
Monday, September 16, 2013

The Apple Corp Attacks Yet Another Business

apple store front

A New York court allowed the Kodak Eastman Co. to sell a critical digital photography copyright after a long hearing. The decision shows that the case originally filed by Eastman Kodak against Apple in bankruptcy court is not over yet. Of the 1,100 patents Kodak hopes to liquidate this month, getting rid of this set right away was their top priority. The same judge empowered Kodak with the ability to distribute another critical patent as well. Apple had actually argued the sale of these patents known as ‘218 and ‘335 patents. Yes this was terrific news for Kodak, the judge hasn't yet cleared them to liquidate any of the other valuable patents they so desperately must sell. Apple has also claimed they have the authority over these two patents due to the collaboration of their businesses work in the 1990’s. To learn more about this, visit Keith Collier and read about it on their website.

There will be an auction to liquidate several other patents which is scheduled for later this month. The patents were portioned into a pair of different groups and the bids date was already surpassed. The Apple Corporation screwed up an attempt to force the dispute outside of bankruptcy court which would have interrupted the scheduled auction. Kodak is in desperate need of cash to pay off creditors who prevented them from filing bankruptcy in the past. A group of about seven-hundred of these properties contains a software which allows digital cameras to display photographs on monitor screens. Kodak suggests that the technologies have been a key element in the adoption of the majority of Apple's devices. This list includes the iPad, iMac and iPhone devices that as nearly everyone knows have been extremely popular. Apple has claimed ownership of this specific patent though, only about nine years after the patent was filed, according to Kodak. The other patent group totals nearly four hundred concepts of which giant Apple has been talking of suits as well. To learn more about the Fox Business News projection, visit their site.

When signing a corporate agreement, be sure to read the acceptance section very warily. When you are looking at licensing and franchising your business idea, go ahead and learn about the legalities around these business types. Remember, that an agreement isn't binding unless all participating parties initial it. If you are dismissing employees, use an authoritative background investigation source. When you want to avoid a wage and hourly lawsuit, audit your books constantly and correct all difficulties. Constantly read the qualifications and verdict record of any attorney you hire.

So how have big businesses affected you? Stories about WalMart moving into a town and crushing small store-fronts have been around for ages.  Often these former entrepreneurs end up working at WalMart to make up for the loss of income.  If you have experienced something similar, or know someone who has, we encorage you to leave us a comment below.  We're all in this together afterall; get involved in the conversation!

This article was created in cooperation with Keith D. Collier.  Learn more about them on Twitter.

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