Friday, January 31, 2014

7 Key Differences Between iPhones 5S and iPhone 5C

iPhones 5S and iPhone 5C
Apple has been a pioneer as far as tech products are concerned, and even though Steve jobs is no more; the organization continues to reign the tech charts and produces one chart buster after another. Two of their latest products that have hit the markets and taken it by storm are their iPhone models, iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C. If you are stuck in a warp and unable to decide what to buy from the apple stable, here listed are seven differences between these two stars of the apple productions. Look at them and decide what you want!

First up, let me list those features that are available in one but completely absent in the other.

1. Co-Processor: A motion co-processor, you heard it right, is a feature available only in the 5S and this processes and gets you apps that the phone thinks is good for you, depending upon the user’s motion. It is a chip which interacts with the physical censors and anticipates the requirements in terms of apps that the user might need.

 2. Fingerprint Scanner: This is available only in 5S and is a great security feature for your iPhone. If you are spending a bomb buying something, you might as well ensure that it is safe and secure, and that is precisely what the fingerprint scanner does. It opens the iPhone only if you swipe your finger and the phone recognises your fingerprint.

A few other differences that could influence your decision are below:

3. Speed of the processor: 5S is supported by an Apple 7 processor whereas 5C is equipped with an A6. Needless to stay, as the numbers indicate, A7 is better than A6 processor, which makes 5S more efficient and faster; this is of course not to downgrade A6, as it is also pretty good, just that in comparison, A7 is better.

 4. Storage: 5S has a better storage capacity, up to 64GB, where as the 5C is limited to 16GB and 32 GB models. So if you want to tank up on loads of music and photos, you know what to buy.

5. Camera: The 5S camera is more efficient and holds better features in terms of dual flash for better colours and even can record in slow motion, while the 5C camera does not have these advanced features. As far as specifications go, both are 8 megapixels.

6. Colours: 5C is more youthful and vibrant with great colours like yellow, blue, pink & green, while 5S is more sober and comes in very formal colours.

7. Price: A very important factor, and you guessed it right, 5S is more expensive than 5C. With some advance features, what else can you expect? As a comparison, 32GB model of 5C costs $199, while 32GB of 5S costs $299.

Hope the above helps you make a decision. Happy shopping!!

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