
Thursday, May 30, 2013

AMD wants to add Jaguar in servers!

AMD seems to stake everything on their new Jaguar architecture. They have been planted already in the heart of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One after the other; it will be soon land in our laptops, and tablet PCs via hybrid SoC Kabini and Temash. Today, the company announced a further step ahead, as it is now the servers that are specified with the X1150 and X2150 Opteron. Jaguar continues to make its little way and landed in the servers via the Kyoto generation chips, known as references Opteron X1150 and X2150. Yes, when AMD wants, it is able to make simple and effective name, far from what is imposed on us in the consumer market. Thus, the main difference between these two chips is the presence or absence of a graphical part (X2150 only) and the minimum TDP is 9 watts or 11 watts. Maximum, this value will increase to 17 or 22 watts. This discrepancy is explained by the possibility left to the user to set the frequency in the BIOS to adjust its need heating term that is Flexible TDP.

It is of course the architecture GCN (Graphics Core Next) Radeon HD 7000 is going to be used through 128 processing units, but under the name HD 8000. The functionality of video compression and decompression hardware be also present. If Intel starts pushing his QSV solution and the Media SDK on servers, the Texan also seems to be the big competitor of the pie. Each model will have four cores at its CPU, with a maximum frequency of 1.9 GHz (X2150) or 2 GHz (X1150). At the GPU side it will vary this value from 266 MHz to 600 MHz depending on the case. For the rest, everything is the same: a maximum of 32GB of DDR3 is supported and eight PCIe 2.0 lanes, eight USB 2.0 ports, two USB 3.0 ports and two GB / s Serial ATA ports 6 are found. Everything is in a BGA type packaging 24.5 x 24.5 mm.

AMD still has some clear advantages to play, as this segment of the general public. But in both cases, the quality of image could actually help to convince the customer. We'll see what it is in practice, the inertia in terms of changing attitudes is even more important in the world of servers.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Talk With Your Chrome 27 Browser!

The new version of Google's browser is here. Yes the Google Chrome; Chrome 27 shines with faster load times and a full screen mode for Android Smartphones. On Android Smartphones Chrome displays 27 sites in full-screen mode. Adding up the loading time of websites is very fast, save all Chrome users together 510 years of their weekly life time, as in Google announcement. Chrome 27 is of fast browser, the manufacturer promises to be an average of five percent faster load times. For this, the developers have optimized the processes. However, the daily surfing these improvements are comparably small. The advantages of faster loading times should be noticed only when accessing complex pages with a variety of different elements. Google's surprise announcement that set instead of the proven WebKit technology in future on its own "browser engine" to come in the current version but not yet to be in force and only going to utilize with Google's new Chrome 28 browser-base indicator in appearance.

As usual, Google has in the new Chrome version again closed some security holes. For the discovery of the vulnerabilities of the Internet giant let go this time almost 15,000 U.S. dollars. With over $ 3,000 received from the Finnish University of Oulu, the highest premium for the detection of memory errors in the audio playback. Security researchers found a total of 14 classified as risky vulnerabilities from Chrome and those have been removed from Chrome 27. In addition, the new browser receives an improved version of the Flash Player. With Chrome 27 Chrome users get the opportunity to use the framework presented in the developer conference intelligent voice search from Google. Interestingly, Google Voice Search understands but not as an exclusive new feature of Chrome 27: In the announcement, the function appeared not once on. Go to the Google search with the latest browser version, a microphone icon appears in the input line. Have appropriate audio hardware installed or connected to your PC, ask and you dictate from then blithely go.

The version for Android devices has received an update. On Smartphones you can now surf with Chrome 27 in full-screen mode. To do this, simply scroll down to leave the address bar disappear. But on tablets that function is not yet available. Use the Omnibox to the web search, this keeps your searches from Chrome 27, instead of the current display the Google address. At the same time there is more space for your search results. For website developers; Chrome offers 27 thanks to support new HTML5 features, the easy way to integrate form elements. How to do this demonstrates in the demo page. Furthermore, the Chrome team has the developer tools optimized in some places, to facilitate the work of the web developer. Also on board is a new audio interface. Which allows feed the browser with a live stream. These benefits include the new standard for real-time communication, which Google introduced Chrome 21. In addition, the makers of Chrome have built a sync file system interface to access data from Google Drive on the Chrome apps. In addition to these changes, the new Google browser comes with a number of other minor improvements.

