Sunday, May 27, 2012

Heredis, MacFamilyTree version and omhiGene: comparison of three genealogy software for Mac - I

Following our recent test Heredis, many reactions reported its main competitors. So today we offer a comparison of three solutions on the Mac genealogy: Heredis, and omhiGene MacFamilyTree version.


The comparison was made from a genealogy created and exported from Heredis "Blue" and then imported into the other two software. Tests were then directly entering practiced, and various usability testing (research, document editing, etc..). Some items such as generation of trees or looking for people alone deserve full articles; this article it focuses on an overview of the three applications.

This comparison was conducted between April and May 2012 on Blue Heredis, MacFamilyTree version 2.6.11 and 5.24.7 ohmiGene. It is of course many other applications of genealogy, but we selected the three best known. GeneaWiki offers a complete list and annotated genealogy solutions for Mac and other platforms.

General Interface

Many users complain that the basic functions of OS X are not supported by Heredis, which uses its own mechanisms; particularly in terms of interface (close buttons on windows for example). The trend was greatly improved with the latest version of Heredis: text boxes, for example, are now "real" text boxes Mac. As its name suggests, MacFamilyTree version is actually very Mac, and this an interface much more responsive and modern than its competitors. 

  In general, it is also faster than Heredis and ohmiGene including when trees lists and have large numbers of individuals. OhmiGene is dense, very dense. The information is packed onto a single window with many icons, color code representing the hierarchy of information ... enough to make you dizzy at first launch. This software developed in REALbasic provides a complete interface but very outdated.

Pallets & additional windows

The main window can be divided into several pallets in Heredis and MacFamilyTree version, including access to editing functions. Heredis has a small advantage in the field, since it will hide certain fields to actually create a custom interface, while MacFamilyTree version does better than to move some fields. OhmiGene least on this point is modular: it concentrates all the information on one area where the information overlap.


The assistance is for once Heredis support standard OS X, very slow to load when it is composed only of text. Mixture of manual and guide enriched by numerous links between items, it is generally clear, legible and complete.

 The assistance of MacFamilyTree version comes in the form of a simple PDF very readable, but not necessarily comprehensive, because not always updated with the latest features. It should be stressed that is complemented by a detailed thirty videos and frequently asked questions ... in English.

Again, ohmiGene is almost too full: his assistance is extremely detailed to the point of being indigestible - every action is detailed and explained, but also programming choices, which may be superfluous in this context. Context-sensitive help, lighter and accessible, and available in the status bar, but no index is proposed.

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