Saturday, June 9, 2012

Apple TV: a rumor too good to be true?

This is the buzz of the moment. A source site Cult of Mac swears he approached a prototype of the Apple TV. Specifically, the device would look like an Apple Thunderbolt Display screen, in much bigger. No surprise, he would board three key technologies from Apple to distinguish themselves from the competition: an iSight camera to make FaceTime family, AirPlay easily stream content stored on other Apple devices (Mac, iPad, iPhone ...) and Siri (to control the Apple TV). To this we should probably also add icloud.
It's not a secret, Apple is seeking by every means to enter this market. In his biography, Steve Jobs does not hide it, this is one of the major objectives it set itself.

But this rumor is still surprising to more than one point. Even if the most optimistic to want to believe the marketing of Apple TV later this year, the vast majority of observers do not expect anything before 2013.

Therefore, when we know the culture of secrecy from Apple, you can imagine really hurt someone who is not affected by this project, have access to a prototype and balance information to the site came first. The approach is simply suicidal for anyone wishing to keep his job ...

Apple seeks does not play with the rumor? Long been believed that the iPhone is somehow an iPod with a phone function. With hindsight, we know that such an object has long been discussed internally at Apple and has even been developing quite advanced. But soon he was sidelined in favor of the project iPhone as we know it today.

This did not stop Apple from using this project as a red herring for the rumor sites. A red herring that allowed him to work in great secrecy on his other project ...

Apple does it seek not to distract "with this prototype" that would be the famous iPod iPhone to dial? Better yet, also deceived his world, this rumor would also conduct an internal witch hunt to see who peddles information to rumor sites. 

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