In Chrome 27, Google continues the trend of its predecessor. The most interesting changes for end users can be found in the Android version. While also gets the big brother profound innovations donated, but play mainly under the hood. With intelligent Voice Search you have the communication with the PC hands free for other things. In terms of speed, Google's browser leaves the competition far behind as usual.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Siri a smarter assistant!

Introduced in fall 2011, Siri was the major novelty of the iPhone 4S. This voice assistant then beta should evolve to become more intelligent, but it is clear that we are far off. Spring 2013, Siri is still wearing a letter "beta" by Apple and it is still limited, or almost. With iOS 6, he certainly won some functions, such as management of restaurants and cinema. Siri is nevertheless a few useful assistant outside the United States, where it is capable of many more things. There, he can answer general questions with Wolfram Alpha, it can reserve tables or movie tickets, but it cannot do everything, far from it. And if his personality with its sometimes funny answers impressed in 2011, it is now tired of seeing Siri fail to meet some simple requests. Already claimed for iOS 6, hopefully enriching Siri by other developers is finally on the agenda in 2013. The wizard and Apple could integrate with any task manager rather than just reminders. It could even incorporate more complete results provided by an application. This should include can easily choose the application to control, but this change makes sense and would probably raise the interest of Siri. Another element that deserves to be controlled by Siri, some simple adjustments like “activate” or “deactivate” the Bluetooth or WiFi, or quickly switch to airplane mode.

It is not related to an update of iOS, but Siri suffers from problems of understanding since its early days and although Apple has promised steady progress, we are still waiting. Too often, the evil wizard understands what you say and you have to wait several seconds and repeat, so we almost always quicker to unlock the device and manually what we wanted do with Siri. This is particularly the case for the management of messages is very buggy and malfunctions too often, so it is very convenient, especially when traveling. Siri is useful in some cases, but it is of no help in many situations. Since this is a voice assistant is the user to activate and ask him a question, then an assistant really useful would himself inform you. This is precisely the challenge as of now, the latest service from Google that is available on Android devices, but iOS. Wizard Google intends to bring you useful information based on your current situation. It may be the weather forecast for the city where you are, but also forecasts for the city where you go. If you fly, now it will display a reminder of the flight with all the necessary information. If you have an appointment at the other end of the city then It calculates the time required to get there and alert you at the right time, taking into account traffic. Apple could make Siri as a helpful assistant. The iPhone user will enter appointments in the phone and the manufacturer now has its own mapping service to calculate the route and prevent the right time. One could imagine other services in iOS 7, such as better management of cinemas with the possibility to notify Siri for your interest in a film and an alert sent automatically when it leaves. Passbook, one of the new iOS 6 could be naturally integrated display shortly before leaving your train ticket. Until then, Apple has chosen a much less intrusive than Google where everything is automatic approach. If you appreciate the discretion that Siri is activated at the request and only what is asked, it would be much more useful with an entrepreneurial spirit. If you put a roast in the oven and you ask him to set a timer for 45 minutes, should not it tell you if you have a scheduled appointment in 15 minutes?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Evoluent Vertical 4, a special Mac mouse!

The Apple Store sells exclusively the Evoluent Vertical 4 for Mac. Little known on this side of the Atlantic, the Evoluent mouse are known for their ergonomics. With their unusual shapes, they avoid the tension and pressure of certain parts of the arm and hand. The subject is discussed from time to time and the use of vertical mouse or graphics tablet against tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. The handlings of this vertical mouse are quite surprising at first, but in use, they offer a more enjoyable experience than the traditional mouse. The Mac model on sale at the Apple Store communicates with the computer using a Bluetooth connection has a knob and six buttons and powered with one AA battery. It comes with a manager to configure the various buttons available to the user. On the other hand, the Evoluent Vertical 4 has LEDs to display the speed of the pointer that you can simply adjust. In case of low battery, they alert you by blinking. As of now this mouse came in black and white colors only

Flickr offers 1TB of storage now!

