Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sunscreen That Charges Smartphone By Wysips

A Smartphone that recharges itself, is what promises Wysips, Crystal photovoltaic a film which turns the screen into a kind of small solar panel. Matthew Broca's market leader in Europe Wysips furnished the details on the occasion of the presentation of the first functional Smartphone equipped with this technology. Wysips is a subsidiary of Sun Partner, who is a specialist photovoltaic solution based in Aix-en-Provence. "Crystal Wysips took three years of research and development," says Matthieu de Broca, "in 2011, we were limited to 70% transparency, and we now reach 90%." Suffice to say that the technology can be integrated into Smartphone.

At first glance, the film having a thickness of 500 microns and placed between the screen and the touch screen of the phone seems invisible. "You can notice a slight iridescence depending on the angle," says Matthew Broca - he had to say for the one sees. The brightness and contrast are affected by the presence of the film, but it is so marginal that it is impossible to notice without a Lumia 610 unmodified to compare. Better yet, the film can improve the performance of the screen, once when the component Wysips up a screen with poor viewing angle becomes a screen with a viewing angle of 180 ° with the optical properties of the film. They are focusing in that the component Wysips Crystal should not cause reliability problems and it can be operate from -25 ° to 70 ° and should function 7 years at least.

The Lumia 610 was not designed to handle the load from the movie Crystal (0.6 V), a housing containing a voltage booster is now required. "In the future, the component will be natively integrated with Wysips the phone battery or connected to the control circuit power of the phone," says Wysips. The sun, the power generated by the component Wysips reached 2.5 mW / cm ²: What win 2-4 minutes of battery every 10 minutes of exposure with this screen 3.7 "which offers an exhibition area of 39 cm ².

Power is obviously weaker indoors under artificial light. Crystal Wysips rather allows to consider not consume battery when the device is idle on a table, offset operations research network, or gain a few tens of minutes of battery that can be valuable later in the day. In the future, however, Wysips Crystal could be even more useful. If it can already adapt to all screen types (LCD, OLED, eInk, MEMS ...), it will soon be integrated with screens finest passing 300 microns thick this year. It can already generate 10 mW / cm ² with a transparency rate of 60 to 70%, but should be able to generate 5 mW / cm ² in a few months, and even 10 mW / cm ² in 2014 with a transparency rate of 90 to 95 %.

Wysips soon have production lines in Rousset. They will not be used to produce displays with, but rather "to continue research and development and to develop industrial processes." The French company works with screen manufacturers and devices so that they integrate themselves Crystal technology in their products: a first unit equipped should be sold before the end of the year - the name of the manufacturer is for the moment a mystery.

This film best suits the phones 3.5 "to 5", but can also be integrated into tablets and computers up to 13.3 "diagonal" by the third quarter of this year. "French company detailed more that it would go perfectly in watches, electronic labels and jackets, devices that consume little and accept many of the limitations of the technology Crystal - and therefore could happen in the future charger.

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