Tuesday, December 17, 2013

OS X 10.9.1 is available now!

OS X 10.9.1
After several weeks of beta reserved for developers, Apple has released the final version tonight OS X 10.9.1 If you have already installed Mavericks on your Mac, you can update to the new version via the Mac App Store. As always, the manufacturer recommends the update to all users. It is supposed to fix bugs first of the new system and especially the disastrous management of Gmail accounts.

Based on the feedback received during the period, all the problems are not yet solved, and is still underway. Further bug fixing may happen after seen whether this new version fixes the remaining bugs or not. This version has build number 13B42. The latest beta availability of developers had to number 13B40. Other corrections listed by Apple Mail still concern, its smart mailboxes and contact groups.

VoiceOver function that sets all the text on the screen for visually impaired users sometimes had trouble with Emil. Another point discussed, shared Safari links were not always updated as they should. Note that Apple also offers an update of Safari (6.1.1) for owners of Mountain Lion. On the other hand, this version includes specific improvements for the last MacBook Pro Retina 2013.

The slowdowns especially with the video display on the 13“may be resolved with this update. Apple said nothing about it, but we imagine that one of the novelties of this version also is support for new Mac Pro, whose marketing is imminent, finally, if the Apple brand continues to meet its promise to leave in December. After OS X and Mac Pro, you should have the right in the wake of updates to Apple's professional software, including Final Cut Pro X and Aperture.

To return to the Mavericks, the first update "minor" is long overdue. 10.9.1 was released 55 days after the release of Mavericks. Previously, usually Apple always offers minor update to its operating system in the months following its release.

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