Flickr is one of the Yahoo! site dedicated to sharing photos and it has just now received a significant update. All its users are now entitled to 1 TB of storage for their photos, which can store more than 400,000 photos taken with your Smartphone. This storage space is totally free, but the site does not abandon paying formulas. Very important thing is; with this storage, Flickr wants to highlight the images in their native resolution. A new design supports the change and focus on the images in the same spirit as 500px, a competing service. The images are thus put forward with; they always have more space on the page and displays in Flickr albums and photos that are much more modern than previous time. Following the trend of the moment, each account is associated with a cover image to select from the photos. The effect is very successful, provided at least enough to have great pictures. While viewing a photo, we see almost more than the image. Technical information associated with the picture, comments and other elements are relegated to a second zone and must scroll down to see everything.

 Logic for this site that wants to highlight photos of yourchoice, but it will find its bearings. Same story on the home page that totally changes to highlight the latest images from Flickr accounts you are following. Thus we find a column with their latest additions and a sidebar with some elements put forward by the site. Also at the top of its sidebar is meant for advertising: and because it is now the only justification for pay. Until then, Flickr proposed two fairly simple formulas: one free was limited to 300 MB of photos per month and a small number of albums, while the other, pay, unlimited use of the site and allowed to store and organize all your photos without limits. With this new formula is a little more complicated ... The free offer limited to 1 TB of photos, but you no longer have a monthly limit and you can store all the photos or videos you want, as you follow the general limit. It must also rely on some constraints, such as a three-minute limit for videos and 200 MB for each photo, plenty to do.

 The pro offers Flickr will disappear. All those who currently have a subscription will retain the benefits until the end of their period and then they can renew their subscription. They can keep their benefits and will not see advertising, but other users can no longer subscribe to the pay offer. We can, however, purchase a paid subscription, but the basic formula just removes the ads. For about € 40 a year, you will not see advertisement on the site, but you do not have storage space and more. To store more images, you have to subscribe additional one TB that adds another terabyte (2TB total) for 390 € about the year. It's expensive, but for comparison, Google charges the same storage space $ 100 per month. Still supply Flickr pro was more interesting for twenty dollars a year; you could use the site without limits storage space.

If you still have an old subscription, you have more benefits in keeping it. The new site fits up to a certain point on your screen for Smartphones it will always turn to mobile applications. Yahoo! has just announced the release of a new Android application that uses the new Flickr on the iOS App Store. Although some changes are going to happen, especially on the issue of the maximum amount of pictures to be stored, this update of Flickr is unquestionably necessary and is successful in all. The new modern design is nice and highlighting original photos to the best.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Enterprise Information Technology

Reliable service providers have been in operation since 1992 in producing customized solution with amazing results in video, voice, data cyber security, enterprise information technology, etc. with their focus in enhancing mission performances as well as reducing cost. Being a proven leader in applying technology with desired results, they have build and maintained leading edge infrastructure, communication, collaboration solution at the executive level and national security targeted organizations. With improved technology on the rise, the provider has been catering to solutions from the ground up, enabling in establishing a strong network that can grow steadily. Their solutions also help to integrate Enterprise IT technology investment targets, etc. enabling them to scale up or down accordingly to their business needs. They tend to work directly with government partners as well as government organizations to meet the various challenges that come their way with promising results. Their enterprise information technology supports business operations in the range of capabilities and services which include video teleconferencing, audio video engineering, systems engineering, smart phone integration, digital media, server and desktop virtualization, Centralized collaboration, Cloud computing, hosted appliances etc.

They strive to render secured and converged network of video, audio and data to a set of collaboration applications with their unified communication services that brings about effective solutions to enhance their performances and at the same time also helps to reduce the cost. With their experience of twenty years in service, they have gained the knowledge of identifying the needs of their customers, delivering the specific capabilities that customers value the most, for any business success. The company has achieved many milestones to their credit that speaks for itself on their achievements of services and accomplishments in their business world. Besides this, the company has also received recognition all through the years, which further adds to their credits on their success. All through the years they have maintained establishing relationship with long standing customers both at executive level as well as difficult to penetrate agencies, the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) and the National Institute of Health (NIH). Moreover they also had great experiences with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

IPhone 5S with new iOS 7 soon available!

