Friday, February 10, 2012

Apple T1 2012 results: everything you need to know

Apple presented its financial results for the first fiscal quarter of fiscal year 2012. This quarter, which ended December 24, 2011, is the first since the death of the co-founder Steve Jobs. 

Quarter holiday season, the T1 is traditionally a "big" quarter, and it is further reinforced this year by marketing the iPhone 4S, which should have a positive impact on the turnover, the profit and gross margin. 

Peter Oppenheimer, Apple's chief financial officer, and had set a very ambitious target to $ 37 billion in revenue and earnings per share of $ 9.30 per share.

Revenues and other financial data

These figures are well above those of Q3 2011, with record quarter for Apple 28.6 billion in revenue. The Cupertino Company offering a traditionally conservative estimate and analysts are generally below the actual figures, and Wall Street observers have engaged this time: the consensus is 41.87 billion dollars in sales for a profit of $ 11.57 per share. As usual, bloggers are more optimistic (estimated between 41.23 and 45.06 billion dollars in turnover and 11.01 to 12.80 TO $ per share) and professionals (estimated between 35.29 and 41, $ 81 billion in turnover and 8.88 to 11.45 TO $ per share). 

And also as usual, actual results were well above estimates: Apple has announced a turnover of 46.33 billion dollars (63.88 +% over Q4 2011 / 73.26 + % from Q1 2011) and a net profit of 13.06 billion (97.28 +% over Q4 2011 / + 117.67% from Q1 2011), or $ 13.87 per share. It will be understood, this quarter is not only a record quarter, it is a historic quarter.

Gross margin, as expected, reached a record level of 44.70% (40.30% in Q4 2011) - this is still well above forecasts, which agreed to an already very comfortable 42.1 %. The United States has taken this quarter a little weight in the results of Apple: they represent 42% of sales. 


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