Friday, July 19, 2013

Google Chrome 28

Version 28 of Chrome is completed and offered for download on the Google site or via the internal system to update the browser. This new version of Chrome 28 is the same as the beta version: the renderer Blink takes the place of WebKit and fitness notifications appears on Windows. Google's Chrome browser is also increasingly popular around the world. Blink is the fork of WebKit led by Google since April. The change is a priori invisible at the moment for the user, but the Mountain View Company has already started to clean up the code of WebKit as needed. Opera, which has already adopted for its home Blink browser and Adobe will be among the contributors to this new rendering engine. You can see the version number of Blink by entering “chrome: / / version” in Chrome's address bar. Another important novelty is the arrival of Notification Center. For now it is only available for Windows, it will happen "soon" on the Mac. The apps from Chrome Web Store and extensions can now display advanced containing action buttons notifications - notifications HTML5 were already supported.

In case of any notification alert of an email, a button to reply to the message and call another contact is there. Google is also preparing an API, Media Gallery, which will allow applications using Chrome to import and play files stored on the hard drive. The iTunes library will be the first case covered by this API. It begins to be implemented in the Dev version of Chrome.Since its launch in 2008, the growth of Chrome is impressive. Google has proudly announced at its developers conference that their Chrome was the most popular browser in the world, with 750 million users. The latest statistics from StatCounter prove that is right. The whole American continent is acquired him - except for Greenland. This is also the case in most of Europe and North Africa. However, Internet Explorer is still the majority in China (50% market share), which is no small thing since the Middle Kingdom were at the beginning of the year 567 million users, a figure the exponential growth.

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