According to information from insiders, the new iPhone 5S will be available as early as July and included iOS7 be delivered. Apple wants to offer its mobile system updated more frequently in a year, a modern, new design. According to releases from KDDI; a Japanese wireless carriers, the iPhone 5S will available in July, pre-orders can be made from the end of June. It is to be delivered with the new iOS7. Whether this information has hand and foot, cannot be confirmed. However, the date would fit in a further announcement regarding the WWDC, which going to be held in San Francisco on 10 to 14 June 2013. Apple itself had announced the release date of the new iOS devices in market. Sure is but to be expected with the introduction of the new iOS7. Thus, Apple would bring fresh air into its mobile system.

Gives you the messages with assurance, a complete reworking of the surface is performed. iOS7 to get a clearer and more streamlined design. The design should be kept very flat. Among the changes are probably also redesigned toolbars and icons, one of the sources says the new concept of iOS7 concept even from a Microsoft "Metro" interface. Exciting the speculation about the iPhone 5S. It should contain a sensor that is used to identify the user and can be used for the transfer of money. Of a further detail is mentioned, a kind of filter for the iPhone screen. It is to be seen whether the release date in July will truly realized.

Digital Publishing Solution!

Technology has been improving the various activities involved in our daily lives with the use of advanced solutions and software making headway in the smooth functioning of our overall working system. For all digital and publishing needs, service providers have been catering to technology software for digital publishing of documents for desktop and mobiles, which is eco friendly, easy and affordable. Digitizing publication helps in a paper free world which plays an important role in preservation of environment which is a necessity in the present world. With the reduction in paper, there is a decrease in printing and green house gases, trees are saved bringing about a healthy environment. In the present scenario, digital is getting more preference due to the fact that it can be accessed through iPhone, iPad mobile devices wherein they have the option of downloading apps and paid for content. Useful information and guidance is provided to the user at the site, with the option of a free trial with instructions to enable them to benefit from the same. Moreover, live customer support is also available for the user in case of any queries

The basic features of page flip software are integrated html, flash, widget, readers get the opportunity of high resolution reading experience for the finest print, can use the built in social book marking tools for promotion as well as share publication on Facebook, Twitter etc. They are searchable using keyword with quick access to the desired content. The user is also in control with the features like auto play or play on zoom and many more, which are displayed with details at the site. To gain all the knowledge and information pertaining to their features and benefits, users could get started with a free trial and envisage the benefit of converting a PDF file into a live interactive page flipping application, by furnishing the desired details at the site or could also contact them through phone, details of which are displayed at the site. A demo is also provided with the assistant of their customer service representative who gets in touch with the customer within 24 hours on submission of details required by them.

Skype abandons Leopard 6.4

Skype abandons Leopard 6.4 abandons Leopard and improves its messaging. Skype now claims at least Snow Leopard to run. Leopard users will have to stick to the previous 6.3. The latest update improves the conversation history, it uses the principle of continuous motion that allows to go back in trade simply by scrolling without its historical purpose, without the deadline if the first message. More you scroll quickly further back quickly in its history. It is also possible to Ctrl-click in the window, jump to a specific time period. This new feature requires a prior historical indexing when you first launch the software. The search function in cats is now part of the conversation window instead of using a second window. Then it's in the preferences is now the option to make the display more compact style conversations (Messages tab). For purposes of consistency between clients on different OS, Skype has reduced the possibilities of this feature.

The sending and receiving function of a contact list has been revised in its presentation, with the use of a list that can extend and in which we can recover the contacts on all of a sudden or one by one. Finally, the transfer function file is also modified by allowing the recipient to re-accept the operation even if it has already happened or it has not been carried forward, it will truly become impossible when the sender will be canceled. And it improves its messaging. Skype now claims at least Snow Leopard to run. Leopard users will have to stick to the previous 6.3. The latest update improves the conversation history, it uses the principle of continuous motion that allows to go back in trade simply by scrolling without its historical purpose, without the deadline if the first message. More you scroll quickly further back quickly in its history. It is also possible to Ctrl-click in the window, jump to a specific time period. This new feature requires a prior historical indexing when you first launch the software.

