Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Revolution of the PAF

If Google was the first chopping to set foot directly into the TV, the initiative has so far been a dismal failure, attracting the hostility of the television channels who refused to see Google put its advertising over their content. Connected televisions have beautiful invade CES last year, mayonnaise has so far not taken in all initiatives affecting near and far to the media, Apple has always had at heart to act with the consent rights holders (even sometimes engage in real wrestling). We saw this difference in culture shine again there is little Match with iTunes, Apple is the only supplier of this type of solution has first signed an agreement with record companies, which enabled him to offer a solution much more elegant (including avoiding unnecessary upload data it already has on its servers).

If Apple reproduced with the same recipe on TV, everyone would benefit: the chains would have absolute control over the dissemination of their content and not be subject to the constraints of a broadcast network they depended far. The standoff between LCI (TF1) and CanalSat (group Canal Plus) has been one of the illustration this year, CanalSat requiring a sharp decline in prices for the contract exclusive channels TF1, which in turn attempted to LCI on DTT.

Viewers for their benefit from new services and new patterns of consumption of images, and Apple would be the sole intermediary between the two, making profits on the sale of equipment as it always has. "I finally cracked it "

The biography of Steve Jobs describes his "Eureka" on television: he would have eventually managed to solve the thorny problem of marketing caused him so much trouble. It's hard not to see a natural consequence of the investment channels of iOS.

If Apple was able to offer a TV whose use would be as radically different as the iPhone was in its time, it could get away without having to sign any agreement with the broadcast networks: everything could go Internet, with each channel offering its "app" dedicated. The thing however will not be a foregone conclusion: the rate of fleet renewal is far slower for the TV market for smart phones or computers, and will require Apple TV raises enough enthusiasm for justify an early renewal and thus hope to develop a solid platform and a potential audience quite off. And there what come up with something radically different at low cost. As long as the chains increase the cache size on the server side, which currently runs on a few minutes in general, it would be possible to return any current program since its inception without needing to program anything either for the end user. Centralization of remedial programs for all channels, coupled with a system like Smart Playlists in iTunes, allowing each viewer to realize his ideal chain. Even more need for more boxes and son, between the WiFi interface on the TV, and online services that can be interfaced course, juggling between the remotes will belong to the past. Even game consoles are likely to disappear with the cloud computing: a service like OnLive will likely be offered on the Apple TV without any hassle for the end user. One can easily imagine an open architecture that allows a host of services fit into the portal Apple - it seems likely, for various reasons, Apple does not exercise editorial control as tenuous as the App Store It is also shown much more flexibility about movies, music, books, and ... TV.  Rest series to see how all this coat interface. Obviously, if Apple wants to offer a rich interactive experience to use applications (and invent new ways of using), he must offer better than the remote, and the multitouch screen does not appear more an option from the back of the sofa. But between Siri, the various patents natural interface for Apple TV which has the potential synergy with other iOS devices, the experience of the iTunes Store, and know-how of the firm at the apple, it has plenty to amaze us. Let us not forget also that Microsoft is already in the running with the couple and Xbox 360 Kinect, offering television services connected with an innovative interface.

Of course, access to broadband is still far from universal channels do not broadcast their programs in iOS 640x360, below the standard definition for NTSC (640x480), so far from the HD . But the deployment of 4G LTE, as the new national broadband network in addition to ADSL and optical fiber is expected to reduce the white areas.

It should also highlight the quirks of the French government repeated its management of its intangible heritage: the promise of "compensatory channels" on TNT for the historical chain, the transition from MPEG2 to MPEG4, which left behind the first buyers of decoders for pay channels, and an auction 4G spectrum will cause problems of interference with the TNT.

This is in fact a lot of conjecture, and as many reasons that might dissuade Apple to launch: between laboratory works and to market a new product, there are many steps. At most, do we know that Apple is working on the issue, and nothing says it will soon bring a new answer. However, the context seems to favor it plays a decisive card, and judging the state of current solutions, it is likely to propose radical changes.

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