Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Overview of iBooks Author

Author iBooks is Apple's solution to quickly and easily interactive textbooks. What is the solution in practice? If you know of Pages (€ 15.99) or Keynote (€ 15.99), you will not be disoriented by opening the application for the first time. Apple did not just draw inspiration from its iWork to create iBooks Author: the new application is based on the suite Apple. From the opening, there is the traditional list of models. Apple offers only six, but six very different with specific guidance. Feel free to adapt them to your needs and possibly create your own templates. Legacy of Pages, Author iBooks can manage styles (the drawer above left), chapters and sections, and all options for changing the text are also meeting both you say, it was almost free with a Pages last application for Apple Mac.
Almost Only: Author iBooks is not thought of as a word processor, it can open its own documents (packets with extension IBA) and he knows that in his export format (ePub a disguise) or PDF. Author iBooks that is not based word processing: As mentioned, the application also draws on elements of Keynote or Page Layout Page. We find and manage objects on the page, the rules of alignment or the publisher of charts and tables.

Apple has gone much further, however. The basic textbook presented today is based on the interactive touch. Specific tools have been developed to Author iBooks in the form of widgets. September widgets are available in this first version:
  •     Gallery creating a photo slideshow
  •     Multimedia data that inserts a video
  •     Revision that creates QCM
  •     Keynote, which allows you to insert a complete
  •     Image that adds interactive legends in the form of bubbles in a 3D image
HTML further expands the possibilities by accepting any piece of code HTML5 and JavaScript. For each widget, the inspector provides options tailored. This adds very easily a good dose of interactivity and HTML widgets Keynote and especially points to create a virtually endless.

Another new feature compared to the suite of Apple, the management of a glossary. Author iBooks can easily add words to the index definition to associate and connect to both instances of the word in the book and other related terms. The set runs again very simple: select a word, add it to the glossary and write the definition. You can then drag related terms in the box Author easily allows to link a term with its definition through the glossary. The application also knows how to link to a widget, renowned in the Figure Inspector. The internal links are still very limited as always, as in Pages; manually add bookmarks to link to the bookmarks.

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