The search function in cats is now part of the conversation window instead of using a second window. Then it's in the preferences is now the option to make the display more compact style conversations (Messages tab). For purposes of consistency between clients on different OS, Skype has reduced the possibilities of this feature. The sending and receiving function of a contact list has been revised in its presentation, with the use of a list that can extend and in which we can recover the contacts on all of a sudden or one by one. Finally, the transfer function file is also modified by allowing the recipient to re-accept the operation even if it has already happened or it has not been carried forward, it will truly become impossible when the sender will be canceled.

Microsoft trying to get iTunes for Windows 8!

Microsoft, which now has about 60,000 apps in the Windows Store, likes to think that Apple will unveil a version of iTunes for Windows 8. American society also presses the Cupertino Company to do so. But officially, said aware that this is certainly not right away. Many applications come in the Windows Store since the launch of Windows 8 in October. Microsoft announced and 60,000 are now identified and that by next fall, the kiosk should include key. But it is one that the Redmond giant would certainly see happen is iTunes. In fact, according to The Verge, which seems to have sources close to the matter, the main query that made by their users in the Windows Store is the service of video, music and Apple applications. Our colleagues add that Microsoft is in talks with the Cupertino Company to get things done, but in the end, nothing happens at the moment.

In an interview between CNNMoney and Tami Reller, the new head of Microsoft finance gives a message that wants clearer that “You should not expect to see iTunes for Windows 8 before ages. Demand for iTunes is very strong. The red carpet has been prepared. It's not for lack of trying. “This message is actually very clear; Apple seems to slow their heels. This is reminiscent of the words of Bill Gates with Office a few days ago by the way, which indicated that only Microsoft platforms were entitled to the suite and it was a real plus in the world of tablets. The question is whether Apple will still change its mind sooner or later. While sales of Windows 8 just crossed the 100 million copies sold, it remains that the installed base with other versions of Windows machines is much more important. It definitely is a competitor service. But for now, there is no real competition to iTunes in terms of volume to push anything. In addition, no statistical behavior of users of Microsoft booth is available to date to assess the merits of going to this platform yet.

Nokia's Windows Phone Lumia 925

The Lumia 925, the new terminal on Windows Phone 8 is adorned with an aluminum hull, corrects the defects of its predecessor and once again puts the focus on the picture quality and features associated with the image and video. Nokia does not slow down the pace. Having expanded its portfolio of Smartphones, Lumia the mid entry level at the recent Mobile World Congress, the world number two now reviewing its premium offering with the Lumia 925, introduced as the successor to the 920. It is indeed a good time to Finnish. On the one hand, the strategy around Windows Phone 8 slowly starting to bear fruit. While Nokia is still far from a Samsung or Apple, but it comes from afar. In the first quarter, sales of Lumia jumped 27% over three months to 5.6 million units against 4.4 million between October and December. On the other, it is too strengthen against the top models of competition, namely the Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC One or the Sony Xperia Z. With Lumia 925, the manufacturer considers to reach the level of these predators. In fact, this Smartphone corrects the defects of its predecessor, the 920. It is also presented as a "new interpretation" of this model. The 920 is a good device, but it may be a little heavy, a little thick for the European but Lumia 925 is rather thin and light.

Thus, for the first time in this range, the 925 is adorned with an aluminum shell look great instead of colored plastic. It does not acknowledge that 139 grams on the scale for a thickness of 8.5 mm. This is the finest of the 900 range. Also this update aesthetics welcome, Nokia renewed emphasis on functions related to image and video, new anchor communication of the firm developed. "Take pictures, edit them, share them are the most important to consumers today use. The OS also plays a role, but the picture is a selection criterion increasingly critical," suggests Jo Harlow, Vice President and General Manager of Smart Devices, Nokia. And it is true that this communication manufacturer now revolves around this point: the quality of the shots, especially in harsh environments, such as low light.

Specifically, the 925 PureView loads a new lens technology to take pictures and "clearer and sharper, especially in low light conditions" videos. It is also correct some defects Lumia in the past. Meanwhile, Nokia introduced a new mode of called Nokia Smart Camera imaging, which can take ten images at once and edit photos using options such as Best Shot (Best shot), Action Shot (Action Photo) and Motion Focus to obtain the most satisfactory image. Some of its functions are not new, they are found especially in BlackBerry 10, but it is this kind of gadget that Nokia wants to make a difference. It is also worth noting that this feature will be available for update on all smart phones Lumia series.

