserted. It will also notify that the sharing is happening from your iPhone via the DoAT. That’s smart marketing, especially when you are introducing a new app in the market. In fact, the social area of DoAT now includes Google+ as well, apart from Facebook.

Let me tell you that this app is not something I can call very legitimate, as it uses a bit of trickery to go around Google+ and with very good reason. This is because Google has not released an API for accessing Google+ and that is exactly the reason DoAT goes around and uses the mobile version to get its work done. This app blends social websites and information portals, thereby picking a category that most matches your phrase or key word as you enter it.

A new app is always a great asset, no matter what value it brings along. Every app will find users and more so when it is connected to Google+, which has around 20 million users worldwide, a number not easy to ignore. All said, two big companies in tech world will not approve of such a bridge so easily, especially coming in the wake of some fierce battling in the tech skies of late, and if you think you want to buy it from the apple app store, then this might take more time than anticipated. There are of course different app stores from where you can pick this up.

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