Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Microsoft Office for iPad shows [Update x3]

The Daily produces a picture of what it presents as the adaptation of Microsoft Office for the iPad. There is only entitled to the home screen with three buttons linking to Word, Excel and PowerPoint. 

However the website claims to have used a prototype briefly after IOS. It has an interface similar to the OneNote application already offered on the App Store with some accents of the interface Metro. 

It can be used to create and edit Word, Excel and PowerPoint locally and online.
According to the Daily contact, no version for Android is currently underway and an update of OneNote iOS to happen, also with loans to Metro. Office iPad is now almost completed and its output or a matter of weeks.

The Daily had mentioned this port in November, speaking to an output for 2012, also this year with a major update to Mac Office.

[Update @ 8:35 p.m.] In a statement to a blog of The New York Times, Microsoft denies these rumors block, "the Daily is based on unfounded rumors and speculation. We have nothing to add. "This does not necessarily mean that Microsoft does not prepare for iPad version of Office, but its release would, therefore, never plan for the coming weeks.

[Update @ 10:20 p.m.] And the Daily responded to accusations from Microsoft explaining that their application was shown on an iPad by a Microsoft representative, providing as evidence a picture of the icon on a 3G iPad (via). In its denial, Microsoft does not deny that directly iPad version of Office is developing, and the Daily may seem he provide evidence of its existence.

[Update @ 10:35 p.m.] The game of ping-pong continues: Microsoft told the site The Verge that the statements of the Daily change do nothing "capture provided by the Daily shows no Microsoft software. "The Redmond seems this time to deny the very existence of an iPad version of Office.

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