Nokia also announced a new application called Hipstamatic Oggl that can take, edit and share pictures including Instagram. Recall that the popular Instagram is still not available for Windows Phone 8 (which currently has 145,000 applications). Technical side specification, the Lumia 925 is 4G, it features a 4.5-inch screen (1280x768), a dual heart Snapdragon processor 1.5 GHz, 1 GB RAM, 16 GB of internal memory, 7 GB SkyDrive storage free. The camera sensor displays PureView 8.7 megapixel camera with optical image stabilization (OIS), autofocus, dual LED flash, 1080p HD at 30 frames per second video. Everything is driven by Windows Phone 8. With this new Smartphone, which can eventually qualify as camera phone image is highlighted, Nokia does it amplify the tremor observed in recent months. The intensity of competition does not promote the Finnish but it is now much better emphasized by distributors, "always looking for an alternative" to iOS and Android, said Patrick Chomet, Vodafone.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sharp Smartphone AQUOS 206SH 5 "Full HD

Sharp has unveiled AQUOS 206SH, a Smartphone 5 inch Full HD Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) which has several interesting features for Japan only. It is sealed against dust and water. The Japanese manufacturer Sharp has just lifted the veil on a new Smartphone running Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean): The AQUOS 206SH. It seems that for the moment for the country of the rising sun at the operator Softbank, but it remains a high-end very interesting that has some rather welcome ideas model. A 5-inch screen Full HD consumes less than competitors

This Smartphone is certified to be dust-proof as well as water proof when it is immersed in water to a depth of one meter. Its screen is a model with a 5-inch Full HD 1080p (1920 x 1080 pixels) like some high-end models this year (HTC One, Samsung Galaxy S4 and Sony Xperia Z). For cons, the manufacturer makes a bold gamble to use a TFT panel "CG Silicon" it produces and offers lower than what is used in competitive consumption. The interior is fairly standard for such a Smartphone. We found a SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro with a quad-core CPU at 1.7 GHz and Adreno 320 GPU. The whole is accompanied by 2GB of RAM while the storage includes 32 GB and can be expanded to 64GB via a memory card reader. The connectivity is based on the 802.11ac Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, and of course, a 4G modem is the game. Video of 13.1 megapixel sensor / (1080p compatible) takes place in the back while a second front has 2 megapixels (also 1080p).

But one of the most interesting points is that Sharp has decided to put a high-capacity battery in a Smartphone: 3070 mAh. Indeed, it has almost the same as in Samsung Galaxy Note II (3100 mAh). The bigger battery and a screen that consumes less than average are two arguments that the Japanese manufacturer to indicate that the AQUOS 206SH has a range of two days of battery power. As we mentioned, this high-end device is not yet announced in Japan through a single operator, Softbank, with availability for the next month. The rate has meanwhile not yet been mentioned. In the end, this announcement from Sharp seems more important to signal a point that their smart phones tend to become larger and larger, and more powerful in the process. Yes, but the autonomy that regress at best stagnates from one generation to another.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Keyboard shortcuts “KillerKeys VR”

KillerKeys VR is a Bella Corporation’s program that displays the keyboard shortcuts in the form of a virtual keyboard. There are other applications offering something comparable as freeware like CheatSheet but KillerKeys VR gives much more freedom, options, and has a more intuitive interface. The program is free to download, but its business model is identical to some similar applications: it comes with shortcuts to some applications like Mac OS X 10.7 and 10.8, Chrome, iTunes, Safari, and Firefox. For all other applications available, you have to pay online and download.

Unlike simple free apps, which simply seek the list of keyboard shortcuts for the application, without displaying those found in sub-menus, or without offering a convenient way to search or sort when the software has in many, KillerKeys VR offers a more complete solution. The program is not only a simple window with a list of shortcuts. It comes in the form of a virtual keyboard, somewhat reminiscent of the "Keyboard Viewer" in Mac OS X. You can change its size to make it take up as little space as possible to the screen, or otherwise favor the visibility of information by making him take a maximum size. The opacity is configurable, as well as display QWERTY or AZERTY. A button is there to bring up the foreground permanently. You can also call up the numbers in the form of a numeric keypad to the right of the virtual keyboard.

Interactive, on-screen keyboard change the information displayed in the various function keys like Control, Option and Command, pressed the screen on the virtual keyboard or actually KillerKeys VR on the keyboard of your Mac. These function keys are also "locking" to facilitate the search shortcuts. The display of the corresponding hotkeys uses color codes to help locate them. In addition, KillerKeys VR displays an information summarizing the command for the key on the keyboard is allowed to stand mouse bubble. A more complete version existing, KillerKeys Pro for the moment just on a home computer is also being developed on Mac. She added including pallets shortcuts freely configurable and floating above the interface of the application in which you want to use.

Finally, an iPad app should be offered on the iTunes Store in May ($ 9.90 or provided with the purchase of KillerKeys Pro). It will store shortcuts as icons that can launch a touch of the finger, without the need to widen the memory to remember the proper combination of keys. App contact KillerKeys VR through a WiFi connection. It will automatically recognize the program used on the Mac, and propose widgets (jog, sliders, virtual keyboard also includes the function keys on a Mac ...) to touch and easy access to the application settings.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Huawei Ascend Mate

Its 6.1-inch display makes the Huawei Ascend Mate one of the greatest Smartphone in the world. With an extremely large display with a diagonal of 6.1 inch is the Huawei Ascend Mate, a blend of tablet and Smartphone. You may call this as "phablet".  Lightly brushed, titanium-colored plastic frame, a rubber backing coupled with an impeccable processing - the Ascend Mate does not look cheap. On the right side you will find the lock switch and a volume control.  Since the battery is securely installed, there are two flaps. Top left is hiding the SIM card behind the side door the microSD card disappears. As a small but nice addition to a status LED still hidden behind the earpiece mesh.

Whopping 6.1 inches (15.49 cm) screen size offers the Huawei Ascend Mate, again 1.5 cm more than the previous leader Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Both do not have a full HD display, but offers a resolution of 1280x720 pixel ("HD ready"). The strong color display is easy to read even when viewed from the side and only slightly distorted colors. Corning Gorilla Glass protects the surface from scratches. Although a quad-core processor, which means that Huawei's proprietary processor (Hi-Silicon K3V2) with 1.5 GHz lags behind the current Qualcomm Snapdragon processors. The K3V2 joins at the level of the Nvidia Tegra 3 chipset one, depending on the chipset and device used, it is between the LG Optimus 4X HD and the HTC X +. The RAM is rated lush with two gigabytes, which certainly is becoming increasingly important for future Android versions. In Smartphones, the display is the largest electricity consumer. Huawei Ascend plans ahead and treats the material with a 4,050 mAh battery, and it is having power almost twice as compared with Samsung Galaxy S3. It has Eight gigabytes of memory but just six gigabytes are available.

Huawei Ascend Mate inbuilt with an  eight-megapixel camera and a front camera with a megapixel. But the image quality disappointed. The sharpness filter ensures exaggerated strong edges, details disappear and the images appear pale and discolored. Huawei has been using several versions of a redesigned user interface devices. Emotion UI should facilitate entry into Android and make it clearer. The experienced Android users looking desperately at the start menu icon, because Huawei is based on Apple's design: Each screen displays 25 icons that can be divided into folders. Programs and widgets are also share this space. Adjustments were also at the keyboard, but based on the quality of the camera: while there is a menu item to the AutoCorrect, but it could have done without you. The Huawei Ascend Mate stuck with DLNA, Wi-Fi (a / b / g / n), WiFi Direct Bluetooth 4.0 and all standard communication standards. LTE does not support the giant Smartphone, however. Since early April, the Ascend Mate is available in black and white in Europe. The suggested retail price is 499 Euros. The Huawei Ascend Mate can also make calls, but it is primarily a multimedia machine on the internet surfing, video, and view pictures right fun. The screen is bright, with good viewing angles and bright colors. Anyone looking for a large screen then it is the best option for them.